Her perfect form would grace any hand yet she belonged to only one, their bond was special, beyond love, she was his for eternity.

In her finest hour she was radient her light shone, but she was cut down, taken from her most beloved. She would not endure this toment, he sought to master her but she betrayed him.

Long years she lay cold and in deep sorrow till by chance another found her. He held her up showing her the light and she warmed to him, but one stronger than he also saw her majesty and in the excitement of their first meeting he killed the one who had sought to hold her.

They were outcasts now, he took her away to hide in the dark places where they could live together unhindered.
In the gloom she claimed his heart. He would do anything for her, even kill. She was his now and yet she yearned to be free for he was not the one she loved, to him only she belonged.

Many years passed until she heard His call once more, knowing the time was right she fled from the darkness and was almost free when she was once more taken, she tried to presuade her new suitor to take her home but he closed his ears to her pleading and she remained a prisoner once more.

Why must she endure this? she only wished to be reunited with her one true love, she knew he sought her and her every prayer was that he would find her soon.

Soon came the time for the journey her old Lover was close and she felt him urging her to seek a way back to his welcoming embrace. She worked her magic and to her surprise found herself on the road heading home.

She carefully played the group she travelled with tempting them with her beauty, her power, promising them untold joy if they would but do her bidding, still she was taken closer and closer to her beloved’s hand, once more they would be as one.

Finally she was there, at the very place she was born, she shimmered in the red light, happy to be home she waited for her one true love to claim her once more.

Just as she thought she would be with him she was snatched away angry she tripped the one who now held her, screaming they fell to their doom as the lava claimed her she felt the one she truely loved abandon her. Then she melted in the fires of Mount Doom and was no more.

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