Boromir trudged through the woods feeling most sorry for himself. At the one-mile mark, he was about to turn around when he heard hoof-beats. Suddenly, two horses came around the bend. Astride those horses were Legolas and Arwen, the former looking as if he had just had a long cry, which he had had. Boromir spun in his heel and hauling Merry, flew off toward the Dimholt.
“Go!” screamed Legolas, kicking his horse forward. Soon he past Boromir. “Ha, ha,” jeered Legolas. He was too busy looking behind him at the unfortunate Boromir that he didn’t see the tree branch.
“Leggy!” screamed Arwen, but it was too late. WHAM! The tree branch hit Legolas in the back of his head and sent him crashing to the ground. Legolas hit the ground with a Thump! The sky overhead seemed to spin and Legolas was sure he was dying. ArwenÂ’s face suddenly appeared in his vision looking terribly concerned. Boromir shot by determined to get to the Dimholt before Legolas and Arwen did. Arwen lunged and grabbed Boromir’s leg as he hurdled by. Wham! Boromir ate the ground. He limped to his feet and flung himself over Legolas’ horse, grabbed Merry and was off.
“Nooooo!” screamed Legolas hearing Boromir ride off. He staggared to his feet and atempted to run. He fell flat on his face. Arwen groaned and struggled to pull him up. By then, Boromir was long gone.
“Stupid thief!” howled Legolas. “He should be arrested!”

“Where’s Fangorn Forest?” asked Faramir curiously. Galadirel stared at him unbelievingly.
“It’s the massive stretch of green right on front of you,” she growled. Faramir turned bright red.

Gollum hissed and spat and started to crawl out of the forest. Eomer grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.
“Oh, no you don’t,” he scowled. Gollum glared menacingly at him.
“We hates trees,” he growled. Eomer rolled his eyes.
“What don’t you hate besides the darkness,” he sighed. Celeborn charged past them dragging Sam. The elf was just starting to get into it.

Boromir and Merry trudged alongside of Arwen and Legolas. Their horses had ran away so they were forced to walk. Legolas’ eyes widened when he saw the forest.
“This forest is old, very old,” he exclaimed.
“Well, aren’t we glad to have Mr. Obvious in our group,” snarled Boromir. He elbowed his way past the knot of people trying to find the old ent, Treebeard. Legolas walked around, randomly kicking trees.
“Legolas,” frowned Aragorn. “That is not going to help.”
“Yeah,” scowled Gimli. “The last thing we want is an angry Ent on our hands.”
“Burrarom!” hissed a voice behind Legolas who screamed thinking it was an angry Ent. Insted, it was just Wormtongue.
“Go’way,” sulked Legolas, stomping off.
“I found him!!” came a screetch from Eowyn. Everyone rushed over. The old Ent stooped and looked at everyone very closely. When he stared at Legolas, the elf grew nervous at the piercing, unblinking stare.
“Do I know you?” boomed Treebeard. Boromir nudged Legolas in the ribs.
“Tell him he is a tree, it’ll make him feel better,” he whispered.
“You’re a tree,” gasped out Legolas. Treebeard drew himself up indignantly.
“Tree? I am no tree, I am an Ent,” he growled, seemingly very angry.
“Ace, Legolas,” hissed Aragorn. Everyone glared at the quavering elf who took a step back. Celeborn decided to take things in his own hands.
“Sir,” he said, worming his way to the front of the group. “We are here because we want to teach us how to say ‘Good Morning’ in Entish.” Treebeard’s eyebrows raised for a moment and then lowered. “Very well,” he said. “You know that it takes a long time though.”
“Yes, yes,” sighed Legolas impatiently. “Let’s go.”
“Don’t be hasty Master elf,” scowled Treebeard. “All right, shall we begin?” Everyone settled themselves on the ground and looked at the ent expectantly. Suddenly, Faramir and Wormtongue, who were in the back of the group, felt a huge hand on their shoulders. Startled, they turned around to see a younger looking ent behind them. He crooked a gnarled finger at them to follow him. Faramir and Wormtongue grabbed Bilbo and Rosie and followed the Ent who lead them to a clump of trees.
“I’m Quickbeam,” said the Ent. Faramir noticed that he talked much quicker than Treebeard. “I’ll tell you how to say ‘Good Morning’ but not like how Treebeard likes to do it. He likes to say it the very, very long way. I’ll teach you a way that only takes a few minutes.” Faramir and Wormtongue shivered with excitment.

Legolas’ head drooped and he jerked awake. Looking around, he saw that it was getting dark and Treebeard was still muttering some undercipherable words. He turned and saw that the only person that was awake was Celeborn and he was playing some kind of game on his cell phone.
“What a great idea,” thought Legolas, who immediently whipped out his own phone and selected a game. Suddenly, Boromir shouted out in his sleep:
“I didn’t do it!” he screamed. Celeborn and Legolas simultaniously dropped their cell phones and everyone else jerked awake.
“Are we done?” asked Arwen eagerly. Treebeard looked most startled and wondered out loud if they should start over.
“No!” screamed everyone in unison. Theoden popped out from behind a tree.
“Does anyone know it yet?” he asked. Legolas crossed his fingers and charged over.
“I do!” he cheered.
“O.k. than say it,” Theoden looked very skeptical. Legolas took a deep breath.
“Burrrourooomaaaaam!” legolas shook his head and spat everywhere. Theoden looked impressed.
“Very good. Your team can go on.” He handed Leoglas an envelope. Legolas’ mouth dropped open, as did everyone elses, but he seized Arwen and flew off. Instantly, a line formed in front of Theoden.
“I know it!” shouted Sam.
“Me too!” yelled Aragorn.

Legolas hummed and chuckled to himself as he strutted along to Lothlorien. “I’m sooo smart!” he sang to himself. Arwen gave him a dark look.

Wormtongue grimaced as he stepped into the boundries of Lothlorien. All this singing and blue lighting was starting to creep him out. Faramir looked nervously around him waiting for something to pop out of the trees clustered everywhere. Just then, six elves slid silently from the trees and walked toward the two teams.
“AHHHH!” screamed Faramir, grabbing Wormtongue for support. The elves motioned them to follow. As they got deeper and deeper into Lothlorien, things started to get more cheery. Faramir noticed countless pictures of Haldir everywhere, Rosie saw tons of elves sprawled around reading, doing simple magic tricks and some where stuffing their face with chocolate. As soon as they saw the guests though, they leaped to their feet and bowed. Bilbo waved at everyone. An elf led them to a huge tree with stairs winding up it.
“The task is t…t…to run up t…t…those stair w…w…with you team mate on y…y…your b…b…back!” gasped Faramir going white in the face.
“Lucky for us, we have hobbits,” sighed Wormtongue.

“NOOOO!” cried Legolas. “Arwen, you have to carry me.”
“What?!!” gasped Arwen, furious.
“Isn’t there an alternative task?” asked Galadriel, not exactly eager to carry heavy Gimli. The elf was stoic and simply pointed to the stairs.

Haldir was in a bad mood about having to carry Eowyn. He drapped her over his should like a sack of potatoes and rushed off. He was less than halfway up, when Eowyn dropped off his back.
“Haldir!!!” screamed Eowyn as she bounced down the stairs.
“Ooops,” said Haldir, hoping he wouldn’t get set back.

Galadriel had to get the assisstance of three other elves to drap Gimli over her shoulders. She staggared and it took quite awhile for her to clear the first step.

With a sigh off relief, Aragorn set Frodo down and collapsed. He faintly heard the other teams coming up and dropping their team mates with loud thumps. When they had all gathered, Gandalf popped out from around a corner.
“You aren’t done yet,” he said cheerfully. There was a chorus of groans and wails.
“The last task here is to watch a movie.” Legolas sat up eagerly.
“Do we get to watch cartoons?’ he asked. “Do we get popcorn?”
“No,” smirked Gandalf. “You get to watch Galadriel and Celeborn’s home videos!” There was a stunned silence broken by a huge wail from Haldir.
“I’ve had to watch those hundreds of times,” he moaned.
“We were there,” groaned Celeborn who secretly thought that the videos were the most boring thing he had ever seen although he would never tell that to Galadriel who adored them.
“Good,” said Gandalf. “Then nothing will be a surprise to you.” He snapped his fingers and a screen appeared against one of the massive tree trunks. Gandalf produced a remote. He fumbled with the buttons for a moment and then words appeared on screen:
“Welcome to Galadriel and Celeborn’s facinating home videos!” boomed a cheery voice.
“I-am-so-excited,” said Eomer in a monotone.
“Wake me up when it’s over,” sighed Legolas.
Lothlorien theme music began and the movie started. The first clip was of Galadriel at her 80th birthday party.
“Look Mama!’ she squeaked. “I got a…”
“I don’t believe this!” groaned Denethor, flopping backwards. Pippin dug a lump of clay from his pocket and spent the rest of the time sculpting Denethor’s horrified expression.

“And here we are at Doom Springs,” came Celeborn’s bored voice. The camera showed orcs and Nazgul sitting aorund a bubbling pool of lava. Galadriel was talking to a Nazgul and intoducing the kids. She turned and looked at the camera.
“Come on Celeborn,” she called out cheerily. The camera was set down and Celleborn shuffled over to the lava wearing swim trunks and had a towel tied around his neck.
“You’re really pale,” gasped Legolas. “Ewww!” Everyone chuckled. Celeborn mentally swore to get revenge on the elf.

Boromir was bored out of his mind so he fell asleep. Pretty soon, he was snoring really loud. Merry poked him. “Be quiet,” he hissed. Boromir muttered something and rolled over. Merry shrugged and went back to his drawing pad where he was sketching a picture of Aragorn sleeping with his mouth open.

“Movie’s over,” Gandalf’s cheery voice broke into their dreams. Arwen sat up and tried to wipe smeared mascara from her eyes. Boromir sat up, bleary eyed and out of it.
“Where are we?” he muttered. “When is the food coming?” Gandalf handed out sheets of paper and pencils.
“This looks awfully like a test,” scowled Wormtongue.
“Yeah,” echoed Faramir, looking suspiciously at Gandalf.
“It is,” chuckled Gandalf.
“WHAT?!!!” everyone screamed.
“Who ever was watching the movie will have no problem with this,” he smirked. “All you have to do is…”
“…decide what to do with the time that is given to you,” muttered Frodo. Everyone gave him strange looks.
“All you have to do,” scowled Gandalf. “Is answer these 5 questions.” Eomer felt faint. This wasn’t good. Suddenly, he realized that he hadn’t heard from Gollum during the entire movie. He searched frantically around until he found Gollum curled up in all the cloaks. Eomer jabbed him awake and told him what to do. Gollum yawned and studied the paper.
“You need to have 30 points or more,” explained Gandalf. “Each question is worth 5 points. If only one of you gets 2 right and the other gets 1 right, you lose.”
“What?” blurted Legolas, hearing the word ‘lose’.

Aragorn studied the test and groaned. The questions were hard. “Name three places Galadriel and Celeborn got lost” was one.

“Rohan, Ithlian and Minas Tirith!” cheered Eomer, scribbling on his paper. Gollum rolled his eyes and wrote something else.

Eowyn grew hysterical because she couldn’t remember anything. Finally, she wrote ‘Green’ for all the answers. Satisfied, she sat back and watched as Haldir struggled. The frustrated elf knew the first answer but hadn’t a clue as to how many suitcases Galadriel took with her when they went to Dol Amroth.

Bilbo chewed his pencil for a moment and then scribbled down all the correct answers. He had been the only one (besides Gollum) to watch the entire movie and they both had photographic memory. Faramir remembered that Celeborn had dropped the camera 6 times and that Galadriel’s favorite gift shop was ‘Angmar’s Scariest Souvenirs’. Faramir got 5 points extra credit for saying that Galadriel had got her Mirror there. Besides that, he couldnÂ’t remember a thing because he had been playing ‘HangmanÂ’ with Eomer.

Celeborn wished he had watched all those videos when Galadriel had told him too. How in Middle Earth was he supposed to know where Galadriel had lost her favorite earrings?

Wormtongue peeked at ArwenÂ’s paper and was pleased to see that she got all the questions wrong. (Wormtongue had asked Rosie to ask Bilbo what the answers were.)

After everyone was finished, Elrond (who had shown up a little later), took the pleasure in handing everyone their tests back. To Legolas and ArwenÂ’s ultimate dismay, they had 0. Boromir was crushed because of his very similar score. They had to re-watch the movie again. Faramir was thrilled to see they got 35 points on their test. The only other team to stay behind was Haldir and Eowyn. Everyone else got just barely enough points.

Denethor ripped the envelope open eagerly.
“Go to the Mines of Moria and get a hunk of Mithril,” it read. Denethor grabbed Pippin and flew off. Aragorn was right behind then. They clattered down the stairs, pushed their way past the elves who gave them dirty looks.

A few days laterÂ…

“We hatesss snow,” sulked Gollum, digging snow from his ear. Eomer nodded, too cold to answer. He wound his tin foil blanket tighter around him and kicked through another drift atop Mount Caradhras.

Galadriel was depressed because Gimli had got more right than she had. She kicked at a snow drift in a fit of anger and found to her dismay, that it was a rock. Gimli was too busy seeing how much snow his beard could hold to pay attention to her howls.

Faramir now truly and firmly believed that Bilbo was cracked. The little hobbit was tossing snow back and forth, chuckling about how the snow was a little chilly, and even rolled around in it to see if he could make himself into a giant snowball. At one point, he even made snowmen that were supposed to look like himself and Faramir. Faramir was mad because Bilbo had made him look really fat.

Aragorn remembered another time on this snowy mountain. How did they warm up last time?
“Bingo!” he shouted. Frodo glared up at him from where he was floundering in a drift. Aragorn turned around and hauled Frodo back down the mountain.
“Where…are…we…going?” panted Frodo.
“Another way!” shouted Aragorn cheerfully.

Legolas hadnÂ’t stopped complaining how cold he was ever since they had seen the first speck of snow. Arwen was ready to scream but told herself to calm down, counted to 10 and stuffed her cloak in her ears. The snow grew deeper and deeper and soon, the two miserable elves were trudging through waist knee deep drifts.

Celeborn was freezing. He glared at Sam who was trudging along wrapped snugly in a warm, hobbit jacket. The sulky elf wound his thin, fashionable elven cloak about his and wondered if thinking about being warm would warm him up.

Boromir would have cheered to see the Walls of Moria, except that he was too cold. EowynÂ’s team was traveling with him and Merry and being ultra-annoying, babbling about one time when she had been so heroic in saving somebodyÂ’s life.
“O.k,” grinned Haldir, apparently just as glad to see the Walls as Boromir was. “Let’s get in there and get the mithril!” Legolas and Arwen were already there along with Aragorn, Frodo, Faramir, Bilbo, Eomer, Gollum (who was in a particularly bad mood because of how cold he was), Denethor and Pippin. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood.
“What’s up?” shivered Boromir to Aragorn who looked mad.
“We have to figure out what the password to the Doors are,” he growled. Boromir’s jaw dropped and he sagged against the stone Wall.
“Noooo!’ wailed Haldir, who had heard the new task.
“We already tried the original word: mellon,” sighed Pippin.
“Hey Boromir!’ shouted Frodo. “Cut it out!” He started edging away from the lake that bordered the Walls because Boromir and Merry were warming themselves up by throwing rock into the water.
“Remember what came out of that water last time?” Boromir chuckled. Frodo glared at him.
“O.k!’ grinned Legolas. “I can do this.” He marched up to a certain spot in the Wall.
“Legolas,” frowned Aragorn. “How do you know that it’s the right place?”
“Elven sense,” smirked Legolas. “All right. OPEN!!” he screamed. There was a dead silence. Boromir and Haldir started to laugh.
“Be quiet,” sulked Legolas. He moved over an inch. “OPEN NOW!” he hollered. Nothing happened.
“We should wait for the moon, right?” Merry put in. “Because the Door can be reveled in starlight and moon light, remember?” There was a reflective silence.
“Well, wake me up when the moon thingie happens,” sighed Faramir, flopping to the ground to get some sleep.
Everyone followed except for Legolas who continued to kick the Wall, muttering phrases like, “Open now!” or “Shazam! I command thee to open!” This one he said particularly loud. Aragorn opened one eye.
“Legolas, shut up,” he snarled.
“Yeah,” everyone echoed. Legolas scowled but finally curled up to go to sleep.

Several hours later, Aragorn awoke. To his horror, he saw that the stars had been out for a long time. Poking Frodo awake, they crept to the now illuminated Door.
“Open!” hissed Aragorn. Nothing happened. He and Frodo tried everything they could think of.. At last Aragorn whacked the Door with his fist and growled, “If this doesn’t open, I’m going to scream.” Silently, the Doors slid open. Frodo’s jaw dropped.
“That’s the password?” he chuckled.
“Shhh!” hissed Aragorn and led Frodo inside. Just as the Doors were about to close, Eowyn awoke.
“NOOOOOO!” she screamed, hurling herself at the Doors. THUMP! She slid slowly to the ground. “HALDIR!!!!!” she bellowed. “Get up!!” Haldir, bleary eyed and yawning, stumbled over.
“I heard the password!” babbled Eowyn.
“Then say it,” sighed Haldir, rubbing his eyes.
“SCREAM!!” howled Eowyn. Haldir scowled.
“It worked for them!” sobbed Eowyn. She aimed a swift kick at the Door. “Haldir,” she wailed. The Doors slid silently open.
“YESSSSS!” screamed Eowyn, rather hysterical with joy.
“Be quiet!” growled Haldir, but it was too late. Everyone awoke and plunged toward the Doors.
“Into the Mines!” howled Haldir, throwing himself in and dragging Eowyn with him. Boromir stopped suddenly.
“Hey, I remember someone saying that,” he chuckled. He stopped when he saw the Doors slam shut. “NOOOOO!” he screeched and threw himself toward the Doors. Suddenly, he saw a tuft of blonde hair sticking out from the Doors. He heard muffled yells and screams.
“What’s going on?” asked Merry. Boromir shrugged and worked on beating the Doors open.

Inside, Eowyn was screaming bloody murder. She had got her hair caught in the Doors and refused to let Haldir cut it.
“Come on!” yelled Haldir, furious. “Let me cut the hair and let’s go!”
“No,” sulked Eowyn. “I like my hair.” She pouted. Haldir gritted his teeth and wondered if it would be cheating to leave Eowyn.

It was very dark inside the Mines and Frodo was horrified to realize that Aragorn had let Arwen have his last torch. But Aragorn just smirked and pulled out a flashlight.
“Where’s the mithril?” scowled Frodo, looking behind a rock. Aragorn began tapping the walls at any kind of silvery looking pebbles.

“Step aside Boromir,” growled Galadriel, who had just shown up. “Obviously, only one team can get in at a time with their own password. It’s me and Gimli’s turn.” She marched up to the Doors. “Open by order of the Royal and True Elven Kingdom.” The Doors didn’t even budge an inch. Galadriel scowled. “Don’t be mean,” she snarled. “Let us in!” Gimli stepped forward.
“Let me try,” he begged. Galadriel stomped off. Gimli thought for a moment and then said, “Axes are better than bows.” The Doors slid open. Galadriel’s mouth dropped open and glared menacingly at the Doors.

Inside, Eowyn jerked her hair free and saw to her horror that Galadriel and Gimli were ready come in.
“Run Haldir!” she screamed. Haldir took off, leaving Eowyn to carry the bags of clothes, food and a camera. The Doors slammed shut right after Galadriel had pushed Gimli in.
“Noooo!” wailed Wormtongue. He kicked the Doors and then groaned, “This isn’t fair.” They opened. Wormtongue hurled himself in, laughing at Boromir’s furious face. Bormor lunged over and was almost in, when a huge tentacle from the water reached over and grabbed Boromir around the waist. Boromir screamed and shut his eyes tight.
“You cannot go with another team,” burbled a voice from the water. Legolas was startled.
“Hey, that’s that one guy who grabbed Frodo last time,” he chuckled and waved at the monster who waved a tentacle at him. After the shaken Boromir was set down, he sat in a corner with wide, unblinking eyes. Obviously, he was traumatized. Legolas stomped over to the Doors and was furious to see that Celeborn and Sam were already there.
“Hey!” yelled Legolas. “Go away!” Celeborn paid no attention to him but continued to recite every word he knew. He grew immensely frustrated when nothing happened and started kicking things. Sam suddenly remembered something.
“Mr. Celeborn,” he said, pulling on Celeborn’s sleeve.
“What?’ snapped Celeborn.
“Remember to return Nenya to Galadriel.” The Doors slid open. Celeborn stood still for 3 seconds and then whizzed in.

Faramir and Bilbo were in the best mood that they had been so far during this trip. The password to the Doors for them was, “mellon”, the original password. Bilbo took a wild guess and got them in. Faramir whizzed into the Mines, humming Gondor’s theme music. Suddenly, he stopped. The Mines were dark and huge and neither could see any trace of mithril anywhere.
“Rats,” scowled Faramir, slouching over to where Eowyn and Haldir stood, confused and disoriented.
“WHERE?” screamed Eowyn who hated rodents.
“There!” bellowed Haldir pointing to a ‘rat’ by Eowyn’s feet. Eowyn screamed and it took Haldir and Faramir several minutes to calm her down.

“Come on!” bellowed Eomer, giving the Doors a fierce kick and stubbing his toe.
“Hurry up, precious,” scowled Gollum. Eomer turned to yell at him when suddenly, the Doors slid open.
“Cheers!” yelled Eomer, flinging himself in.

Boromir was weary of the world. Everyone else had got in except he and Merry. The little hobbit had wrapped himself in a cloak and watched as Boromir screamed every outlandish phrase he could think of.
“Open you stupid Door!” Boromir finally screamed. The Doors slid partway open and then shut. Boromir and Merry stood stunned for a moment and then Boromir hurled himself at the Doors.
“Open! Open! Open!” he wailed. Nothing happened.
“Maybe you should apologize,” suggested Merry. Boromir glared at him, furious that the password was so simple, then got down on his knees.
“Oh, dearest Door,” he growled insincerely. “I humbly apologize for calling you ‘stupid’. Pardon us and let us on.” The Doors slid open.

From all sides of the Mines, yells could be heard.
“I found some!!” screeched Galadriel. Everyone rushed over.
“No, wait,” she chuckled. “It’s just a rock.” Furious, they all stomped away. Legolas thought he saw a vein of silver and began picking away at it with his fingernail. Arwen helped by holding the horribly smoking torch.

Everyone was getting extremely discouraged when suddenly a scream echoed throughout the caverns.
“A DWARF!!!!!!” It was Eowyn, wide-eyed and hysterical. She pointed toward a shadowy corner and babbled something incomprehensible. Indeed, there was a little, lone dwarf shuffling through the Mines.
“Get out of my way!” boomed Boromir, throwing himself toward the bewildered little man.
“No!!” yelled Aragorn. “I should get it! I’m the King anyway!!” He hauled Frodo over, followed by a mob of all the other. Instantly, the poor dwarf was surrounded by fistfuls of money.
“Here’s my credit card,” gasped Celeborn, digging in his pockets. “And I’ll give you my bank number and…and…”
“Where is it ?!!” screamed Boromir.
“W…what?” stammered the terrified dwarf.
“Step aside,” growled Gimli. “This is a distant relation.” He strode up to the dwarf and muttered something. The dwarf just shook his head and started to shuffle away.
“No, no, no, no,” gasped Legolas, in the same tone he used to control wild animals. The dwarf made a break for it.
“Noooo!” cried Boromir. The dwarf started to run. Boromir dropped Merry and lunged after him and caught him in a flying tackle. “It should be mine! GIVE IT TO ME!” He hauled the dwarf up and shook him.
“Uh, uh,” panted the dwarf. THUMP! He fell to the floor. Legolas gasped.
“OHMYGOSH!” he squeaked. “You killed him!” He turned away, covering his eyes. Arwen, Galadriel and Aragorn rushed over. Aragorn whipped out a dried-out athles plant, Galadriel began muttering some spell and Arwen whispered something about giving her grace away. Legolas stood traumatized in the corner, his complexion pasty. Boromir looked scared. Suddenly, rumbles echoed through the Mines. DOOM! DOOM!
“Drums in the deep’” howled Legolas, finding his voice. Everyone shut up and looked toward another shadowy corner. BAM!! A cave troll burst in, wielding a giant club. Legolas slumped to the floor in a dead faint.
“Who harmed this dwarf?” roared the troll.
“Him!” everyone gasped simultaneously and pointed toward Boromir who tried to sneak away. Wham!! The cave troll snaked out an arm and grabbed Boromir in one fist and looked for his team-mate. Merry was trying to blend with the crowd. Denethor pushed him forward. The troll snatched Merry in his other fist.
“Come with me,” he growled.
“Do I have a choice?” gasped Boromir, petrified. The troll stumped away toward the Doors. Aragorn shrugged and continued to look for mithril. Everyone gathered around the slowly reviving dwarf who grabbed his little bag of rocks, stuffed a handful of mithril at Galadriel, Arwen and Aragorn as thanks, and rushed away. Legolas cheered until his throat hurt and rushed off with Arwen to find the judge.

Celeborn was sulky because no matter how hard he begged, Galadriel would not let him have any mithril. He kicked angrily at a rock. To his utmost surprise, the rock fell away leaving a lump of mithril.
“Aiiiiii!” screamed the elf, jubilant. He waved the lump above his head and spun in circles. Sam gave him an odd look but ran to find a judge. Hearing Celeborn’s reason to scream, Eowyn began kicking every rock she could see. While she was busy smashing a large boulder, Haldir saw a piece of something dislodge from the ceiling. Picking it up, he saw to his extreme joy, that it was a crumb of mithril.
“Eowyn,” he ran up to the frustrated girl.
“Not now,” she snarled, winding up for a particularly hard kick. Haldir snatched her arm. “Look! Mithril!” Eowyn snatched the crumb and then screeched with joy.
“Let’s go, slowpoke!” she bellowed, tearing off. Haldir sighed and then followed.

“WHAT??!!!” wailed Aragorn. “All this time you had that stupid little shiny shirt made of MITHRIL!!!!!” He was chewing the little hobbit out because Frodo had forgotten that he had his mithril shirt on the entire time. “I don’t believe this,” raged Aragorn.
“But…I kind of forgot!” stammered Frodo.
“Forgot?!!” bellowed Aragorn. “How could you forget that you are wearing the most expensive thing on the face of MIDDLE EARTH?!!” His voice rose to a hysterical pitch.
“Is there a problem,” asked Gamling, popping from behind a rock.
“Problem?” chuckled Aragorn nervously. “No way, we’re just, joking. Right Frodo?” He whacked Frodo on the back. Frodo choked. Gamling gave them a skeptical look but handed them the envelope.
“Get a sticker that says ‘I Met the Balrog’.” Aragorn scowled. “What?!!!,” wailed Frodo. “Where do we get that?” Aragorn gave him a dumbfounded look.
“Where do you think?” he snarled.

Gimli felt a trickle of sweat run down the back of his neck. Directly in front of them, was the Bridge of Khazadum. The narrow bridge had been repaired especially for the Race.
“W…where’s the Balrog?” croaked Galadriel, nervously wringing her hands.

“Yoo-hoo!” yelled Legolas., attempting to summon the Balrog.
“Shut up!” hissed Arwen, scared out of her mind at the thought of some huge, fiery thing.

CelebornÂ’s arm hurt from throwing rocks down a chasm. Sam looked confused.
“It worked last time.” He scratched his head and frowned. Celeborn lifted (with some difficulty) a huge rock and hurled it down the chasm. A growl answered them. Celeborn’s complexion went pasty and Sam looked ready to faint.
“C…come on,” hissed Celeborn.
to be continued on next page…

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