Dear Brandy Hall stood proud and tall
In hills beside the Brandywine
Where water laughed and bubbled at
The praise we loved to give her.
The boats creaked gently on their moors-
The sound still tugs this heart of mine
Each time upon this quest I meet
Another winding river.

Four travelers we, the road to Bree
By Withywindle’s banks of grass
Were led astray; by fortune saved
And River-Daughter met us.
Bruinen sang her welcome-song
When weary to the valley pass
We sought our friend in Rivendell,
And hope did not forget us.

Sirannon’s tomb would be our doom:
She led us to the gates of Hell.
Her murky depths could never do
To wash away our sorrow.
We fled in broken Fellowship;
The lullaby of Nimrodel
Drank gladly of our tears until
We left upon the morrow.

Our grieving told, the Silverlode
Bid us farewell from Lorien.
The Entwash chose our paths at last–
The Fellowship was parted.
Our ways were crossed once more, then lost.
By Anduin we met again.
No brighter face has greeted me
Since when our journey started.

The city’s wall stands proud and tall.
Near Anduin the citadel
Knows that each flowing stream can be
A taker or a giver.
And though the waters comfort me,
Each time I hear a harbor bell
I know it’s meant for other hearts
On someone else’s river.

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