Scene with Smegol and Deagol in the Beginning:

~Well, you just stranngled your friend for a Ring. I don’t want to be your friend…

~Obviously when you said you’d be Best Friends Forever you only wanted the snazy friendship Ring..


~Did anyone else notice a large dog walk by while they were talking??

Gondor–Minas Tirith

~Oh sure! In the FINAL movie Pippin reveals his hidden tallent…singing!

~Whoops! How did that not get edited out. Peter you missed Denethor eating messily! Re-cut! Re-cut!

Battle of Legolas vs. the Oliphaunt

~Sure Legsie! You can take an Oliphaunt 1000 times your size..

~AHEM! What was Peter Jackson thinking giving Legolas so few scenes?? When he is clealrly the main character!

~How on earth was this Legolas’s main scene?

The Black Gate of Mordor

~Well Aragorn, Eomer, (some flag dude), Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf, Merry and Pippin ride up to the gate and it just hit me…

Sauron: What do Three Men, Two Hobbits, a Elf and a Wizard come to Mordor?

Sounds a bit like guys entering a bar joke, don’t it???

~Facinating…The Eagles always help.

Gondor Renewed: Return of the King

~Sure Aragorn! The day you are crowned King you wash your hair!!

~Wow! Aragorn sings..what a day for him!!

~*ahem* Why was Legolas given a girlish crown…??..

~Evidence that Elrond has been there…A TIARA ON A MALE ELF!! (Watch out…dresses are next…)

~*hahhah* All the other Hobbits, once told they will be bowed to are humble, but Pippin is smiling like, “ohhh. Hahah. I like this!”

The Shire

~Wow, look mommy! All of Middle-Earth is ugly and destroyed and even immortal beings (elves) are fleeing and the Shire appears to be untounched!!

~Ladies, and gentlemen, mortals,immortals, hobbits, dwarves, gobblins, orcs, evil beings and any other creatures..Stand in wonder as the AMAZING Peter Jackson erases an entire chapter out of the book!

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