Quick note: I don’t own anyone of Tolkien’s creating and all that good stuff. This is just what I thought could be going through the Hobbits’ heads.

It shouldn’t end like this. It can’t, can it? No, I don’t want to believe it. We worked so hard to get this far, this just can’t be the end. This is too abrupt, I don’t want to die in this black land. Everything has been so dark, why can’t I go back to the light?

We worked so hard to get to this point. The end. But it wasn’t supposed to be our end. Just Sauron’s. We were supposed to go back to the Shire, have normal lives again. Please, why can’t we just go back?

Was everything we worked so hard to get through for nothing? Is there no reward to be earned? Death is no reward. Life, that’s what I want. I want my old life back, before the Ring, before having gone on this journey.

But… Nothing can be the same now. I’ve seen far too much, done too much. The Morgul Blade’s sting will always be in my shoulder. Shelob and her lair will haunt my dreams. That is, if by some miracle I make it out of this horrid land.

Sam shouldn’t be here. I was the Ringbearer, not him. This isn’t fair for him. I should have left the Fellowship sooner, that way he wouldn’t have to be here with me. Wouldn’t have to share this end. But, I’m glad that he did come. If he hadn’t, the Ring may be reunited with Sauron right now.

Thinking back on everything, it seems funny. So many little worries that now have no meaning. This is the last place I would ever picture myself being, but here I am: a Hobbit in Mordor.

I wish I could go back to the Shire. Green grass, strawberries, fresh water, Gandalf’s fireworks, what I wouldn’t give just to go back for a minute. Just one last look, breath, taste. Anything.

Instead, here I am, at the end of all things. There’s no escaping it. This is it, the end, my end. But, at least I’m not alone. There is no other person I would rather be here with me. Not Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, not even Merry or Pippin. Sam made this journey with me and he is the one that I want here.

If there’s anything I want more than to go back to the Shire, it’s for Sam to go back. Rosie is waiting for him and he misses her. He should have a life, a good one.

Darkness begins closing in, my eyes don’t see quite as far. Please don’t let this be the end. Why can’t I stay? Did I not do what I was supposed to? I brought the Ring to Mordor and helped in it’s destruction. Trapped on this little island, surrounded by lava in the heart of Mordor. This is it, the en-…..

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