O brother mine what drove you to this choice?
That you will die and I live on through age?
Now hear me, Elros: Listen to my voice!
The glory of your chosen race shall fade.
But still you sail away to Numenor.
Will you not tarry here a moment more?
Sailing, sailing away across the sea.
Am I to see you, brother, nevermore?
Above your raven head the white gulls wing.
The confines of this world have loosed their bands
On you. I must go to immortal lands.

Elros Earendillion!
Man tyares na atan?
Nar Eldar man ve.
Masse tellye re?
Masse ve milyalye an?

Elros, you know the future I can see.
To me has been granted this mighty gift.
And only now I tell what was shown me.
After the reign of the king who takes fifth
A title in the tongue of Numenor
The island-kingdom will become no more.
So turn back, Elros, come back to your home.
Ere on spirits’ wings, brother, your soul soars.
But still you sail on, through the great sea’s foam.
And I am left, standing on shores behind
And never rest shall my Eldar soul find.

Elros Earendillion!
Man tyares na atan?
Nar Eldar man ve.
Masse tellye re?
Masse ve milyalye an?

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