Here where darkness gathers
Here where death holds sway
Together we’ll wait for whatever
For a new Dawn or the end of Days

You did not choose this course freely
The offer was never yours to make
Fate made the decision for you
The ringbearer must decicde Middle Earths fate

I’ve watched you through all of your Journey
The high points and all of the lows
I’ve seen you suffer the ring
Overcomming both fear and foes

I’ve seen you bear this burden
Watched as you put others first
You sought to lessen their sorrows
But it is you that has suffered the worst

Slowly you succumbed to its evil
It tore you from reason, from friends
I followed, It was my destiny to do so
To be with you at journeys end

Now that the ring is destroyed
Now you have finished this task
I’ll hold you my dear Frodo
Until death claims us at last

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