I got this idea from Arabella Thorne and our kitten Marius who is a holy terror in his own right.. Storm is mine and everything else belongs to Tolkien. Hope you enjoy it.

The Kitty, the Feather, and the Elf Lord

By Arabiasil

Elrond sat at his desk frowning with concentration. The wording to this document had to be just so. It was an official document to go to Thranduil in Mirkwood. Just as he lifted his pen from the paper he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Acting quickly Elrond snatched the paper up and held it away from the desk. A split second later a silver gray kitten pounced on the desk where the document had been but a moment before. The kitten attacked his feather quill with the ferocity of an Uruk-Hai. Elrond placed his document safely on a high shelf and reached for the kitten.

He pulled back his hand with the kitten wrapped around it attacking fiercely. Raising a stern eyebrow he gently took the rowdy kitten by the scruff and placed in on the carpet.

“That will be all Storm.”, he said firmly. The tiny kitten looked up at him and meowed inquiringly.

“I have work to do and I have no time to play with you now. Go find amusement elsewhere.” Elrond turned to retrieved his paper from the shelf.

He was suddenly aware of something tugging at his robe. He looked down to find Storm clawing his way up his robe. Elrond reached to pick him up but Storm slipped past him and made it to his shoulder. Once there he started batting at Elrond’s braids. Sighing patiently Elrond attempted to pluck him from his shoulder. Storm dug his claws into the robe and Elrond found himself fighting with cloth and cat to get loose. Finally freeing the kitten’s claws from his robe he looked at Storm, at bay in his hands. Walking to the door he opened it and set the kitten in the hall. Raising with a sigh he shut the door and turned to go to his desk. There standing before him was Storm.

“You are as swift as the Nazgul, little one.”, observed Elrond dryly. He stepped to the door and put out the kitten again. This time he watched the door carefully as he shut it.

Sighing he went back to work on the document. Finally finishing it he set it back on the high shelf. “Not even Storm can reach it here.”, he chuckled. He turned from the shelf to see a little gray paw clawing under the door.

“Storm your tenacity will avail you nothing. I have work to do that cannot wait.” Elrond sat down at his desk and started another document. The scratching at the door ceased and the elf lord settled down to his work. Forty five minutes later he felt the sting of tiny claws working their way up his leg. Jumping to his feet he looked down into the bright green eyes of Storm. Storm jumped onto the desk and scuttled across it, knocking over Elrond’s inkwell. A large blue lake of ink began to work its way across his desk, taking Elrond’s latest document with it.

“How in Valinor’s name did you get in here?”, he asked the kitten. He looked at the study door. It was firmly shut. Turning he reached for the kitten, who scuttled off the desk and into a narrow cubbyhole between two bookshelves. Almost rolling his eyes heavenward Elrond stood looking at the narrow opening. Storm had picked a most strategic place for a retreat. Working quickly he managed to clean up most of the ink. The document was a loss and would have to be done over. Finally finishing he looked down at his ink stained hands. They were covered in blue from fingertips to palms.

Elrond looked around the room, wondering where Storm had found a way in. The doors to the terrace were closed and the windows were too high for the tiny kitten to get in. How had the kitten found his way into his study?

The door to the next room caught his eye. It stood slightly open. Elrond stepped into his music room and looked for the next open door. He found it and went through. It led to the hall. Walking down the corridor he looked for an opening to the outside. He walked down the hall carefully examining doors, getting some strange looks from several elves in the process. Finally he found one door open, leading to Glorfindel’s study. Stalking through the doorway across the room to the open terrace door. He stood staring at it, his face full of irritation.

Glorfindel watched his lord’s odd behavior with a puzzled look on his face. “Is there something I can help you with my lord?”, he asked.

Elrond swung his irritated gaze around and pointed it at Glorfindel. Glorfindel shifted uneasily in his chair. After a moment Elrond spoke.

“Did you leave this door open Glorfindel?”, Elrond asked, his eyes dark with agitation.

“Yes.”, said Glorfindel, somehow feeling like he was endangering his own safety.

Elrond pointed to the hall door. “And that one as well?”

“Well yes my lord. I did have it shut but a little gray kitten came in from the terrace and meowed so pitiably at the door that I let him out into the hall. Is there something amiss my lord?”

“Something amiss?”, asked Elrond. He looked at his friend. “It would take too long to explain Glorfindel. But if you should see that gray kitten again, do not let him in the house. He is a holy terror and is spreading a trail of destruction through my study.” Sighing wearily he turned and left a puzzled Glorfindel to return to his study.

There was no sign of Storm. Elrond took the document to be sent to Thranduil and carefully rolled it up and tied it with a silk tie. Summoning one of his messengers he sent the document on it’s way to Mirkwood. Several weeks later he received a reply. There was a footnote at the end of the document. Thranduil wanted to know what the tiny paw print at the bottom of the document meant. Sighing in defeat Elrond looked down at the kitten pawing at his robe and smiled.

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