Many thanks to all those who wanted me to continue Sareei’s story. As usual all Tolkien’s stuff is his and Sareei and Liam and his elves are mine. Hope you enjoy this small beginning. God Bless.

The Empath
By Arabiasil

Chapter 1

Isilme looked nervously over at Sareei as they walked through the garden. Elrond had sent them out for a walk in his main garden to help Isilme conquer his unreasonable fear of Sareei. The garden was in full bloom and the air was filled with exotic perfume. Soft flower petals floated down from the trees and fell at their feet as they walked. Birds sang sweetly in the trees as swans glided gracefully across the pond filled with colorful lotus and water lilies. The warm sun kissed their faces as they walked.

Sareei would rather have been walking with Liam but he had stayed away at Elrond’s request. Elrond had reasoned that Isilme needed some time alone with Sareei so he would see for himself that she was not the dangerous being he was so sure she was.

She smiled to herself. “Poor Isilme. I just can’t understand why he is so afraid of me.” She chuckled softly to herself. “A few unfortunate accidents and he seems to think I am Sauron incarnate.”

Isilme heard her chuckle and swallowed nervously. “What evil was she planning now?” he wondered. “How could such a sweet face hide such a devilish nature? To look at her she seemed a beautiful young lady yet she had a temper that would give a warg pause.”

Sareei sensed Isilme’s uneasiness and reached out a hand to comfort him. He instinctively jumped back to avoid her and his foot slipped and he fell down the embankment and ended up lying at the bottom. Sareei hurried to the bottom and gently rolled him over. She gasped at the huge gash on his forehead. He moaned softly, his face ashen.

“Oh gosh, he’s really hurt.”, she said softly to herself. He moaned again and she instinctively held him close to her trying to comfort him. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain flash across her forehead. She felt blood trickle down her face. The pain sent a wave of dizziness and weakness through her and she dropped Isilme back into the grass. The pain instantly faded. She hastily took out her mirror and saw the faint image of a gash fading quickly from her forehead. What was happening?

Realization hit her like a blow to the pit of her stomach. She had finally matured into an empath like her grandmother. She looked over at Isilme and saw that he was even paler than he was a moment ago, the light of life in his eyes was fading. She sat looking at Isilme, undecided as to what to do. He moaned softly in pain and she quickly made up her mind.

She took a deep breath to brace herself against the pain she knew was coming. A determined look came into her eyes as she took Isilme in her arms once again. The pain in her head was white hot and blinding as it hit her like a savage blow. She gasped and kept her hold on Isilme as she struggled to stay conscious.

Finally the pain faded and she collapsed back into the grass with Isilme in her arms, his mortal wound completely healed. She was exhausted with her effort and fell quickly to sleep. The only sign of what had happened remained on both their foreheads, two bloodstains, exactly alike. That is how Elrond found them when he came to look for them in the garden.


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