The lord of the media, the fellowship of the iPod.

The world is changing.
I can here it in the music.
I can see it in the bands.
Most that once was is different.
For there are none know that remember.
It stared with the manufacturing of the great iPods.
Three pink iPods where given to the elves.
Who love pretty things that play love songs.
Seven 4gig iPods where given to the dwarfs.
Who always wanted more space for there hard rock,
And nine iPod nano where given to the race of men.
Who above all else desire portability.
But all of then where deceived for a another one was made.
For the dark lord manufacture in somewhat secret a master iPod,
and into it he computerized his power, song list, and his will to all of middle east.
I mean middle earth. Now where was I. Oh, yes “choke”
One by one the power hungry people of middle earth fell to the might of Saron.
Not all hope had faded. A last alliance of men and elves marched against the Saron and on the slopes of apple they fought for middle earth.
The battle was nearly won but the power of the iPod can not be undone.
It was at this point that weird al I mean Aslider son of the king took up his fathers sword and cut the head phones.
He had the chance to destroyed evil forever, but the hearts of men are easily corrupted by suckish music. It deceived Aslider to his doom.
Story became legend… Legend, myth and for two and twenty-eight fithy-sixth thousand years it pass out of all knower. Until it ensnared a new bearer.
My precisions Un UN UN UN, Staying Alive, Staying Alive, Un UN UN UN, Staying Alive!!!
It came to the creature Gollem who brought it deep into the mountains where it stayed.
It gave Gollem unnaturally long life for 600 years it poisoned his music taste.
Whispers in the dark talk of a nameless fear.
It abandoned Gollem, but something happened that it did not intend it was pick up by the most unlikely creature.
A hobbit Bilbo Bagginess of the shire.
It would soon been time for hobbits to shape the fortunes of all music and life.

^60 years later^

Well what do you think of the start.
Is it good need your honest opinion.
Just what to know if I should continue. I need your advices.

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