Benny(Boromir): Junior, best friend of Alan
Alan(Aragorn): Junior, running for president of students council, younger brother of Ivan (Isildur) who failed to destroy the One Eraser
Annie(Arwen): Junior, Alan’s girlfriend
Elena(Eowyn): Junior, Has a crush on Alan
Leonardo(Legolas): Sophomore, best archer on the archery team.
Gregory(Gimli): Senior, excellent at shop class
Perry(Pippin): Freshman, the class clown
Marty(Merry): Freshman, Best friend of Perry
Sam(Duh!): Freshman, Best friend of Frank
Frank(Frodo): Freshman, The one who got The One Eraser from his History teacher
Rosie(Duh!) Freshman, Sam’s crush
Gollum(Duh!) nickname for Steven, a Freshman corrupted by the power of the eraser and driven to insanity.

Mr. Gandalf: History teacher
Mr. Bilbo: English teacher
Mrs. Galadriel: Art teacher
Mr. Celeborn: Art teacher
Mr. Elrond: School Secratary
Mr. Theoden: School Secratary
Mr. Wormtougue: Vice Principal
Mr. Saruman: Principal
Mr. Sauron: Superintendent
Nazgul: Nickname given to Mr. Sauron’s cronies, former juniors who dropped out of high school to work at McDonalds and were taken over by the erasers given to them


The school is changed.
I feel it in the hallways.
I feel it in the classrooms.
I smell it in the locker rooms.
Much that once was is lost.
For all that remember have graduated.
It began with the forging of the great erasers. Three were given to the Sophomores, known to be the smartest and most athletic of the students. Seven to the seniors, the most important and respected students in the school. And nine, nine erasers were gifted to the Juniors, who above all else, desire the power that would not be bestowed upon them until the next year. None were given to the Freshmen, who were considered too unimportant and irresponsible to recieve such a great gift, for within these erasers was bound the strength and will to govern each grade. But they were all decieved. for another eraser was made.
In the land of the Business District, in the fires of the Superintendent’s Office, the Superintendent Sauron forged in secret a master eraser, to control all others. And into this eraser he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all the schools in America.
One by one, the free grades of Middle Earth High fell to the power of the eraser. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance of Juniors and Sophomores marched against the armies of the Business District, and at the doorway of the Super’s Office they petitioned for the freedom of Middle Earth High. Victory was near. But the power of the eraser could not be undone. It was at this moment that all hope failed, and Ivan, younger brother of the Student Council President who had been sent to Juvie Hall for the protest, took up his brother’s pencil. he signed the petition, making 1,000 signatures, and Mr. Sauron had to back down.
Mr. Sauron, the enemy of the free grades of Middle Earth High was defeted. The eraser passed to Ivan, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever. But the hearts of hormonal teenagers are easily corrupted. And the Eraser of Power had a will of it’s own.
It betrayed Ivan until he dropped out.
And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.
History became legend, legend became myth, and for eight and a half years, the eraser passed out of all knowlege. Until, when the chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.
The eraser came to the Freshman Gollum, who took it deep into tunnels of the boiler room. And there, it consumed him.
The eraser brought Gollum unnaturally good grades. For three years it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of Gollum’s cave, it waited. Darkness crept back into the hallways of the school. Rumor grew of a shadow in the east wing, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Eraser of Power perceived. It’s time had now come. It abandoned Gollum.
But something happened that the Eraser did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely student imaginable. Benjamin Bilbo, then a Freshman.
For the time will soon come when Freshmen shape the fortunes of all.

Tell me if you like it, and if you do I’ll post Chapter 1 soon!

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