The Coming and Destruction of Smaug

When Smaug came to our mighty halls,
With great moaning we lost our thralls,
Our hearts full of dread and fear,
We fled to the village near.

The dragon took our precious hoard,
Our hearts quaked as we saw our new lord,
No longer would we dwell in our home,
Forever would we wander and roam.

We had no home to call our own,
Our leaders took up a mighty moan,
Until Thorin Oakenshield took up the quest,
To take the dragon to his rest.

With the aid of twelve sturdy friends,
And a Halfling, he would set things to mend,
But the trek was hard and long,
And wrought with dangers strong.

Bilbo Baggins found the hole
In the dragon’s coat of gold,
For then we knew the battle was near,
And our hearts quaked with fear.

But then with spirit strong,
We take up our ancient song,
We hold our breath,
And fight to the death.

For our halls of stone,
Must hold our bones,
And our shining gold,
Show forth true and bold.

For a single archer, his shot true,
Must send the dragon down to the blue,
With a great and mighty cheer,
We forever take leave of our fear.

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