
Blizzard last night, two feet of snow on ground. No school. Tried to go outside this morning in leggins and t-shirt but was stopped by Mom. V. v. upset. Tried to sneak out the back door later but was caught by Dad. Even more upset. Stupid parents do not realize that elves don’t feel cold. Duh!


Went outside to have snowball fight with neighbor kids (parents made me dress warmly). My team was the Fellowship of the Ring. Kept giving orders in elvish and everybody left. V. strange. Won, but not v. surprised because I put curses in Black Speech on the other team. Later tried to walk on snow- did not work. Snow too powdery. Will try again later.


Mom and Dad told me to come inside and have something to drink. I insisted on hot applejuice to look like Miruvor. Parents v. confused. Took away applejuice after I sprayed orange-glow in it. Wasn’t glowing properly. Parents v. upset. Me v. upset. After trying (and failing) to walk on snow again, in leggins and t-shirt, was grounded. Must go pout. Wonder what Leggy would do in situation. Must ponder.


Parents decided I am not grounded after to listening to me wail in elvish for 3 hours straight. Go me! Put on leather boots, leggins, t-shirt, and cape under jacket to go see ROTK. So glad hair is blond. Almost got hit on by some girl who thought I was Leggy. Yay! ROTK v. v. good. However, have not broken record for most times going to see movie. Saw TTT five days a week since it came out in theaters. Must go see ROTK more. Must stop getting grounded! Went prancing outside movie theater afterwards, still cannot walk on snow. V. upset. Must lose weight.


Made own dinner of homemade Lembas bread. Tastes weird. Mom thought was messed up cornbread and almost choked. After a few bites, almost choked myself. Had to abandon elf cooking project. Must work on recipie for Miruvor, as applejuice does not glow properly without cleaning fluid. Must ponder.


Snow has given inspiration to totally re-do room while parents shoveling sidewalk. Went on CoE and printed out pics from gallery until printer ran out of paper. Managed to cover one wall of room. Looks v. nice. Mom and Dad freaked out as they had forbidden me to buy posters of LOTR. Told them was not posters, just paper. Parents angry, but will let me keep pics. Yay! Off to work on Sindarin lessons.

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