The day dawned bright and clear and Tauron rolled over in his bed to see the sunlight filtering through the canopy of limbs hanging around his room. Getting up, he put on his dark grey pants and lighter grey shirt and went to stand on the balcony outside of his room. The tree limbs entwined to form the perfect stoop outside of his room and he was able to see a large part of the community. Looking around, he saw his younger brother Thalion with his wife Durelleth talking beside the River Teiglin where it ran on the border of their community. Tauron laughed as he watched Durelleth fussing at his brother again. It was nothing short of amazing to watch the small she-elf give his brother a tongue-lashing. The entire community knew of Durelleth’s temper, and it was usually directed at her husband. He continued to watch as Thalion stood there listening to his wife with his arms folded and smiling at his wife, then Thalion grabbed Durelleth into his arms and kissed her soundly, then setting her aside he walked off, a huge grin on his face. Tauron burst into laughter. Thalion had learned a long time ago, the best way to stop his wife from arguing with him was to just kiss her, and then while she was recovering from that, to walk away while he still could.

Tauron quickly went back into his room and pulled on his calf high boots, and grabbing his silver belt, quickly ran out of the room, through the house and down the platform. Seeing Thalion heading in the direction of the training grounds, he quickly ran up to him laughing.

“What did you do this time?” Tauron asked his brother who was still grinning.

“Good morning to you too brother,” Thalion said sarcastically.

“Well, what was it this time?” Tauron again asked laughing at his brothers attempt to avoid the question.

Giving Tauron a scathing look Thalion answered, “Nothing much, just a small problem that I took care of,” he said remembering his way of taking care of it.

Tauron laughed aloud, “Thalion, one of these days, your way of taking care of things is going to get you in very serious trouble. Durelleth has a bad temper, and you just love making it worse,” he said giving his brother a playful nudge.

Thalion laughed softly before saying, “I hope someday you find a she-elf with just as much of a temper if not worse.” They reached the clearing for the training grounds and Thalion stopped.

Tauron laughed, “That will never happen to me brother. I have decided that I will never marry, so that means no wife arguing with me,” he said grinning as he stopped beside Thalion.

Thalion, seeing Sirion already had the young elves practicing, turned to his brother asking, “Are you still planning on riding out to check on the forest after this harsh winter?”

“Yes, I had a report that some of the trees did not fare so well and I must go see what I can do to help them,” Tauron answered with a more serious tone, “I am getting ready to get my gear and leave, but I first wanted to talk to you.”

“You mean you wanted to have fun one last time for awhile by giving me a hard time about my wife,” he laughed with his brother.

“Father!” they heard from across the field. Turning around Thalion saw his oldest son, Melbenion start to head in his direction only to be stopped by his grandfather and sent back to practice.

Tauron laughed softly at his nephew, “He is too much like you Thalion, always trying to run off somewhere other than where he is supposed to be.”

Thalion watched as his son shot an arrow, hitting his target perfectly, and then grin at his grandfather. “Yes, he is definitely a lot like his father,” he laughed, “Though I am beginning to think that Edraith will be more like you and will someday help you tend the trees of our forest.”

“Where is he anyway?” Tauron asked looking around for his youngest nephew.

Thalion pointed way down the field where Tauron finally saw him practicing with his bow. He was only a few years younger than Melbenion, he was not nearly as good with the bow, and Tauron winced as he saw him miss his target. “That is part of what my beautiful wife and I were arguing about this morning,” Thalion said watching his son, “He did not want to come to his training today, but I told him he had to come anyway.”

“So that was the problem,” Tauron laughed, “would you like me to take him with me on this trip?”

“No Tauron, he is learning about the trees and he knows just almost as much as you I am beginning to think, but he must also learn to use his bow so that if he is out working in the forest he can defend himself,” Thalion answered him seriously.

“I can understand your reasoning Thalion, it can sometimes be dangerous. Where is my beautiful niece?” he asked changing the subject.

Laughing Thalion answered, “I have her working with her grandmother to make a special gift for Durelleth for our anniversary. It is hard to believe we have been married for twenty-five years.”

“You mean it is hard to believe you have survived the last twenty-five years,” Tauron laughed, “So what are Ithildin and mother working on?”

“It is special, I will show you when you return. I have to go now Tauron and help Edraith. Have a safe journey brother, and I will see you when you return.” Thalion and Tauron clasped hands. Tauron watched for a moment as Thalion walked over to his son and patiently helped him with his bow and arrows. Waving at Sirion, he turned and walked back to his parents’ house to retrieve his gear.

“I give up grandmother! I will never get this right!” he heard his niece exclaiming as he entered the house. Smiling he walked into the main room to see his mother sewing a dress and figured it must be the special “gift” that Thalion had been talking about. “Why can I not go practice with my bow like my brothers?” he heard Ithildin asking her grandmother.

Tauron laughed as he walked into the room, “Because you can already beat them with the bow and they know it.”

Ithildin turned as she heard her uncles’ comment and running up to him she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug, “Uncle Tauron! I am so glad to see you,” she said.

Hugging his niece, he whispered in her ear, “Quick, grab your bow and head to the training field, I will cover for you. Be sure you tell your father I sent you.” Tauron laughed as she grinned at him and turning, she ran from his arms, snatched up her bow, which was never far, and ran out of the room.

“Ithildin come back here,” her grandmother called, but it was too late, she was already gone. “Tauron, you should not have done that.”

Tauron laughed at the look his mother gave him and walking over to where she sat working on the dress, he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “She is too much like Durelleth mother, trying to keep her in here sewing dresses is just not for her,” he said thinking of his beautiful and spirited niece. As usual, she had been dressed in pants, shirt, and boots with her long black hair flowing down her back. Yes he thought, too much like her mother, including the temper.

“Perhaps,” he heard his mother saying, “But Thalion is going to do some serious damage to that grin when he finds out you sent her out there.”

“Not if I am not here,” he laughed, “I have to get my gear and be leaving mother. I will see you when I return.” Tauron leaned over and gave his mother another kiss and went to his room where his gear was already waiting for him. Picking it up he started to leave when his father walked into the room.

“Tauron, did you send Ithildin to the practice fields?” he asked with as much anger as he could muster up. He had already resigned himself to the fact that his granddaughter was too much of a handful to keep inside. She was twenty-three years old now, and very stubborn. She much preferred to be out practicing, or riding her horse than inside sewing a dress.

“Yes father I did,” he laughed walking out of the room, through the house, and down the platform with his father following him.

“Good, she looked too happy to stop her, though fortunately you will not be here when Thalion returns,” he laughed with his son.

Stopping for a moment to talk with his father Tauron said, “I know when it is time for me to leave,” he laughed, “Besides, I must go work on the trees. I offered to take Edraith with me, but Thalion said no, the least I could do was make my niece happy before I left,” he said innocently.

“Well, you definitely did that,” his father laughed, “How long do you think you will be gone?”

“I am not sure father, but expect at least two or three weeks,” he answered heading down the path along the river that led to where the horses were pastured.

“I will let you go then, but be careful son. I will see you when you return, if I can send some of the other elves out to help you later I will. I need them to finish working on these trees here around the community first.” Tauron stopped long enough to bid his father a fond farewell, and then turned back down the path. Reaching the valley where they kept the horses, Tauron let out a loud whistle and called, “Lefusa!” Setting his gear down, he watched as his horse came trotting up to him tossing her head at his greeting. He rubbed the mares’ neck for a moment, then retrieving the saddle that one of the elves who watched the herd had brought out for him, he quickly saddled her, and grabbing his gear, he mounted her and headed into the forest. He had already decided he would first check the trees along the River Teiglin until he reached the stream that cut across the forest and then work his way through the forest. The elves that stood watch at the borders would take care of the trees there. With his plan intact, he set off following the path along the river.


Elwen was tired. She had been traveling all day with her family at a hard pace. There were too many signs of orcs and her father and brother were determined to get her and her mother home to safety as quickly as possible. She was wishing they had accepted her uncles’ offer for an escort, but it was too late now. They had crossed the mountains several days before and were heading to the Forest of Region, but it was as they were traveling up the River Teiglin that they were really seeing signs of orcs. It was late in the evening when her father finally called a halt for the night. They did not make a fire, as they did not want to draw unwanted attention. Though early spring was upon them, the evenings were still chilly so Elwen wrapped up in her cloak and a blanket and had fallen asleep as soon as she had lain down.

She could not have been asleep for more than a couple of hours when she was awoke by her brother Gorvon shaking her, “Get up Elwen quickly, there is a band of orcs close by and father wants to try to hide everybody,” he said quietly.

Elwen quickly grabbed her bow and her belongings and followed her family as they tried to make it to cover behind some boulders a little way off from where they had camped. Suddenly an arrow whizzed past her head hitting her mother. Elwen screamed as her mother fell and she ran to her and took her in her arms, but it was too late, she was dead. More arrows showered them and Gorvon was hit in the shoulder, but he kept shooting his bow trying to protect his family. Elwen picked up her bow and shot some arrows, but she was not a very good shot. She stared in horror as an arrow hit her father in the chest and he fell. Gorvon grabbed Elwen by the arms and headed to the river. They were almost to the river when she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder and she realized an arrow had hit her, but she kept running with her brother. They could hear the roar of the orcs behind them and Elwen thought for sure that they were doomed, but they finally made the river and Gorvon pushed her in. As she surfaced from the icy cold water, she saw her brother fall as an arrow hit him in the chest. Dead, she thought, her whole family was dead! The current of the water was strong and Elwen fought hard to reach the other side of the river, but she was not strong enough. Repeatedly, the current pulled her under the water. Between the icy water and the swift current, she had no idea how she was going to survive. She was about to give up hope the current slowed down. She saw where the river split off into a small stream into a forest. Struggling through the cold water, she was finally able to make it into the small stream where the waters ran slower. She pulled herself onto the bank of the stream and lie there in pain and freezing cold. Elwen tried to get up, but the pain in her shoulder was too much and her frozen limbs refused to move. Her last thoughts were of her family. They were all dead and she was alone, then she fell unconscious.

Tauron had been gone from his home for three days. He had traveled along the river and stopped several times to work on trees that were damaged by the winter. He would be glad when Thalion would let Edraith travel with him. It would make the job of tending the trees much easier, he thought, but Edraith was only sixteen and it would be many years still until his father would allow that. It was late at night and he was tired, but he wanted to make the stream before he camped for the night. About an hour later, he arrived at the stream and turning to follow it, he was looking up at some of the trees when Lefusa snorted, shaking her head.

“What is wrong Lefusa?” he asked looking around. Suddenly he saw a figure lying on the bank of the stream. Jumping down from his horse, he rushed over to check on the person. Rolling the body over he was surprised to find himself staring at a she-elf. She was half frozen and Tauron gently picked her up, carried her further up the bank, and laid her down on the ground. Gathering wood, he quickly had a warm fire going. He had to get her out of the cold wet clothes and get her warmed up or she was going to die, so he quickly stripped her clothes off and taking a blanket from his gear he wrapped it around her and moved her as close to the fire as he could. While removing her clothes he saw where an arrow had struck her in the shoulder. The arrow must not have gone in far, he decided, and must have fallen out in the river. He pulled a bundle of herbs out of his pouch and treated the wound. He could do nothing else now except to wait for her to recover. He went to Lefusa and removed the saddle and his gear and let her wander to graze on the grass, then sat at the fire to watch the she-elf.

Elwen woke slowly and realized she was warm. At first she thought perhaps she was back home and it had all been a terrible dream, but when she tried to sit up, pain shot through her shoulder and she realized it was not. So why was she so warm, she wondered? Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a fire next to her and looking around, she saw an elf sitting across from her staring into the fire. She tried again to sit up, but the pain brought a quiet moan from her alerting Tauron that she was awake. He stood up and knelt down next to her holding her gently by the shoulders.

“You should not try to get up yet,” he said quietly. He grabbed his water bag and gave her some water. This was the first time he had noticed her beauty. The night before his only concern was to save her life, but as she looked at him in confusion, he noticed her dark green eyes and soft red lips. Her long silver blonde hair lay around her in a tangled mess, but it did not diminish her beauty.

Elwen again tried sitting up as she looked at the handsome elf that sat down next to her. “Who are you and where am I?” she asked finally sitting up and then noticing she was only wrapped in a blanket, “And where are my clothes?” she demanded.

Tauron laughed at her anger, “I am Tauron, son of Lord Lathron and Lady Gwalath, you are in the Forest of Brethil next to the River Teiglin, and your clothes are near the fire. They were soaking wet last night when I found you so I took them off of you and laid them out to dry,” he said answering all of her questions, “Who are you and how did you end up in the river?”

“Please give me my clothes,” she asked standing up.

“You should be resting. Between the injury to your shoulder, and being half-frozen last night you are lucky to be alive,” he started saying, but she quickly turned a glare of hostility on him.

“I want my clothes!” she said in anger, “I need to travel back up the river to look for my family.”

“What family?” Tauron questioned looking back up the river where he had traveled last night. He was suddenly afraid there was someone else injured that he had missed.

“Yes family, you know as in mother, father, and brother? Family!” she answered looking around, finding her clothes. Walking over to where her clothes were laid out to dry she grabbed them, and then went behind some trees to change.

“Yes I know what family is,” he answered sarcastically, “But I did not see anybody but you. What is your name?”

“My name is Elwen,” she answered while dressing, “My family and I were traveling home and we were attacked by orcs last night. I know my mother and father are dead, and I believe my brother is also, but I have to go back and look,” she answered impatiently.

“I can take you to look Elwen, but I traveled along the river last night and I did not see anybody else,” he told her as she came out from behind the trees now dressed in her own clothes.

“We were on the other side of the river,” she explained, “So you would not have seen them. I must go look for them!” then she started walking back up the riverbank.

Tauron grabbed her by the arm, “You can not cross the river here Elwen, it is too dangerous. The only safe place to cross is further down the river. It is a couple of days travel by horse to a safe crossing, and then at least another two to three days travel back up to where your family was at,” he tried to explain to her as she pulled free of his hold and started walking again. Exasperated with her Tauron stopped her again, “I will take you Elwen, but it will take us several days. There may not be anything left by the time we get there.”

Elwen turned on him glaring. Tauron could see the tears forming in her eyes and pulled her into his arms, “I am sorry Elwen, but it is the best we can do,” he told her gently. “If I had one of our boats here we could go faster, but even that would be dangerous during this time of the year. The river is high and fast during the early spring as all of the snow melts from the mountains. If you will let me I will help you, but we must travel further down the river to cross. Will you let me help?”

Elwen had hid her face against his chest when he pulled her into his arms and had silently cried. She knew he was right, but it did not make it any easier. She already knew her family was dead, but she had to be certain, so nodding her head she stepped back from him looking a little guilty, “Thank you for your help, and thank you for saving me,” she said gently smiling at him.

Taurons’ heart did a flop in his chest as she smiled at him, “You are welcome. Come, you can ride my horse with me,” he said offering her his hand. Elwen took his hand and he led her back to the campsite. He quickly saddled Lefusa and gathered all of his gear, then gently lifting her up; he placed her on the horse and rode behind her. Wrapping his arms around her to hold her secure, he guided Lefusa across the stream, and down the riverbank.

While they rode, Tauron asked Elwen to tell him where they were traveling. She told him about having spent the winter across the mountains with her uncle and were returning to their home in the Forest of Region, when they were attacked by the orcs. They had ridden for a few hours when Tauron noticed Elwens pained look. She would not relax while riding and he realized that her pain must be very bad and decided to stop and rest.

“Why are you stopping?” Elwen asked as Lefusa stopped and Tauron prepared to get down.

“Elwen, you need to rest. Your shoulder is hurting you I can see it. We still have far to journey, but it will do you no good to continue like this,” he said getting ready to dismount.

“No Tauron, if you will not continue, then I will walk, but I am not stopping,” she argued stubbornly.

“Elwen, you can not continue on like this,” he said in exasperation at the determination of her stubbornness.

Elwen painfully slid off the horse and looking back at Tauron in defiance; she turned and started walking down the river looking for a safe place to cross. Tauron stared at her in disbelief. He realized the next few days were going to be very trying on his usual good-natured patience.

“Elwen, wait,” he called to her. Tauron dismounted from Lefusa and went after Elwen. He caught her by the arm trying to be gentle, but Elwen pulled her arm free and glared up at him. He stood almost a foot taller than her, but he did not deter her and turning around she again continued down the river. “Alright we will continue if you make me a promise,” he said trying to stop her, but she ignored him and continued walking. Finally frustrated, he called Lefusa to him, mounted her, and rode to catch up with Elwen who was now a short ways down the river. Quickly he jumped off his horse as he rode in front of Elwen and taking her around the waist lifted her up onto the horse and jumped up behind her.

Elwen was furious, “Let me go!” she demanded struggling against his arms, even though it was causing her pain.

“No, listen for a moment please,” he tried telling her patiently “I said I would help you and that is what I am going to do. If you refuse to stop and rest, then fine, but at least lean back and rest against me. If you will do that then I will continue riding,” he offered her trying to still her struggles.

Elwen was now exhausted from the struggling and her shoulder was hurting too much to fight anymore. She looked up at him in anger that he had dared to treat her like this, but realizing she did not have many options, she nodded her acceptance and turning back around, she leaned back against him resting against the warmth of his chest. Tauron, having finally won the battle of wills, again wrapped his arm around her to hold her secure against him, then urged Lefusa on. They had not traveled far when Tauron realized she had fallen asleep in his arms. He laughed silently at her determination and continued riding down the riverbank. It was early evening when he again pulled Lefusa to a stop. Elwen had slept the rest of the afternoon, and as he slid from Lefusa and pulled Elwen into his arms, she stirred and started to wake up. She reached her arms around his neck as he carried her to a spot away from the moisture of the river and laid her down.

“Why are we stopping?” she asked sleepily.

“It is almost dark and this is a good place to rest,” he said taking his blanket out of his bundle and placing it on her, “Go back to sleep, I will get some food ready.” Tauron turned back to Lefusa and removing the rest of his gear and the saddle, he let her wander to graze on the green grass along the bank of the river.

“How long have I been asleep?” he heard Elwen asking him as she sat up.

“Most of the afternoon,” he answered pulling food from his pouch, “I knew you needed rest and should not have been traveling yet,” he said angry with himself that he had let this small she-elf bully him into traveling when what she really needed was rest.

“You could not have stopped me Tauron,” she said defiantly standing up to walk to the edge of the river to see her surroundings.

“Yes I could have if I had more sense in my head,” he said laughing softly, “But I also did not want to cause you more pain, so I relented. Do not make the mistake of thinking I could not have stopped you Elwen,” he said handing her some food as she stood next to the river.

Looking up at him in defiance again, “I know you could have by brute strength, Tauron,” she said looking over his well muscled frame, “But I am a determined elf, and I would have found a way to continue, with or without your help.”

Tauron shook his head at her defiance and walked back to finish preparing camp for the night. When he was done, he grabbed his cloak out of his pack and put it around himself. He had given his blanket to Elwen and she was going to need it. Tauron lay down wrapped in his cloak and watched Elwen through shuttered eyes. She was walking back and forth along the bank of the river like a caged animal. Occasionally she would stop and look across the river lost in some timeless thought. After awhile, she finally returned to the camp and grabbing the blanket that Tauron had left for her, she lay down next to the fire. She stared at the elf across from her then rolling over she finally feel into a restless sleep.

Running, she was running but could not find where she was going. She saw her mother; father and brother struck down by arrows and screamed……..

“Wake up Elwen,” she heard a voice calling to her, “Wake up, it is only a dream,” she woke up with Tauron holding her and turning into his warm embrace she cried as the terror from the dream started to evaporate. She clung to him while the last remains of the dream faded away, crying for the loss of her family.

Tauron held her for a few minutes in silence gently rocking her back and forth rubbing his hand up and down her back to soothe her. “Are you alright,” he finally asked.

Elwen sniffed and nodded her head against his chest, then pushing back from him she said, “I am fine, go back to sleep,” but Tauron continued to sit there brushing the hair out of her face.

“Where you dreaming of your family?” he finally asked her when she stood up and walked away from him.

“Yes, I saw them being killed again,” she said quietly as the tears continued to roll down her face.

Tauron walked up to her and tried to comfort her, but she pulled away from him glaring back at him, “I do not need you to comfort me like an elfling, just leave me alone. I am fine, thank you for you help, but I just need to be alone right now,” and turning away from him she walked to the edge of the river again looking across it lost in thought.

Tauron returned to the camp angry. He was only trying to comfort her and remove some of the pain of her sorrow, but he knew where he she did not want him there, so he sat down and stared into the fire. He would be glad when he had helped her find her family and could send her on her way and out of his life. He did not need the complications of a bad tempered she-elf wrecking havoc on his life.

Neither Tauron nor Elwen could go back to sleep, so they packed up the camp, saddled Lefusa and again headed down the river. Neither talked to each other and Elwen again rode stiff in the circle of Taurons’ arms. They rode well past sun up and into the afternoon like this, but Tauron started noticing the weariness on Elwen’s face and sighing, he pulled Lefusa to a halt and dismounted. Elwen, though exhausted, looked down at him as he reached for her, “What are you doing?” she asked knocking his hands away from her.

“We are going to rest here for a short while, eat and then we will continue,” he stated again reaching for her.

“No Tauron, I told you I do not want to stop and rest, I have to keep going,” she said grabbing the reins and spurred Lefusa on. Lefusa jumped and galloped down the riverbank leaving Tauron behind. Elwen grinned thinking that she had found a way to do what she wanted without having to worry about the elf. She would find her family, she thought, and then return the horse to him later. She had only traveled a short distance when she heard a high pitch whistle. Suddenly, Lefusa came to an abrupt halt throwing Elwen forward. She held on as Lefusa turned and galloped back down the bank toward the now very angry Tauron. When the horse stopped in front of Tauron, he reached up, grabbed Elwen, and pulled her down to stand in front of him.

“Do not ever attempt that again Elwen! Lefusa responds to my whistle and will come back to me every time!” he growled at her and taking her by the arm hauled her over to a log and sat her down, then turned to take Lefusa by the reins. He grabbed his pouch off her, threw it to the ground grabbing food from the bag, and started to eat glaring at Elwen in anger.

Elwen sat on the log where Tauron had left her and glared back at the elf as he ate. As she watched him, her stomach rumbled and she realized she was hungry, but he had not given her anything to eat, “Can I have something to eat?”

Tauron stared at her and continued eating the apple in his hand leaning back enjoying it. Elwen glared at him, stood up, and went to grab his pack, but he pulled it away from her and sat it down in his arms as he rolled onto his side turning his back to her.

“Tauron I am hungry also!” she yelled, “Please let me have something to eat.”

Tauron grinned while he ate his apple and saying to her, “You have only one thing to say to get some of the food Elwen,” he answered her with barely contained laughter.

Elwen stamped her foot, walked back to the log, and sat down, “What would that be?” she asked between clenched teeth.

Rolling over to face her and pulling another apple from the bag, “Just say, I am sorry Tauron and I will never try to take your horse again,” he said grinning holding the apple up waving it around.

Elwen glared back, “You are despicable! Besides that is two things,” she said folding her arms across her chest.

Tauron again waved the apple in front of her. He was glad that looks could not kill but finally she relented, “Fine! I am sorry for taking your horse Tauron, now will you please give me the apple?” she asked ready to cause him serious physical damage.

“And?” he asked still grinning.

“You said one thing Tauron and I have said one thing!” she argued standing up and walking to where he was lying on the ground. She tried to grab the apple from him but he pulled it out of her reach rolling onto his back, “Tauron!” she yelled at him. Again, she grabbed for the apple trying to reach across him to get it.

Laughing Tauron grabbed her by the arm and pulled her down on top of him, and wrapping his arm around her waist said, “You know what you have to do to get it Elwen; it is not really all that hard.”

Elwen lay there on top of him glaring at the smirk on his face and finally said, “And I promise I will never take your horse again,” she ground out between clenched teeth. Tauron immediately handed her the apple and taking it she got up and went back to sit on the log and ate it. When they were finished, Tauron grabbed the bag and smiling at Elwen offered her his hand to help her up on the horse. Elwen brushed past his hand, walked up to Lefusa, and pulled herself up on the horse. Shaking his head at her stubbornness, he mounted Lefusa behind Elwen and grabbing the reins turned her to follow the river. It was early evening when they reached the rocky place that Tauron wanted to cross the river. He guided the horse across the river and then started heading back up the river on the other side. They rode until it was well past dark before Tauron finally pulled Lefusa to a halt again. He had not realized that Elwen had fallen asleep in his arms until he was ready to dismount, but once he did, he took a moment to stare at the beautiful she-elf. He did not like the feelings she was stirring in him and he would be glad to be finished with her, he thought to himself. He gently brushed stray hairs out of her face and she moaned in her sleep. Holding her gently he dismounted and lifting her into his arms he carried her to where he was going to set up camp. She did not wake as he laid her down, and he quickly took care of his horse, built a fire and ate some food. When he was finished, he rolled up in his cloak and went to sleep.

Running, she was running but could not find where she was going. She saw her mother; father and brother struck down by arrows and screamed……..

Tauron jumped up as he heard Elwen screaming in her sleep and grabbing her, he woke her up again holding her in his arms as she cried. This time though she did not try to free herself from his embrace as she had the night before. “Will they ever end?” she asked between sobs.

Tauron lay back pulling her with him holding her close, “Yes, they will eventually end Elwen, when you move on with your life,” he said holding her and rubbing her back. He lay like that for some time. Eventually Elwen relaxed in his arms and he realized that she had fallen back asleep. Grabbing the edge of his cloak, he pulled it over the both of them and was soon back asleep again.

Elwen slowly woke up and realized she lay in Taurons’ arms. She remember the nightmare haunting her again the night before and how he had cradled her in his arms until she had returned to sleep. She found herself feeling guilty, because this elf had been nothing but kind to her and she had spent half the time fighting with him. Stretching she curled up next to him even closer to enjoy the feel of his strong arms around her.

Elwen blushed as she heard him ask, “Did you sleep better?”

She sat up and walked across the campsite before answering, “Yes, thank you.”

Tauron grinned at her obvious embarrassment, stood up and grabbed them both some food from his bag. After eating, they mounted the horse and continued on their journey up the river. Tauron decided he definitely was enjoying having her in his arms, and that was dangerous. He groaned for a moment as he thought what Thalion would be saying if he could see him right now.

“Are you alright?” Elwen asked half turning around.

Tauron held her more tightly answering, “Yes, I was just thinking about my brother is all.”

Elwens’ eyes lit up, “I did not know you have a brother, what is his name?” she asked turning back around.

Laughing softly he said, “His name is Thalion, he is married to what I use to think was the most stubborn she-elf around, but I believe I have recently revised that opinion.” He laughed as she jabbed him with her elbow, but he could see her smiling and knew she was not offended at his light teasing.

“Tell me about them,” she asked as they continued riding. Tauron spent the next couple of hours telling her about his family.

“I do not understand, if you and your family are so close, why you groaned when you were thinking about your brother?” she asked in confusion.

“I was thinking about how Thalion would love to see me helping a certain beautiful she-elf out, and to find out that she has a worse temper and is more stubborn than his own wife. It would just make his day,” he answered laughing aloud. Elwen grinned up at him, and decided she liked the sound of his deep rich laughter.

It was growing dark and Tauron decided to camp for the night. Having found a good spot he pulled Lefusa to a halt, helped Elwen down and they worked together to build a fire and fix some food. When everything was finished Tauron lay down across the fire from Elwen, but she would not lie down.

“What is wrong Elwen,” he asked her softly.

“Nothing, I am just not tired yet is all,” she answered him staring off into the fire.

Leaning up on his arm, he stared at her and realized what the problem was. “You are worried about the dream again,” he stated in a knowing voice. Elwen looked at him and just nodded her head. Lifting his other arm for her he said, “Come here Elwen, I will keep you safe.” Elwen looked at him debating whether to sleep next to him or not, but she remembered how he had held her the night before, so she stood up, walked around the fire, and lay down next to him. He pulled her gently into his arms and lay back with her head resting on his chest and her arm wrapped around him. Tauron softly started singing a song from his home while rubbing her back. When he finished the song, he looked down at her and saw she had drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face. He brushed some stray hairs away that had fallen into her face and smiling gently, he kissed her on the forehead. He liked her smile, and gently touched her lips with a finger. He decided he was going to do everything he could to bring more smiles to her lips, but he knew tomorrow would not be an easy day for her. They should arrive at the area where her parents were killed before afternoon. He wished he could save her from the pain he knew she was going to experience, but he could not, so pulling the blanket over them, he wrapped her up tight in his arms, laid back and went to sleep.

Elwen woke up with the rising of the sun, and stirring she found herself comfortable in the arms of Tauron. Leaning up on one arm, she looked down at the elf that had held her throughout the night keeping the nightmare at bay. He was still asleep and his face was even more handsome, she thought, when relaxed in sleep. She ran her hand lightly over his muscled chest, and with one finger, she touched his chest where there was an opening in his shirt exposing his chest to her touch.

“Enough or we will not be continuing on our journey for some time,” she heard him laugh. Elwen quickly withdrew her hand and tried to stand up to hide her embarrassment at being caught enjoying herself, but Tauron tightened his arms around her. “Do not rush off so soon my sweet,” he said laughing, rolling onto his side holding Elwen close to him. “The least you can do after such a thorough exploration is give me a tiny kiss from those beautiful lips of yours,” he teased. Elwen blushed even more and tried to rise again, but he would not let her up, and leaning his head down he gently touched his lips to hers. Elwen looked up at him, her eyes opened wide in astonishment and her breath coming faster. Reaching a hand up behind his neck, she pulled him down for another kiss and Tauron gladly gave her one. “We must end this now Elwen,” he said in a husky voice, “Or we really will not be leaving for the rest of the day.” Tauron stood up, reached a hand out, and helped her up. He quickly placed another swift kiss on her lips, and then turned to get Lefusa ready to go. He was doomed; he thought to himself, he did not know how he was going to let this beautiful she-elf go now. He had enjoyed waking up with her in his arms and her running her hand over his chest, he had not intended for the kiss to get that serious, but once it began, he could not stop himself. Without looking at her he asked, “Are you ready?”

Elwen had taken the time to compose herself. She could not believe the pleasure she had found in a simple kiss and it had unnerved her. “Yes,” she answered her voice still slightly husky. Tauron hearing the huskiness still in her voice looked at her, then he pulled her into his arms again and bent his head down to capture her lips with his, running his hands down her back and holding her close to him. Releasing her from the kiss, he grabbed her around the waist, placed her on Lefusa, and mounted behind her, urging the horse at an easy trot. Elwen lay back against his chest enjoying the feel of his muscles shifting under her as he guided the horse up the river. Neither spoke, they just enjoyed the feel of holding onto each other as they quickly covered the ground up the river. It was mid-afternoon when they arrived at the spot that Elwen and her family were attacked. Tauron pulled Lefusa to a halt and surveyed the land around him. He dismounted and helped Elwen down. She clung to his arms for a moment as they took in the scene around them. There were several dead orcs piled up and someone had burnt their carcasses. As they walked around the area, Elwen found two fresh mounds and realized somebody had been there after the battle. Falling to the ground in grief, she cried as she realized that these were most likely the graves of her parents. She did not see a third grave and wondered where her brother was. Frantic, she jumped up searching the land for her brother.

“Elwen,” Tauron called to her, “What is wrong?” He grabbed hold of her trying to find out was wrong.

“Let me go Tauron, I have to find him,” she said in a grief stricken voice.

“Find who Elwen?” he asked trying to comfort her, but she struggled against his arms. He took hold of her face between his hands and made her look up at him, “Find who?” he asked again gently.

“Gorvon, my brother, he is not here. Those are the graves of my parents, but I do not see a third for my brother. What if my brother is still alive and needs help?” she asked in a panic.

“Elwen, listen to me,” he commanded, “You said yourself that you saw him shot in the chest and fall,” he tried to reason with her, “If he is not here it is most likely he fell into the river.”

“Then we must search the river Tauron, and find him!” she said pulling free from his grasp and running toward the river.

“We would have seen him Elwen. If he were in the river, he would have at least washed up to where we crossed. We did not see his body anywhere,” he said stopping her again; “There are a lot of wild animals including the large wolves around here. Any of them could have carried his body off. I am sorry Elwen, but he is gone,” he tried to tell her, but she was too upset to hear him and she struggled with him to free herself, “Elwen! Listen to me, he is gone.”

Elwen looked up at him and the agony he saw in her eyes broke his heart and he pulled her into his arms as he heard her saying, “No Tauron, he has to be here somewhere.”

“No Elwen, I am sorry, but he is gone,” he said again and finally she relaxed against his arms, and then losing all control, she cried, slipping down to the ground on her knees. Tauron sat down with her, pulling her into his lap, holding her while she cried. The time passed and finally her tears stopped. He picked her up in his arms without a word and carried her to his horse. She just laid her head on his chest with her arms around his neck. Tauron placed her on his horse and mounting behind, turned Lefusa to follow the path they had just traveled.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked quietly.

“For now, I am just taking you away from this spot. When we reach our campsite, we will discuss what you want to do. Lie your head back for now, I will hold you,” he said placing his arm around her securely as she rested her head on his chest. Tauron led Lefusa back to the place where they had camped the night before and stopped. He slipped to the ground and holding Elwen in his arms, he gently laid her on the ground in the very spot they had slept the night before. He quickly took care of Lefusa and started a fire, and then returned to Elwen taking her back into his arms.

“What do I do now Tauron?” she quietly asked him as he held her, “Where do I go now?”

“I can take you back to your uncle across the mountains, or I can return you to your home in your forest Elwen, but you must make that decision, I can not do it for you,” he answered her kissing her softly on the forehead.

Elwen shook her head and turned her face into his chest even more, “I do not want to return to my uncle. We do not get along and that is part of why my family and I were returning home so early in the spring instead of waiting for it to warm up. My mother had another argument with her brother and my father decided it was warm enough for us to make the journey home. I do not have any other family left in the Forest of Region. I do not know what I want to do Tauron,” she said as she started crying again.

Tauron held her tightly with one arm and placing his hand under her chin brought her chin up so she could see him. “I have a suggestion for now Elwen that will give you some time to think and decide what you want to do,” he offered gently, “When I found you; I was working to help some of the trees that had been damaged by the harsh winter. I still have at least two weeks of work to do. You could ride with me. When I finish, you can return with me to my home until you make your decision,” he said wiping tears from her face. He saw hope light in her eyes again as she reached up and threw her arms around his neck hugging him.

“You are sure I will not be a problem while you work?” she asked against his neck.

Tauron wrapped both arms around her, hugging her to him, “No my sweet, you will not be a problem. I would love to have you with me. It will give you plenty of time to decide what to do,” he pulled her arms around from his neck, and looked her in the eyes, “You can take your time to decide. You will be safe with me while I take care of the forest,” then he lay back and pulled her into his arms. She laid her head on his chest and finally she fell into a restless sleep.

Tauron woke with the dawn and looking at the beautiful she-elf in his arms, he wondered what he was getting himself into keeping her with him. Had he really told her she could ride with him for the next several weeks? If he had a brain in his head, he would take her to his parents first, and then return to working on the forest he thought to himself, so why had he suggested she come with him. Looking at her, he already knew his answer he wanted her with him. He wanted to spend this time with her, and it would give her a chance to decide what she wanted to do. He ran his hand along her face and called her name softly, “Elwen.”

Elwen slowly opened her eyes when she heard her name called and raising her head a little looked up at Tauron, “Good morning,” she said softly.

Tauron grinned at her, “Good morning yourself. Did you sleep well?” he asked not hurrying to get up.

Elwen blushed as he grinned at her, “Yes, I did,” she said trying to sit up, but as on the morning before he would not let her up and she looked at him with mock anger in her eyes.

Laughing, Tauron said, “I just thought another tiny sweet kiss would be a great way to start the day.”

“Tauron, you do not know the meaning of tiny kiss,” Elwen laughed at him but she leaned forward, gave him a tiny kiss on his lips, and tried again to get up, but he would not let her up. “What now? I gave you the “tiny” kiss that you requested,” she said laughing at the look of disappointment in his eyes. He looked like a small elfling who was told no dessert after dinner, she thought.

Tauron, unsatisfied with her “tiny” kiss rolled her over and leaning above her said, “I think just a little more of a kiss is called for. That one was just a sample and I am not an elf who likes just samples.”

Elwen burst into laughter at his choice of words and grinning up at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck asking, “So if samples are not what you like Tauron, what do you like?” she asked innocently smiling as she saw his eyes turn a shade darker blue.

“This is what I like,” he said running a thumb across her lips, then leaning down he tasted her lips with his. Elwen tangled her fingers into his hair enjoying the feel of it in her hands, and kissed him back with as much enthusiasm as he was kissing her. Tauron ended the kiss and looking at the smile on her face, decided he was definitely entering dangerous territory. He needed to put space between him and this beauty or he would never be returning her home anywhere except with him. Standing up he offered her his hand and turned to prepare to ride out.

They left the camp, and as they did, Elwen looked back the way they had traveled saying a final farewell to her family. She only wished she could be sure her brother was dead. They rode in silence throughout the day and into the evening. Tauron was lost in his thoughts about what to do with her, and Elwen about the loss of her family. Tauron was beginning to think perhaps he would be better off taking Elwen back to his parents then continuing his work on the forest, but he had a couple of days to make that decision. He would decide when they reached the stream where he had found her. Late that evening they made camp as usual, but Elwen was confused by Taurons’ silence. She knew he was concerned about something, but he would not say what. That evening she lay down, but noticed that Tauron did not. He sat staring into the fire deep in thought.

“Tauron, what is bothering you?” she asked, wishing she could curl up with him tonight.

“Nothing Elwen I was just thinking is all, go to sleep and we will continue tomorrow,” Tauron stood up and walked to the edge of the river, trying to ignore her. He had decided today that he was enjoying her company too much and the more he thought on it, the more he thought taking her to his parents would be the best thing to do. Late that night he finally lay down to sleep, and looked across the fire to where Elwen was asleep. She did not seem to be having her nightmare again, so he felt certain she would be fine left alone.

Elwen woke up and realized it was not quite dawn. She was surprised to see Tauron sleeping on the other side of the fire. She missed having slept in his arms, and thought there was something wrong, but she did not know what to do to fix the problem. She got up and prepared a meal, and made sure everything was ready to leave for the day. Since she was not having problems with her shoulder anymore they were able to travel at a faster pace. She was looking forward to spending this time with Tauron in his forest while he worked. She knew it was suppose to give her time. Time to decide what to do, but she found she was glad she was going to be with him while doing it.

Tauron woke to Elwen sitting before him grinning, “I already have food ready, your horse ready, and everything packed up,” she said, “However, I thought perhaps you would like a good morning kiss, so I came over here to give you one.”

Tauron looked at her and decided a kiss was not what he needed. If he kissed her, then it would break his resolve to take her to his parents, but he had made up his mind last night. He was definitely taking her home. Tauron stood up, smiling at her gently; he walked to check on Lefusa, then ate the food that was prepared. Elwen looked at him in confusion. She did not know what was wrong or if she had done something wrong, but Tauron seemed different somehow. When all was finished, they mounted the horse and continued their journey back to the forest. They crossed the river and headed back up the path they had followed only days before. Tauron pushed Lefusa at a faster pace today. They rode in silence throughout the day. That evening they again camped beside the river, and like the night before, Tauron did not hold Elwen in his arms. He woke before Elwen the next morning and prepared things to leave. They ate quickly and quietly then again headed back down the river at a fast pace. With the horse traveling at a faster pace, it made conversation difficult so Elwen rode in Taurons’ arms wondering at the change in his mood. He had hardly spoken to her in the last couple of days, and his thoughts seemed to be lost somewhere else. It was late into the night when they arrived at the stream where Tauron had found her. Tauron pulled Lefusa to a stop, built a fire, and while Elwen prepared some food, he took care of his horse.

Finally, Elwen could not stand the silence any longer and standing in front of Tauron with her hands on her hips she asked, “What is wrong Tauron? You have barely spoken to me in the last couple of days and pushed your horse and us hard. Have I done something wrong?”

Tauron tried to move around her, but she blocked his path again, “Enough Elwen, I am tired and want to rest.”

“No Tauron, not until you tell me what is wrong,” she told him, glaring at his obvious attempt to avoid her. Tauron took her by the arms and moved her out of his way and he went to sit by the fire. He was in no mood to explain the reason for his sour mood. He was not even so sure of them himself.

“Tauron, do not ignore me. You have been doing that all day, and I want to know what I have done to cause it,” she said stamping her foot, angry that he would just simply move her aside and continue to ignore her.

Sighing deeply, Tauron told her of his decision, “I have decided tomorrow that I will take you home to my parents Lord Lathron and Lady Gwalath. There you will be more comfortable while you decide where you are going Elwen,” he said not looking at her.

“I see,” she said in shock. He had decided he did not want her with him after all, she thought, “What happened to you would not mind me being with you while you work on your precious forest?” she asked sarcastically, “Or did you make all of that up? What, decided you did not like my kissing you? Or perhaps you just do not like being near me?” she continued her anger building with each question.

“Enough Elwen,” he said standing up to stare at her, “Of course I like having you with me, and I definitely like you being near me, and I enjoy kissing you, too much,” he muttered under his breath, “I just decided it would be better to take you to my parents.” Tauron started to turn back to the fire, but Elwen walked up to him her eyes ablaze with anger.

“I see, you like kissing me, being near me, and you want me with you, yet you are taking me to your parents,” she said her anger pouring out in each statement. “I do not believe you Tauron,” then she turned her back on him and started walking away from the campsite. She was following the stream looking for a place to cross without getting soaking wet.

“Where are you going?” Tauron demanded grabbing hold of her as she walked away from him.

Elwen glared at him, pulled her arm out of his hand, and continued walking. Tauron frustrated that things had turned out this way, went after her and picking her up carried her back to the camp. “Put me down you beast!” Elwen yelled at him, pounding on him as he carried her back and dumped her on the ground.

“You are not leaving Elwen; I will not have you wandering out there alone where you could get injured! You will stay here, and you will go to my parents tomorrow, is that understood?” he ground out in anger. He had never lost his temper like this before and it made him even angrier with himself, that he had done it with her.

Standing up Elwen gave him a scathing look before saying, “Why do you care what happens to me? I will leave and let you get on with your life. I am so sorry I interfered with it,” she said sarcastically again attempting to walk away, but Tauron grabbed hold of her again and would not let her leave. She struggled against his grasp and when she could not free herself, she kicked him in the leg. It startled Tauron, he let his grip loosen a little, and she broke free from him again heading down the stream. She was not prepared for what happened next.

Tauron was furious, he grabbed her up over his shoulder, carried her back to a large rock and sitting down placed her over his lap and swatted her once on her bottom then dumped her on the ground, “You act like a spoiled elfling and you will get treated like one,” he ground out between clenched teeth. Elwen could not believe what he had just done. Nobody had ever done that to her and she was not sure whether to be angry or hurt that he had, but unfortunately anger won out and jumping up she lunged at him, but he caught her around her waist, expecting her anger to explode. He fell to the ground with her on top of him and rolling over he pinned her to the ground. “Enough Elwen,” he said breathing hard from their struggles, but she kept squirming under him trying to get free. Suddenly Tauron grinned, he knew how to stop her, and later he would make sure to thank Thalion for his lessons in bringing an angry she-elf under control. Grabbing her face, he leaned down and kissed her long and hard until she quit struggling and wrapped her arms around his neck. Tauron ended the kiss, and sighing deeply leaned his forehead against hers. “Well, I suppose that settles this argument,” he said staring into her eyes, “I can not let you go now. I was trying to prevent this from happening, but now, it would seem you are stuck with me,” he said grinning down at her.

“What are you talking about Tauron,” she asked in confusion running her fingers through his hair.

Sighing, Tauron sat up, helping her sit up also. He offered her his hand, and taking it he led her back to the campsite and sitting down, he pulled her into his arms resting his head on top of hers. “I was taking you to my parents because I care for you more than I was willing to admit, but I thought if I could just get you to my parents and return to the job of taking care of the forest, everything would be fine. All I had to do was get you there without kissing you again, which was not easy. I have wanted to kiss you since waking up yesterday morning. Please forgive me Elwen,” he said tightening his embrace.

“You mean all of this was because you care about me?” she asked still a little confused.

Laughing gently he said, “Yes, Elwen, I care about you, and your sweet lips were not making things any easier.”

“So what is wrong with caring about me,” she asked defiantly.

“Nothing my sweet, it is a long story and we will have plenty of time to discuss it over the next couple of weeks, but now I am tired and I am sure you are too,” he said lying down pulling her with him.

“Tauron, do not just stop there, explain to me what the problem is,” she demanded trying to sit up, but he refused to let her up.

“Elwen, surely you can let this rest for now and we will finish this conversation tomorrow,” he said trying to go to sleep.

“You will tell me now, or I will get up and leave again!” she said pushing against his chest.

Sighing he rolled her over so that she lay half under him, “It is simple. I was teasing my brother about his wife Durelleth and her temper the day that I left, and he said he hoped that someday I would find a she-elf with as much if not more of a temper than his wife would. I told him that would not happen because I did not plan to marry. Then I find this beautiful she-elf that definitely has a temper worse than Durelleth, and I find myself in a fate worse than death,” he explained to her patiently.

“And what fate would that be,” she grinned up at him as she suddenly understood what the problem was.

“I love this stubborn she-elf and have no idea how I could ever let her go,” he answered smiling at her, “Which means somehow or another I must learn to live with her stubborn temper, though I am beginning to think that will not be so hard after all.”

“And why is that?” she questioned running her hands down the muscles of his back.

“I have learned a few lessons from my brother about how to stop the arguments,” he laughed thinking of how much Thalion was going to enjoy this situation.

“How do you stop the argument?” she asked.

“Sorry that one you do not get an answer for. That is for my brother and me to know and wives to never know,” he laughed as she playfully jabbed him in the side.

“There is only one problem here,” she said grinning, “I am not your wife, so it is alright to tell me,” she said innocently.

Laughing gently, Tauron rolled back over and pulled Elwen into his arms. “Sorry my sweet, but this one you will never get from me.”

Elwen curled up beside him, laying her head on his chest saying innocently, “I promise not to tell.”

“Good night Elwen,” he answered her laughing some more.

Elwen lay in his arms grinning, but finally she relaxed and drifted off to sleep secure that she would be traveling with her wonderful elf through the forest. The dawn came with clouds threatening rain. Tauron and Elwen quickly prepared their meal, and set off following the stream. As they did, Tauron kept an eye for trees that he needed to tend to and would occasionally stop to work on one here and there. Elwen enjoyed watching him climb nimbly through the trees. Once he finished working on the tree, he would jump back to the ground and they would continue their journey. Their path followed this pattern for several days as they followed the stream working on the trees they found damaged. Elwen was finding herself falling more and more in love with Tauron as the days passed, and she spent the nights curled up in his arms sleeping. Some nights they would talk about their homes, and other nights Tauron would share songs from his home. Elwen loved listening to him sing. His voice was rich and sultry and the songs were beautiful. They had traveled like this for several days until they finally reached the point where the river turned in the opposite direction they were to travel. That afternoon they stopped to rest for the day before heading back into the forest and working their way over to where the River Sirion ran along the border of the forest. Tauron had found several trees at this stopping point and was working on them while Elwen set up camp. When she had finished she watched as Tauron sat on a large branch. Seeing a large amount of nuts on the ground, she picked up a large handful then sat down beside the stream as close to where Tauron was working as she could.

Tauron was working on a branch that was completely dead. He needed to remove it before it killed off the rest of the tree and was patiently doing so when he felt something hit him in the back. He turned looking around him in confusion. He could see Elwen sitting beside the river with her arms wrapped around her legs, but nothing else. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned back to the branch he was working on when again he felt something hit him in the back. Turning again he said, “Elwen,” and she looked at him asking if he needed something, “No I was just wondering, never mind,” he said, but he had noticed a twinkle in her eye and grinning he finally removed the branch as he felt something hit him in the back again. He knew now what was happening, but he had a plan. Standing up on a large branch he quickly climbed from the tree. “I am heading over here to work on another tree Elwen, are you going to stay there or come with me?” he asked.

“I think I will stay here for now Tauron, you go ahead,” she answered him without turning around.

Grinning Tauron went on, but he did not climb another tree as he had said and as quickly as he could, he hid behind a large tree waiting. He did not have to wait long as Elwen came sneaking up looking for him. As she passed the tree he was hidden behind, he jumped out and grabbed her around the waist swinging her “I have you!” he shouted laughing at her.

Elwen was laughing, and having been caught she grabbed some of the nuts in her hands and threw them at him. He released her to pick up some nuts for himself and she ran deeper into the forest with him chasing her. Elwen found a hollowed out tree and hid in it. Tauron looked for her, but could not find her, so he headed back along the path he had just chased her when from near the stream he heard, “Tauron!” Confused, why Thalion would be here looking for him, he quickly went back out to the stream.

“Thalion, what are you doing here?” he asked quickly looking around for Elwen.

Elwen had given up on Tauron finding her so she headed back out and saw him heading toward the stream, and she silently followed him. He stopped and she started to toss another handful of nuts at him when she realized he was talking to somebody, but it was too late, the nuts were already flying through the air. Some hit Tauron in the back while others hit the stranger standing there with him. Elwen could not believe it. She was horrified and was wondering if she hid, would this other elf wonder it perhaps the squirrels were having a feast day and had lost their nuts.

Tauron groaned as the nuts hit him and Thalion. Thalion was surprised, but not nearly as much as seeing a she-elf standing there looking as if she would like to be anywhere but there. He looked at Tauron then at the she-elf and a grin crossed his handsome face, “Tauron who is your friend here?” he said walking over to her.

Groaning again, he followed Thalion. He opened his arms and Elwen quickly hid her face in embarrassment. “Thalion, this is Elwen. I found her washed up on the bank just about two weeks ago,” he started trying to explain.

“Washed up on the bank? You don’t say.” Thalion said trying to keep a straight face.

“Yes she was injured and I took care of her,” Tauron explained, “When I found her she was soaking wet, unconscious, and half frozen from being in the river.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Thalion said trying not to burst into laughter, “But wait, if she was unconscious, half frozen and soaking wet, how did you get her warmed and dry?”

“I took her clothes off of her of course and put her by the fire,” Tauron answered without thinking, then hearing Elwen groan he looked down at her and then back at his brother and turned scarlet red. “I had to Thalion so she would not die,” he said trying to recover from his blunder. Suddenly he felt like an elfling caught doing something he should not be doing, and was ready to do some damage to that grin on Thalion’s face. It was easy to forget now that he was the older brother and not Thalion.

“I am sure she appreciated your help brother, when she woke up,” he laughed, “I was wondering why you were not further along by now.” Thalion laughed at Elwen hiding her face against his brothers’ chest as she gave Tauron a sharp jab in the stomach.

“Please tell me this is not your brother,” she said against Taurons’ chest.

Laughing Thalion answered, “Yes I am, welcome to our forest. If she washed up on the bank two weeks ago brother, then that still does not explain why you are just now reaching this point. I would have figured you would be closer to the River Sirion by now.”

“I first had to take care of her because she was injured,” Tauron quickly started explaining again.

“Injured, I am sorry to hear that,” Thalion said not making explanations any easier.

“Yes, well, then I had to take her back across the River Teiglin,” he explained some more.

“Across the river, I see. But she was injured surely you would have waited a couple of days to let her get well,” Thalion asked his brother.

Blast! His brother was not making this any easier, and noticing the grin on his face, he realized that Thalion was trying to make it as difficult as possible. Sighing, he said, “She refused to wait, she started walking there on her own when…..”

“Oh this just gets better,” Thalion laughed, “Are you telling me you could not stop one small she-elf from crossing the river?”

“It was not like that Thalion,” Tauron tried again; “You see she had to get across the river to look for her family. They had been attacked by orcs and were killed.”

“I am sorry to hear that Elwen,” Thalion said seriously, but Elwen still had her face hidden against Taurons’ chest and Thalion silently laughed, “Ok so you had to take her across the river, but that does not explain why you could not wait until she was well enough to travel.”

“I tried Thalion, but she, well that is you see….” Tauron groaned as he realized he was going to have to admit to his brother that he had fallen in love with a she-elf with a temper every bit as bad as Durelleth.

“What did she do brother? You are not going to tell me you could not prevent her from crossing the river are you, I mean she was injured and you are bigger than her,” Thalion laughed.

Tauron could see the laughter in his brothers’ eyes, and hear it in his voice. Then he noticed that Elwen was also laughing against him, grinning Tauron finally gave up, and said, “Yes Thalion I am going to tell you I could not prevent this beautiful she-elf from going across the river. I could not prevent it because she has every bit as bad of a temper as Durelleth. There are you happy, I have finally confessed.”

Thalion burst into laughter, and Tauron looking down at Elwen grinned. Almost as if reading each others minds, they both grabbed another handful of nuts and threw them at Thalion until he held his hands up in surrender, “I give up,” he laughed sitting down beside the stream where the camp was already set up, “I give up!”

Tauron and Elwen went to sit with him beside the stream. “You have not told me why you are here Thalion,” Tauron said as he sat down and pulled Elwen into his arms. Thalion watched his brother and Elwen and grinned. He was pleased to see his brother had finally found himself someone to love, and that she had a temper just made it all the better.

“I almost forgot to tell you why I was here,” Thalion laughed gently still watching the couple across from him, “The elves that usually help you are out in the forest working. They have been for several days now. Father sent them over to the River Sirion to start working this way. Father told me to tell you that if this part of the forest were finished, to let the other elves continue working and you are to come home,” Thalion explained.

“Why would he want me to come home now without the work being finished,” Tauron asked in confusion, “Just because the other elves are out now, does not mean I need to come home.”

“What is wrong brother; do you not want to share the news of Elwen?” Thalion teased, “Actually as you know, Durelleth and I are to celebrate our anniversary soon and we are having a big feast. He sent the other workers out so that you could come home and celebrate with us. So are you finished over here or do you need more time to take care of things?” he asked with laughter dropping a very obvious hint at things that might need to be finished.

“No I am finished, do you think I would let you go back ahead of me and tell mother and father of Elwen? Oh no Thalion, we will definitely be traveling back with you,” he laughed.

“You disappoint me brother, here I thought I could prepare them for your arrival, but alas I guess not,” he said in mock disappointment.

“Did you ride a horse here, or are you on foot?” Tauron asked him.

“My horse is up the stream a little. I will get him while you pack up,” Thalion said standing up.

“We are leaving now?” Elwen asked Tauron.

“Yes from here if we travel quickly, we can be home in less than two days since Thalion has his horse also,” he said grabbing his pack and putting everything away.

“Oh,” she answered him nervously, “I thought we would have more time.”

“It will be alright my sweet,” he said taking her into his arms and kissing her. Elwen wrapped her arms around him for a moment and leaned into the kiss.

“I can always go ahead if you would like and let mother and father know you will come along as soon as you are finished kissing her,” Thalion said laughing uncontrollably now.

Groaning Tauron said to Elwen, “I am doomed. I will never have another day of peace with my brother around. I was thinking though, there is this little forest on the other side of the River Sirion, perhaps we could move there and make ourselves a nice little house. What do you think?”

Grinning at him Elwen was about to answer when Thalion said, “No you do not want to live there Tauron, with all of your family here. How could I give you a hard time if you lived across the river?” he teased.

“That was my point Thalion,” he grinned at Elwen. Tauron lifted Elwen up on Lefusa and mounting behind her, they turned into the forest heading home. They rode at a hard pace until late evening then stopped in a large clearing and made camp.

Elwen was exhausted and as soon as they ate, she curled up in Taurons’ arms and went to sleep.

“What have you learned about her Tauron?” Thalion asked looking at the she-elf in his brothers’ arms sleeping soundly.

“Her family was traveling home to the Forest of Region when they were attacked by orcs. When we arrived to the site of the attack, somebody had already been there before us. They had burned several dead orcs, and there were two graves, most likely her parents. The only problem is we could not find her brothers body. It had her quite upset, but she is doing better. At least she does not have the nightmares anymore,” he answered brushing several strands of hair out of her face.

“So what are your plans then?” Thalion asked him watching the tenderness with which Tauron treated her.

“Simple I plan to marry her as soon as it can be arranged. I need to ask father about sending a messenger to the Forest of Region though to let them know about the death of her family, and that she will be staying here,” he said laying down pulling her into his arms.

“Does she not have any other family?” Thalion asked.

“She has an uncle across the mountains, but she said that her parents and uncle had a falling out before leaving, and could not return there,” he said closing his eyes, “Go to sleep Thalion. No more questions tonight, I am tired.”

Thalion watched as his brother fell asleep, and though he had fun teasing his brother earlier, he was happy to see Tauron so happy. Smiling to himself, he settled down and was soon asleep. They awoke the next morning, quickly ate, and then continued on their journey home. The closer they got to Taurons’ home the more nervous Elwen got.

Tauron sensing her nervousness wrapped her tighter in his arm and leaning down to whisper in her ear said, “Do not worry my sweet, everything will be alright.” They arrived at his home late that afternoon riding into the pasture where the horses were kept. Tauron dismounted and helped Elwen down. They unsaddled their horses, handed the saddles to the elves watching the horses, and then turned their horses loose to graze with the rest of the herd. Tauron grabbed his gear with one hand, and Elwens hand with his other and guided her up the path that led to his home. As they walked up the path, Tauron saw Durelleth walking down the path to greet her husband.

Thalion wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. “I missed you,” he said when he lifted his head.

“I missed you too,” she answered smiling at her husband then seeing Tauron, she turned to him, “Welcome home. I am glad you were able to come home for the feast,” she said eyeing the she-elf standing beside him.

“Durelleth this is Elwen. Elwen, this is my brothers’ wife, Durelleth,” Tauron said making introductions.

“It is nice to meet you. Welcome to the Forest of Brethil,” Durelleth said.

“Thank you,” Elwen answered then turning to Tauron, “I thought you said she has a bad temper. She looks too nice to have a bad temper.” Thalion laughed and Tauron groaned for he knew he was in trouble.

“I have a bad temper do I Tauron, I would love to hear how that conversation came about,” she said in mock anger.

Tauron grinned at her saying, “I think I will leave that for another conversation and go see mother and father right now.” He tried to leave but Thalion stopped him.

“No Tauron, this is part of the conversation I did not hear about yet,” he laughed, “I must hear about this.”

“No you must not. Come on Elwen time for you to meet my parents,” he said leading her up the path.

Thalion walked beside Elwen and asked her, “So how did you happen to end up having a conversation about my wife’s temper?”

“Tauron and I had a bit of a disagreement and he told me he had learned from you how to stop a wife from arguing, only he would not tell me what it was,” Elwen answered.

Thalion and Durelleth laughed aloud as Tauron again turned bright red, “I think my brother has heard enough Elwen,” he said trying to lead her up the path again.

Thalion and Durelleth grinned at each other as they watched the couple walk toward the house then Durelleth called out, “Elwen, did he kiss you?”

Elwen stopped and looked at her confused, “What?” she asked.

“When you were arguing did he kiss you?” she asked again.

Elwen thought for a moment then answered, “Yes he did, why do you ask?”

Laughing Durelleth said, “Now you have the answer as to how they end an argument,” then grinning at Elwen, Tauron, and Thalion, she headed back to her house.

“I thought she did not know,” Tauron said in surprise.

“I did not think she did,” Thalion answered laughing.

Durelleth stopped and looked back at the brothers, “Why do you think I love arguing with my husband so much? I do it just so he will kiss me,” she laughed running to the house as Thalion started chasing her and reaching her he picked her up in his arms carrying her up to their house.

Elwen started laughing as suddenly she realized the truth of what Durelleth had said, “So that is why you kissed me when you did,” she laughed.

“Well it was a good plan,” he said grinning at her, “But it would seem that now the truth is out and I will have to come up with another plan.”

“No Tauron, I like that plan. I think I will take lessons from Durelleth and argue with you just so you will kiss me,” she said laughing up at him as he set his gear down and grabbed her in his arms.

“You will, will you? But I already love kissing you Elwen, so there will not be a problem there,” and then he leaned his head down and kissed her to prove his point.

“Am I interrupting something?” Tauron heard his father asking from behind him.

Tauron groaned, “Yes father you are. How about you go away for a short while and come back later.”

Lord Lathron laughed aloud, “Well, seeing as how I came out here to welcome you home, it would be rather impolite of me not to do that.”

Grinning down at Elwen, Tauron turned to greet his father. “Father I would like you to meet Elwen.”

Lord Lathron greeted her saying, “Welcome to our forest Elwen. How did you meet my son here?”

“I tell you what father, why do we not go to the house, and I will explain it to you and mother at the same time so I do not have to repeat the story again,” Tauron said leading the way to the house.

“I would not suggest that if I were you. Right now is not the time to be going to the house,” his father advised grinning.

“Why? What is going on up there?” Tauron asked still heading to the house.

“Your niece is on a rampage right now. I decided it was time for male influence to leave the house while I could still,” he said following Tauron to the house.

Tauron walked up the platforms and could suddenly hear from inside the house, “Grandmother, I refuse to wear that this evening. I will wear my usual clothes.”

“Ithildin, this is a celebration for your parents. It will not hurt for you to wear a dress for just one night will it?” he heard his mother asking in exasperation.

Laughing Tauron walked into the house to find his niece and mother in the main room. “Ithildin, why would you not want to wear a dress? It will only make you look more beautiful for all those he-elves at there who love talking to you,” he said laughing.

Ithildin hearing her uncle turned and grinning ran and threw herself into his arms, “Uncle Tauron welcome home, and do you think I care if those he-elves are interested in talking with me?” she asked as he returned her hug.

Tauron laughed, “Probably not, but I think you would be beautiful. Would you do it for me?”

“That is not fair uncle. You know I would for you. You have rescued me from to many boring things not to grant you this one thing,” she said sulking. Ithildin looked adoringly at her uncle then noticed Elwen standing behind him, “Who is this?”

“This is Elwen,” Tauron started saying when he heard, “Uncle Tauron!” Turning around Tauron saw his two nephews running into the house. He opened his arms and they hugged him.

“How are the trees now Uncle Tauron?” Edraith asked excitedly.

“You always want to know about the trees,” Melbenion said to him, “If you worked on your practice as much as you worry about the trees you would hit the target more.”

“If you would stay at practice more, you would be better than you are,” everybody turned to see Sirion coming into the house behind the brothers.

“Grandfather, I am already good,” Melbenion said with pride.

“Yes, you are but you could be better,” Sirion answered him, then seeing Elwen standing beside Tauron he asked, “Who do we have here?”

All eyes turned to Elwen. She crossed her arms and glared at Tauron, “If I hear one more time “who is this” I will not be very happy Tauron,” she said to him.

Laughing Tauron took her in his arms and said, “Elwen, this is my family. You already met my father, and this is my mother Lady Gwalath,” he said introducing them, “This is my niece Ithildin, and my two nephews, Melbenion and Edraith. This is Sirion, Durelleth’s’ father,” he said finally finishing all of the introductions.

“Welcome Elwen, how did you come to be here with my son?” Lady Gwalath asked. Tauron spent the next hour explaining how he had found Elwen and had gone looking for her family.

“I am sorry to hear about the loss of your family my dear. What are your plans now?” Lady Gwalath asked Elwen.

“Actually mother,” Tauron said, “We are getting married and well, do you think we could put it together in the next couple of days?”

“Married? I thought you were never getting married,” she answered him grinning.

“Well this certain she-elf I meet recently changed my mind,” he laughed.

Lady Gwalath stood up from where she had been sitting next to her husband. Taking Elwen by the hands she started leading her out of the room saying, “We will take care of it Tauron. I will take Elwen to a room and get her settled and help her get a dress for this evening.”

“Mother, my room please,” he said smiling at Elwen.

“No, she can have Thalion’s’ old room. Do not argue with me son,” she said as she saw Tauron start to argue, “I will get her settled into the room, and then I will help her find a dress.” Her tone left no room for argument so Tauron let them leave.

“Father, I need to have a messenger sent to the Forest of Region please.” Tauron said as soon as Elwen and his mother were gone. “They need to know that her family was killed and that she is safe here.”

“I will take care of it Tauron, but for now, why not go rest and prepare for the feast this evening,” Taurons’ father said. The family quickly went their separate ways and Tauron went to his room where he stored his gear. He lay down on his bed for a moment eager for the next few days to be over and then he could hold Elwen in his arms forever.

As evening drew closer, Tauron had gotten up and prepared for the evening. He put on his dark grey pants and silver shirt with his silver leafed belt, and heading out of his room, went looking for Elwen. He found her in the main room with his parents laughing at something that was being said. He stood in the doorway a few moments just watching her. She was radiant he thought to himself. His mother had found her a jade green dress with a silver overskirt with the traditional tiny silver leaves on it. Her hair was freshly cleaned, and braided down her back. The green from her dress made her eyes look a darker green than usual he noticed as she looked up and saw him. She blushed as she saw him watching her.

Walking up to her, he pulled her into his arms, “You are very beautiful, my sweet,” he said to her leaning down to kiss her.

“We need to go Tauron, you can kiss her all you want later,” he heard his father saying.

Grinning down at her, Tauron offered her his arm and followed his parents out of the main room, down the pathway and outside where elves had been working most of the day to prepare the feast. The evening was going well with food shared and stories told. Thalion finally stood up calling for silence.

“I want to first thank everybody for coming on this special evening. It is hard to believe I have been married to this wonder she-elf for twenty-five years,” he started to say, “I have a special gift that my mother and daughter have been working on for her.” Taking a package out he handed it to her.

Durelleth smiled up at her husband and opened the package. Inside was a circlet made of silver leaves all entwined together with silver material flowing down the back of it. Durelleth smiled warmly at her husband. The silver leaves meant so much to them, so to have this gift was beyond what she had anticipated.

Grinning as her husband pulled her into his arms and put the circlet on her, Durelleth said, “I have a present for you also.”

Thalion looked at her in surprise, and she leaned forward and whispered in his ear. Thalion suddenly sat down in shock then grinning he jumped up and grabbed his wife around the waist hugging her, “My wife’s gift to me is another child!” he cheered.

Tauron had been watching Elwen as the night progressed and he saw with each passing hour the sadness that entered her eyes, though she tried hard not to let it show. When the meal was over, he excused them and taking Elwen by the hand, he led her to the river. Standing there under the moonlight, he pulled her into his arms holding her without saying anything for some time. Finally he asked, “Were you thinking about your family tonight?”

“I miss them so much Tauron,” she said burying her head against his chest, “I am beginning to think the pain of missing them will never go away.”

“You will always miss your family Elwen,” he said as he gently rubbed her back, “But you have a new family here with us. Mother told me that everything is prepared for us to marry the day after tomorrow. We will just have a small ceremony if you do not mind. The community already worked so hard to prepare this feast for Thalion and Durelleth. You are now a part of my family my sweet.”

Elwen laid her head against him for a few minutes, then smiling, she looked up at him, “Yes, my love, a small ceremony is fine with me. I love you Tauron and I am very glad you found me.”

“I love you also my sweet and I am also very glad I found you,” he said seriously then he leaned his head down and kissed her gently. Tauron walked her back up to the house and stopping at her room, he kissed her again then turned to his own room to sleep. It was late at night when he waked up hearing Elwen screaming. He jumped up and ran to her room. Going to the bed, he took her in his arms as she cried.

“I have not had the nightmare in a long time Tauron, why did I have to tonight?” she cried against his shoulder.

“Probably because of how much you were missing them tonight my love,” he said gently trying to soothe her, then picking her up in his arms he said, “Come on, you will sleep with me in my room.” As Tauron walked out of the room carrying her in his arms, he saw his mother in the hallway and he gave her a look that dared her to argue with him about taking Elwen with him.

His mother smiled understanding, “Is she alright?” she asked gently.

“Yes mother, she will be. We are going to bed now and I will see you in the morning,” he said carrying Elwen to his room and laying her on his bed with him, he cradled her in his arms the rest of the night.

Elwen woke up snuggled up with Tauron. She smiled as she looked up at him and saw him watching her. His look was very serious though and she asked, “What is wrong Tauron?”

“Are you sure you do not want me to take you to either your home of your uncle?” he asked her, “Once I marry you I will not let you go, so if you want to go Elwen, now is the time.”

“No Tauron, I love you and I do not plan on leaving. I told you I have nobody to go home to in the forest. Here I have you and all of your family,” she said leaning forward and kissing him.

Tauron grinned and rolling her over, he nibbled on her neck and worked his way back up to her lips. Suddenly there was a voice at their door, “I hate to interrupt but I was wondering if the two of you were coming out here anytime today?” his father laughed.

“I am definitely going to make sure my house is all set up for us,” he groaned as he turned to see his father standing in the entry to his room, “At least there I can be assured of kissing Elwen in private.”

Lord Lathron laughed, “I am sorry Tauron, but there are things to get prepared for your wedding tomorrow and so your mother sent me in here to get you up.”

Elwen blushed and hid her face against Tauron. “We will be out in a few minutes father, please tell mother we will be there,” he said trying to chase his father off.

Lord Lathron left the room laughing, “I will tell her you will be a few minutes.”

“I am sorry my sweet, now where were we?” he grinned leaning down to kiss her again.

“We were getting up before anybody else can come in here,” she said pushing him away from her, “That is where we were and yes, we are definitely preparing your today. Where is your home by the way?” she asked still trying to push him away.

“I have my home over by Thalion’s’,” he laughed pulling her against him, “That will be interesting to say the least. You and Durelleth will find a lot to talk about I am sure,” he said leaning down to place tiny kisses on her lips as she continued to try to get up, but one kiss and she wrapped her arms around him.

“Oh yes I am sure that we will have a lot to talk about my love,” she laughed between the kisses, “If you ever let me up out of this bed. Tauron stop your parents are waiting,” she said.

“They most certainly are, and they can just keep waiting for a few minutes more,” he said as he continued to give her little kisses.

Elwen was laughing uncontrollably when they heard his father at the entry again, “I really hate interrupting, children, but if you are not out there in two minutes Tauron, your mother said she will come in here and get you herself.” Tauron grabbed his pillow off the bed and threw at his father and glared at the back of his father as he walked away laughing.

Tauron finally stood up pulling Elwen into his arms as he did, “I guess we better get out there before mother comes. I have had mother pull me out of bed before when I didn’t want to get up and trust me, that is not something you want to see,” he laughed.

“Then I would suggest we get moving before we get into some serious trouble,” she said walking toward the entry. Tauron and Elwen went to the main room where they found his mother and father waiting.

“It is about time Tauron,” his mother said as they walked in, “There is a lot to do before your wedding tomorrow and you are lying around in bed.” Tauron and Elwen both blushed as his mother chastised him. Tauron spent the day making sure his home was ready. He had never really used it before, because it was always easier to stay at his parents, but now he got it ready for his wife. Elwen spent the day with Lady Gwalath fitting the dress and making sure things were ready for a small meal afterwards. That evening, as she crawled into bed with Tauron, she was exhausted from all that they had done, but things were ready for the wedding.

Morning dawned bright and clear, and she was barely waking up when she heard Durelleth at the entry, “Hate to wake you up Elwen, but we have to finish getting you ready for the wedding.”

Tauron grabbed a pillow and threw it at Durelleth. He was definitely glad they were moving into his home today, he thought, he could not even wake up and give his beautiful she-elf a kiss anymore without somebody entering his room. Elwen laughed at him and getting up she quickly kissed him on the cheek and followed Durelleth out of the room. Tauron groaned again as he missed having his morning kisses whether they were tiny or not. He was lying there on his bed with his arm thrown over his eyes when Thalion entered the room, “I just saw Durelleth and Elwen leaving. What do we need to get finished?” he asked his brother.

“Some privacy for Elwen and me so I can at least give her a proper good morning kiss,” he said.

Thalion laughed, “There will be plenty of time for that brother, you have the rest of your lives for that, but for now, get up and we will finish whatever still needs to be done.”

“Be glad I already threw my pillow at your wife or I would be pounding you with it right now,” Tauron said grinning at his brother. Tauron got up from his bed and following his brother, they left the house laughing with each other.

That evening Tauron and Elwen were married. The community had still come together to witness the ceremony followed by a short celebration. Lady Gwalath and Durelleth had helped Elwen with a beautiful silver gown that flowed to the ground with a long train that ran from her shoulders to past her feet. Tauron could not take his eyes off his new wife throughout the evening and as the rest of the elves started to leave their small party, he took his wife to their new home. Several elves had gone out and brought back all types of flowers that now filled the house. Later that evening as Elwen curled up with her husband she was pleased with the changes that had happened in her life. She loved her husband very much, and she now had a completely new family that she already loved very much.

Tauron and Elwen had been married for two weeks when the messenger that went to inform the elves of the Forest of Region returned with another rider.

Elwen was sitting with Durelleth beside the river on a log when Tauron and Thalion walked up to them. They both looked up and smiled at their husbands. Thalion took Durelleth by the hand and quietly led her away to leave Tauron and Elwen alone.

“Tauron, what is wrong love?” she asked seeing concern in his eyes.

“The messenger my father sent to your home to let them know of your family’s death has returned,” Tauron said, “He has brought someone with him who says he must speak with you Elwen.”

“That is fine Tauron what is wrong with that?” she asked very confused and looked back up toward his parents’ house for the riders.

“Elwen, he says he is your brother,” Tauron answered her. Elwen looked at him in shock and quickly turning around, she ran up to the main house. “Elwen!” he called to her, but she ignored him.

Elwen ran up the platform leading to the main house with Tauron close behind her. As she ran into the main room, she looked around and saw him standing with Lord Lathron and Lady Gwalath. “Gorvon!” she cried, ran, and threw herself into his arms, “I thought you were dead.”

“Elwen,” he said hugging his sister to him, “I thought you were dead also. I searched everywhere for you but I could not find you.”

“I thought I saw you struck by an arrow,” she said crying as she clung to her brother, “Tauron took me back to the site where we were attacked, and we could not find you.”

“I was struck by an arrow, but it was not deep,” he said trying to comfort his sister, “Who is Tauron?”

“He is our son,” Lady Gwalath answered him, “And Elwens’ husband.”

Gorvon stepped back from his sister to look at her, “Husband?” he asked, and “Do you mean you married this elf?”

“I thought you were dead Gorvon…..” she started to say.

Tauron walked up to her and put his arm around his wife, “I am Tauron,” he said to Gorvon.

Gorvon looked at the tall elf and back at his sister, “Why did you not come home Elwen?”

“I told you, I thought you were dead and so I stayed with Tauron while I decided what to do, and then I fell in love with him,” she tried explaining again, “We were married two weeks ago, Gorvon.”

Looking around the room, he said to Elwen, “We need to go for a walk Elwen and talk.”

“There is not anything you need to say to my wife that can not be said here in front of me,” Tauron said angrily.

“She may be your wife,” he said glaring at Tauron, “But she is my sister and I say she and I will have a private talk.”

“Enough,” Lord Lathron said calling a halt to the argument, “Elwen has married my son, but she must choose whether she goes with you or stays here with her husband,” he said.

Elwen looked between the two elves she loved. One was her brother the other her husband. “I love you both, can you not understand that Gorvon,” she asked him. When he refused to answer, she turned to Tauron, he smiled at her gently, and she threw herself into his arms. Tauron wrapped his arms around his wife as she clung to him.

“So be it,”Gorvon said, “I will stay out at the pasture where my horse is for the night, and tomorrow I will leave.” Gorvon turned around to walk out of the house, but Elwen called to him.

“Gorvon, please do not leave like this, I love you too,” she called after him, but he would not listen and continued out of the house and down the path leading to his horse.

“Tauron, I have to go talk to him,” Elwen said in his arms, “I have to make him understand.”

“I do not understand his anger,” Tauron said holding his wife, “How can he not be happy for you?”

“You do not understand Gorvon Tauron,” she said looking up at him, “We were very close and he did his best to protect me when we were attacked. I have to go talk to him.”

“Alright Elwen,” Tauron said stepping back from her, “I will stay here. Go talk to your brother and see if you can work everything out.”

Elwen kissed him briefly then followed her brother. She followed the path leading to the valley with the horses where she found Gorvon taking care of his horse on the far side of the valley. She walked across the valley to him.

“Gorvon please listen to me for a moment,” she said to him, “I know you love me as I love you, but brother, I have found happiness here can you not be happy for me?”

“Happy for you Elwen?” he asked glaring at her, “You should have come home. You should have asked permission to marry. If I had been dead, you still should have gone to our uncle but you did not do any of these things Elwen and you want me to be happy for you?”

“You know as well as I do that I could not go to our uncle,” she said trying to make her brother understand, “After the way he treated mother before we left I would never return there. Gorvon I did not know you were alive. I looked for you I really did, but I thought you were dead, please understand.”

“That is enough Elwen! Go back to your husband. You made your choice,” he said turning his back on her.

“Gorvon that is not fair. I love you both,” she said crying, “I do not want to lose you because I married. I thought I had lost you once to death brother, please do not do this.”

“If you do not want to lose me again sister, then you will come home with me now,” Gorvon answered her.

“I can not,” she said softly, “I love Tauron, and he is my husband. If I lose him it would kill me do you not understand this.”

“Then you lose me sister,” he said to her, “Go back home, you have made your choice.”

“Why must she choose between the two of us Gorvon,” they heard Tauron ask as he walked up to them, “We both love her, and she loves us both so why must she choose? You would be just as welcomed here among our people as she is.”

“Tauron, you were supposed to give me time to talk to him,” Elwen said to him with tear in her eyes.

“Can you not see the pain you are causing your sister by rejecting her like this?” Tauron continued.

“Tauron please let me talk to him,” she asked him trying to send him away so she could talk with her brother. Tauron looked at his wife and saw the anguish in her eyes. He knew he was heading into the biggest challenge of his life. He could not stand here and watch her heart break over losing her brother a second time. He knew she would not understand what he was about to do, but he could not be the one to cause this strife between her and her brother.

Tauron took Elwen in his arms saying, “I love you Elwen and I always will, but I think you should go home with your brother for now at least.”

Elwen stepped away from Tauron shaking her head, “Why would you say that Tauron?”

“I love you Elwen, and I will not be the cause of your unhappiness. Your brother is important to you. You must work things out with him and since you cannot do that here, then you should return to your home with him. I will be waiting for you when you return my sweet,” he said holding her face gently between his hands. He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss then turned around and started walking back to his house. His heart felt like it would never beat again, and the agony was almost more than he could bear.

“Wait,” he heard Gorvon say, “Tauron please wait.” Tauron turned around to look at him.

“You would let her leave with me? Why?” Gorvon asked.

“Because I love her,” he said, “And I will not be the cause of conflict between the two of you. I have a brother also, and I know how I would feel if I lost him,” he answered staring at Gorvon.

Gorvon stood between the two looking back and forth. He saw his sister who obviously loved this elf very much. The tears were running down her face and the look of anguish was more than he could bear, then he looked at Tauron. He saw an elf who loved his sister and he realized that Tauron would never hurt his sister and had they met on different circumstances he would have approved of their marriage. He could not do it he suddenly decided. It was obvious they loved each other, and he realized how much when Tauron was willing to give up his wife to make her brother happy.

“It would seem I have been a bit hasty in my decision,” Gorvon said looking at his sister.

Both Gorvon and Tauron saw the hope dawn in her beautiful green eyes as she realized what her brother was saying, “Gorvon?” she asked.

“Well, are you going to hug your husband, or are you going to let him walk away?” he asked grinning at her.

Elwen grinned and running to Tauron threw herself into his arms. Tauron was laughing as he caught her in his arms and kissed her thoroughly. After a few minutes, he set her down again. Gorvon walked up to the beaming couple, “Please forgive me Elwen, I was foolish,” he said hugging her. “I can not believe you would have let her go like that,” he said to Tauron.

“She would not have been happy without you and I could not bear to see her unhappy,” Tauron said smiling down at his wife who was now crying tear of joy.

“She would not have been happy without you either Tauron,” he said looking at his sister.

The three of them turned and started walking back to the community and Gorvon said, “You said something about having extra room?”

“Of course, why do you ask?” Tauron asked him as they walked.

“Well, I was thinking I should send that messenger back to the Forest of Region and let them know that I would be staying here for a very, very long visit,” Gorvon laughed.

“I think that could be arranged,” Tauron answered him also laughed.

Elwen was the happiest she had ever been. She was walking between her brother and her husband an arm around each grinning as the two made plans for Gorvon to live here with them in the forest. She was amazed at how her life had changed one fateful evening. She had lost her parents, she thought, but she had gained a husband and an entire new family. Now she had her brother back as well. What could be better than that?

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