Lay of Aragorn and Arwen

Her heart was whole, her mind her own
The elven glade twas full of light
And ’round her danced the dragonflies
While silver music filled the air
Undómiel was dancing there, to music of a harp unseen
And light of stars was in her hair
And on her raiment shimmering

There Estle came from mountains old
Returning from an elven raid
To elven home in valley fair
He walked alone and joyfully
Yet peered between the hemlock leaves
And saw in wonder stars of gold
Upon her raiment and her sleeves
With her hair like shadow falling

Enchanted love yet healed his feet
That over years were doomed to roam
But fearing that she’d disappear
“Undómiel! Undómiel!”
He called her by her elven name
And there she halted listening
The moment she stood, then a spell,
His voice laid on her, Estle came
But there they parted fleetingly
For Elrond would not grant to them
That which their hearts both longed for

Ten years from then they met once more
In sweet and fair Lothlorien
And then did they both pledge their troth
While Undómiel forsook her gift
The gift of an immortal life
To leave the world forever more

For many years they stood apart
Till that which they most hoped for
When Estle then became a King
And then did man kind rule the land

But still the Sundering Seas between them lay
Between the two still fated to
Relive a past that brought all pain
Yet through the hurt lies endless bliss
Till Elrond passed beyond the Seas
And Arwen made her final choice,
To follow the path of Tinúviel

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