One day Frodo Baggins became extremely bored. “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do around here now that I’ve saved the world from despair and hostile takeover.”

“Let’s go to the mall!” said Legolas.

“The what?” said Frodo.

“The mall!”

“What is this… MALL you speak of?”

“‘Tis a fancy place where everyone sells their ridiculously priced trade to customers,” explained Legolas, “who are stupid enough to buy it!”

“That sounds like great fun!” replied Frodo. “But we should ask Gandalf if we can go.”

~5 minutes later~

Frodo approached Gandalf, who was in the kitchen. “Gandalf, can Legolas and I go to the mall?” he asked.

“Not now son, I’m making toast,” replied the wizard.


“Not now, SON, I’m making TOAST!!!!!” bellowed Gandalf. “Besides, the mall is for sissies. Stay here and eat some toast.”

“But I don’t want to eat toast!” insisted Frodo, pouting.

“Well you know what?” said Gandalf, “Since you are being a brat you will stay here. Muahahahahahaaa!!!” And that was that.

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