In a Shire far away,
They eat seven times a day.
In the cozy hobbit holes,
Windows light when candles glow,
And the tavern’s always full,
As sweet Rosie fills my bowl,
And the sunset smiles at me,
Underneath the apple tree.
When the rain clouds strike and storm,
We lie safe in beds so warm.
The little children play,
They eat seven times a day.

In the cold depths of this night,
I refuse to lose the fight.
Over fire or over earth,
World shall have her grand rebirth.
The sparrow then will sing,
The return of Gondor’s King,
And the Elves and Dwarves and Men,
Shall have lasting peace again.
When the beech trees sigh and sway,
I’ll eat seven times a day.
By Naessa Anwamane

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