Disclaimer: I only borrow Tolkien’s world… I return all when I’m done playing.

A/N – Please note that I have TWO SEPARATE series! They are NOT connected in any way! This story falls under the Elves and Dwarves Series which includes these stories in chronological order: (1) A Dragon Among Elves (2) Before The Sun Rises (3) Choose Your Battles Wisely (4) Surprises In The Greenwood (5) Shocks In Erebor (6) Chaos In Gondor

This story should probably be considered AU.

Surprises in the Greenwood

By Nieriel Raina

Chapter One

This Strange Elf

Two figures walked side by side, a white horse following closely behind them. One of the two was tall and slender, yet you could sense the power in that athletic body. The other was shorter, stocky, a very solid being. There was power here as well.

They were walking through the forest that had once been known as Mirkwood. It had recently been renamed Eryn Lasgalen. The two walked in comfortable silence for awhile. Finally the shorter of the two turned to his friend and spoke.

“You know, I just thought of something, elf.” His voice was low and gruff and rumbled through his chest.

“What is that, Gimli?” The tall, fair being next to him asked, his voice light and musical.

“Well, it has just dawned on me, that we know very little of each other, apart from our roles in the fellowship and the war. We have shared adventures, saved each other’s lives, spent almost all our time together since we met, yet we know almost nothing of each others lives before Rivendell,” Gimli replied. “We have rarely spoken of our homes and families, for obvious reasons. I think now that we are headed that way, we should speak of them. You’ve spoken little of your home and your life there and less of your family. In fact, I don’t even know how much family you have got, other than that father of yours!”

Legolas smiled slightly at his friend’s ramblings. He was enjoying the forest that was now free of the darkness that had haunted it for so long. They were giving Arod a well deserved rest and allowing the dwarf time on “my own two feet”. They walked leisurely through the realm of the elven king, headed towards the king’s halls.

They had split with the fellowship soon after touring the Glittering Caves. Then they had explored Fangorn Forest. The elf had few words to describe either place. Now, they were headed home.

Gimli had agreed to spend some time with Legolas in the Greenwood, before heading towards the Lonely Mountain. He had Legolas’s promise that the elf would also visit the dwarf’s home in the near future.

“Well?” the dwarf rumbled.

“Well what, Gimli?” The elf looked mischievously at the dwarf.

“Blast it all, elf! Tell me about your home and your family!” The dwarf was starting to get irate. For once he wanted to have a serious conversation with his friend, not play games with words.

Legolas, on the other hand, was not in the mood for such a conversation. He had other plans.

“Honestly, Gimli, I don’t believe speaking of them could do them justice. I truly believe, elvellon, it would be easier to show you.” The elf stopped walking and scanned the trees overhead. He smiled. “SHOW YOURSELF,” he called.

Looking sheepish, an elf landed softly next to them. Gimli jumped and gripped his axe tighter, not expecting this at all. He narrowed his eyes and took in this elf that had appeared from nowhere.

He was tall and lithe, about the same height and build as Legolas. He was also dressed in green and brown, with a bow and a quiver upon his back and a knife in his belt. He also had golden hair, though his eyes were a deep blue, rather than bright grey.

Legolas and this strange elf looked at each other with smiles on their faces. There was no doubt in the dwarf’s mind that this was one of his friend’s kin, probably his brother.

He could not have been more surprised when this stranger threw himself into Legolas’s arms.

“Ada!” the other elf cried out.

Gimli stood there in shock. He knew this word and what it meant.

Legolas held the other elf tightly while tears streamed down his cheeks.

“Ion nin,” Legolas spoke softly then switched to Westron for Gimli’s sake. “How I have missed you.”

Facing the dwarf over his son’s shoulder, Legolas took in the look on Gimli’s face. That look was worth pounds of gold. The dwarf was standing there in a state of shock, mouth wide open spluttering and turning an interesting shade of red. Unable to help himself, Legolas started to laugh.

Releasing his son, he stared at the dwarf shaking his head. “You really should shut your mouth, my friend, unless of course you are trying to catch flies?” Gimli’s mouth snapped shut and he glared at the elves before him.

Legolas’ son turned to his father and said, “Really, Ada, of all the things you could have brought back from the quest, you brought back a dwarf?”

With a grin, Legolas replied, “I did not find anything more interesting or amusing in my travels.” His voice turned formal. “May I present Gimli, Gloin’s son of the Lonely Mountain, one of the Nine Walkers, and my dearest friend from my travels.”

He turned to Gimli, “Elvellon, this is my son, Tirien, Prince of Eryn Lasgalen.” The younger prince bowed his head in acknowledgment.

Gimli found his manners and bowed low saying, “Gimli, son of Gloin, at your service.” Turning back to Legolas and glaring, he said, “That does it! I’m going to have to kill you now!”

Immediately, twelve elves dropped from the trees surrounding them, bows drawn, arrows notched, all pointed at the dwarf.

Gimli cursed once again tightening his grip on his axe, so taken off guard as he was finding himself surrounded by drawn arrows. How had he ended up in this situation, again?

Legolas simply laughed at the dwarf’s shock and waved the party down. “I wondered where your escort was,” he said, looking at his son. “You do tend to lose them from time to time.”

Tirien simply laughed and said, “And I thought I had lost them this time! It would seem they have found me again.”

More introductions were made and they proceeded onward towards the king’s halls, now accompanied by the elven guards and Legolas’s son. Gimli did not think anything would ever surprise him again.

He was wrong.



Ada – father

Ion nin – my son

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