Everything from The Lord of the Rings belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien.
Everything from Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.

Please Read and Review!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

Obi-Wan walks into the room, apparently looking for his lost light saber.

“Anakin! Do you know where my saber is?” Obi-Wan asks his padawan, although his is not visible in the room.

“I haven’t the slightest idea master,” Anakin says as he walks into the room and follows Obi-Wan, looking over his shoulder. At that moment, Legolas calmly strolls into the room, looking around him, admiring the interior decor. Neither of the Jedi seem to notice him.

“Gah! Anakin! Why do you keep following me?!” Obi-Wan yells as he spins around on his heel, startling Anakin.
“My apologies, master,” Anakin says as he moves to the back of the room. Legolas immediately takes up Anakin’s place, following Obi-Wan, peering over his shoulder.

“Anakin! I said, STOP FOLLOWING – hey, you’re not Anakin.” Obi-Wan once again spins around, this time to find Legolas following him. Legolas then held out his hand toward Obi-Wan.

“Hi! My name is Legolas.”


“No, Legolas.”

“Legolos? What kind of a name is Lego-”

“NO! Leg-o-las!”

“Oh! Legolas, why didn’t you say so.” Legolas slaps his forehead. Anakin walks up to Legolas.

“So, Leg-o-las, where are you from? Endor?”

“Well as a matter of fact, I am. Mirkwood to be precise.”

“Where in the universe is Mirkwood?” Legolas gives Anakin a blank expression.

“Uh… in Middle Earth? Where else would it be?” Before either of the Jedi could answer, Thranduil comes crashing through the ceiling and onto the floor. Legolas immediately rushes over and starts to talk to his Father.

“Hey dad! How are things?” Legolas asks and then continues ranting on without helping the king up.

After Thranduil gets up – without the help of his son – he turns to Obi-Wan and Anakin. Legolas is still ranting.

“Who are you?” Thranduil asks, eyeing both of the short-haired men in front of him. Legolas stops ranting and turns to his father.

“Oh! They’re Obi-Wan and Anakin, and Obi-Wan is looking for his lost light saber.” Obi-Wan looks very disturbed.

“How do you know our names?” Legolas and Thranduil don’t seem to notice, because they are talking with each other.

“What in all of Arda is a light saber?”

“Well, its basically a sword, or saber, made out of light,” Legolas explains to his father, rather matter-of-factly. Thranduil rolls his eyes.

“Brilliant. I meant what do they look like.”

“OH! Well why didn’t you say so.” Legolas walks over to a chair, lifts the cushion, and takes out Obi-Wan’s light saber, which was beneath it.

“Well they look like this.” Legolas then hands the saber to Thranduil, who starts to examine the silver cylinder. Obi-Wan walks over and snatches his saber from Thranduil.

“Gimme that. It’s not a toy. And you, Leg-o-las, why didn’t you give me my light saber if you knew where it was?” Legolas looks around and shrugs.

“Beats me.” Obi-Wan gives him a death-glare and turns back to make sure his saber is not damaged. Obi-Wan continues to examine his saber as Aragorn walks into the room, looking completely dumbfounded.

In the meantime, Anakin and Thranduil are talking.

“So, what did you say your name was?”



“NO! ThranDUIL not DULL!”

“Well excuse me.”


“Whats a yrch?

“It means orc.”

“Whats an orc?”

“Oh just forget it.”

Legolas is standing in the middle of the room, watching everyone else talk and bicker. Aragorn walks up to him.

“Uh, Legolas?”


“Where ARE we?”

“Well, I’m not completely sure. But he,” Legolas points to Obi, “Is Obi-Wan, and he,” Legolas points to Anakin, “Is Anakin, Obi-Wan’s panawan learner.” Aragorn just looks at his friend, who is still watching his father talk with Anakin.

“And… What is a ‘padawan learner’ again?”

“Basically an apprentice.”

“Oh, I see. And the fact that we are in a different world doesn’t bother you in the least?”

“Hmm. No, not really.”

“Right.” Aragorn looks around, examining all the strange things in the room.

“Legolas?” he asked.


“Why is there a hole in the ceiling?”

“Oh, that. My dad fell through the ceiling.”

“Your dad WHAT?!”

“He fell through the ceiling.”

“Is he ALRIGHT?!”

“Of course, he’s right over there.” Legolas continues to look around, mainly watching the others that are in the room. Aragorn rolls his eyes and walks over to Thranduil, who is STILL bickering with Anakin.

“Excuse me?” Aragorn asks politely.

“Oh hello Aragorn. How are you?” Thranduil asks, a fake smile plastered to his face.

“Uh, confused, in a different world, weirded out by your son, but otherwise I’m great.”

“Ah, I see.”

“So…” Aragorn looks at Anakin. “He’s Anakin?” Anakin looks at Aragorn.

“Yup, thats me.”

“Right.” Aragorn looks him over and then turns back to Thranduil, who starts to speak.

“NO his name is NOT Anakin, his name is yrch.”

“Oh, really.” Aragorn leans closer to Thranduil. “What did he do?”

“He called me ThranDULL.”

“Ooooh. Ouch.”

“Yeah.” Aragorn turns around to go back to Legolas when Elrohir walkes proudly into the room, dressed like a Jedi with a light saber on his belt.

“Elrohir?” Aragorn looks at his adoptive brother with a confused and slightly horrified face. Elrohir clears his throat.

“It is MASTER Elrohir thank you VERY much.”

“Oh, well please forgive me, MASTER Elrohir,” Aragorn says sarcastically, faking an elaborate bow.

“Thats not funny Estel.”

“I thought it was,” Aragorn replies. Elrohir sticks his tongue out at Aragorn. Legolas then runs up and starts to talk with Elrohir.

“Hey El! How are you? Where’s your brother? How did you get here? Why are you wearing such dorky clothes?” Obi-Wan and Anakin both yell at Legolas at the same time.


“Well you have to admit, they do look a little bit dorky. SOOO last century.” Obi-Wan looks at Legolas.

“Look, boy, you haven’t even been ALIVE for a century. And they are NOT dorky!” Legolas stares at Obi.

“What did you call me?” Elrohir glances at Obi-Wan.

“Shouldn’t have done that.”

“Done what?”


“Now you’re in for it!”


“I HAVE BEEN ALIVE FOR WELL OVER 20 CENTURIES FOR YOUR INFORMATION!” Legolas loses his happy-go-lucky appearence and nearly knocks Obi-Wan down in fear. He then quickly regains his happy-go-lucky face and returns to his normal blond self. Anakin looks at Legolas.

“Whoa!! Dude that was soooo awesome! Master, you should have seen your face! It was priceless!” Obi-Wan glares at his Padawan. Anakin then clears his throat.

“Oh, uh, right, I mean, um, yeah.” Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and looks in Elrohir’s general direction.

“So, uh Elrohir was it?”


“Soooo… You know everyone here?”

“Yeah, well, save you and single-braid guy over there.”


“What?! you only have one braid! Talk about unbalanced.” Anakin and Elrohir begin to fight, and then they both get out their light sabers.

“ANAKIN! STOP IT! I SAID STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” Obi-Wan yelled at his apprentice, but it seemed to do little good. Elrohir has clearly out-maneuvered Anakin by far. Aragorn, Legolas, and Thranduil are all staring at Elrohir with open mouths. Legolas has begun to drool. Elrohir then uses the force to throw Anakin up against the wall, not knocking him out, but leaving him a wee bit dizzy. Elrohir puts away his light saber and then makes himself comfortable on one of the many lounge chairs that have appeared in the room somehow. Aragorn then looks around at all the chairs.
“Hey, how in all of Arda did all of these chairs get here?” Legolas looks at Aragorn as he settles himself in a very large chair.

“Hmm, dunno. They’re quite comfy though… HEY! that rhymes!”

“Wow. Amazing. Thank you captain obvious.”

“Why thank you – HEY!” Aragorn laughs evilly and then puts his hands at his sides.

“Uh, guys?” Everyone turns to Aragorn.


“Where’s my sword?”

“We dunno.”

“Great, thanks.”

“Welcome, anytime.” Aragorn rolls his eyes. Elrohir jumps up unreasonably high with the force and then lands right beside Aragorn and strikes a heroic pose.

“I shall help you find your sword!”

“Riiiiight. Ok, come on weirdo adoptive brother.” As Aragorn and Elrohir leave, Elladan walks in, also dressed as a Jedi, identical to his twin brother. But no one sees him. Obi-Wan turns to the door and sees Elladan.

“Hey, Elrohir I thought you left.”

“I’m not Elrohir, I’m Elladan.”

“What? Elladan? Please, Elrohir. Do I look stupid to you?”


“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Well now I am starting to think that you ARE stupid, considering that you don’t know what the word ‘maybe’ means.”

“I know what maybe means!”

“Oh, then why did you ask what it means?”

“I meant – oh just forget it!”

“Ok.” Elladan looked at Obi-Wan with a smirk.

“Soo, Elrohir, why are you here? You just left with that Aragon person.”

“It’s AraGORN and my name is not Elrohir, its Elladan.”

“Yeah right.”

“It IS!”

“Ok, ok, I’ll play along.” Elladan shrugs and then sits in one of the large chairs scattered randomly about the room. Thranduil, Legolas, Elladan, Anakin, and Obi-Wan start to talk of their different worlds and the creatures in them. After a few minutes, one Captain Jack Sparrow and William Turner burst into the room and Capt. Jack marches right up to Legolas.

“You look familiar, have I threatened you before?” Legolas leans back in his chair, because Jack is right in his face. He then looks at Thranduil, with one of those daddy-please-help-me looks. Thranduil then looks at Jack.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to be here!”

“Oh I’m not? All righty then, terribly sorry mate.” Jack and Will leave the room, humming ‘A Pirates Life for Me’ Legolas stares after Will, a horrified and dumbfounded expression on his face. Elrohir and Aragorn walk back into the room, Aragorn has his sword in his hand. Obi-Wan then realizes that Elladan WAS telling the truth, and that they are identical twins. Obi-Wan forgives Elladan. Aragorn only then notices that Elladan is wearing the same type of clothing as Elrohir.

“Not you too!”

Aragorn awoke in Edoras, Legolas was on the bed on his right, and some soldier was on the bed to his left. He sighed and got up, grateful that it was just a dream. As he pondered his thoughts, something caught his eye as he passed Elrohir’s bed. As he looked closer he could make out a shiny silver cylinder lying at the foot of the Elf’s bed. A light saber.

Oh no.

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