A/N: Hey everyone. This was posted before but I took it down a while ago because it was terrible. I edited it a lot which took quite a bit of time. Anyway I am happier with it now. So after heavy editing I am finally re-posting this poem with the much-improved version.

Reminiscences of a Twin

We have always been connected.
After all, we’ re one and the same.
And when you were infected
I wanted to take away your pain.

They say I shouldn’t take the blame
So why do I feel this way?
I turn my head away in shame
and am left with only dismay.

And now you lay upon this bed
With your lifeless and ashen skin
I wish that I could take your stead
And release my pain from within.

I hate to see you in pain.
You cry out often as you sleep.
And sometimes my only aim
Is to pour out my tears and weep.

Ada tells me to get some rest
And Glorfy begs me to eat.
But I can’t fulfill their requests
When your heart erratically beats.

I love you so much, muindor nin.
I refuse to leave this room
Until I have seen your bright gleam
And normal life has resumed .

I’ ll continue to watch nightly
And hold my hand in yours
I’ll hold it forever tightly
And down all my tears will pour.

Oh brother, how I miss you.
I miss your carefree laugh.
This illness will be hard to go through
But you won’t walk alone on this path.

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