Part 3

I own none of the characters involved in this story blah blah blah except from Tanja and the groupies blah blah enjoy the story blah blah, I think IÂ’ve made my point blah blah so keep reading!

Blah blah.

(Actually as one more point you might not understand half of the things IÂ’ve written because they kind of contradict a few things IÂ’ve written in the previous chapters but IÂ’m nuts so what can you expect? Plus half the elves coming back from the grey havens just for a party is a bit strange so please refer me to a pretty darn good psychiatrist please!)

*Down in the dungeons with Harry and Hermione who have now been joined by Ron. *

Ron: So let me get this straight, youÂ’ve sent Snape into a book and you need to get him out of there to prevent the creation of some sort of doomsday device?

Hermione: *nodding * Pretty much, yes.

Ron: Hermione, youÂ’re insane.

Hermione: WHAT??

Harry: Guys..?

Ron: One, IÂ’ve read Lord of the Rings and as far as I can see theyÂ’re all good guys and would never be able to get out of theyÂ’re own world anyway, two, why bother getting Snape out of there anyway? Lets all just sit tight and hope he gets eaten by a Warg.

Hermione: RON!!

Harry: *a little louder * Guys..?

Ron: *ignoring him * What? HeÂ’s never done anything for us!

Hermione: He saved HarryÂ’s life!

Ron: Then it should be Harry complaining, shouldnÂ’t it?

Harry: Guys?!

Both: WHAT?!

Harry: WhatÂ’s this? *Holding up an envelope *

*Hermione grabs it, tears it open and reads the letter inside. Instantly her scowl changes into a small smile *

Ron: What does it say?

Hermione: I donÂ’t know how, but Snape miraculously is fine and is getting on quite well with the LOTR lot who have now invited you and me and several others to a party that they are organising in Middle-earth on Friday.

Ron: Let me see that!

*She reads the invitation to him*

Ron: IÂ’ve changed my mind about him!

Harry: Was I invited?

Ron: No. So who else is coming, Hermione?

Hermione: ErÂ… lets seeÂ… Fred and George, Ginny-

Harry: Why wasnÂ’t I invited?

Hermione: *louder * -Malfoy, Lupin, Dumbledore-

Harry: Why wasnÂ’t I invited?!

Hermione: *even louder *-Luna, Cho-

Harry: Why wasnÂ’t I invite-


Harry: *in very small voice * What?

Hermione: Sorry, but it had to be said.

Back in Middle-earth

*It is Friday and the party is just about starting, the guests already there are Frodo, Sam, Rosie, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Arwen, Eowyn, Théoden, Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Celeborn, Gimli, Elladan and Elrohir. But there seems to be no sign of the HP lot. *

Snape: I just donÂ’t bloody believe it!

Faramir: What?

Snape: Well, IÂ’ve taken the trouble to invite them all, and bare in mind that I only invited half of them so I can get back, and now they just donÂ’t turn up!

Eomer: Give it a minute for pityÂ’s sake, not everyoneÂ’s here yet!

Snape: You’re starting to sound like Boromir.

Ghost of Boromir: Some slimebag say my name?

Faramir: Brother!

Legolas: Hey Boromir, good you could make it.

Ghost of Boromir: Well, I had nothing better to do, as HaldirÂ’s probably told you, deathÂ’s no party.

Snape: *giving Boromir the evil eye * If you werenÂ’t already dead IÂ’d kill you.

Faramir: IÂ’d like to see you try!

Legolas: Erm, why donÂ’t you two go and catch up? *Trying to push away Faramir and Boromir but only managing to nudge Faramir and put his hand right through Boromir, then lowering his voice * and leave slimy to me.

Snape: * snarling * I heard that!

Legolas: And strangely I donÂ’t seem to care, now go you two!
* Faramir and Boromir go off and in enter Hermione, Ron, Lupin, Fred, George, Ginny and Dumbledore. *

Lupin: Sorry weÂ’re late, Sev, but it took us a while to get Hermione to remember how she did that potion to get here.

Snape: WhateverÂ… and donÂ’t call me Sev!

Fred: There was a mention in the invite about drinks?

Snape: * gesturing to the food table * Over there, but donÂ’t you dare try to put any of those illness inducing sweets of those in the food!

George: * does double take * How did you know we had them??- Ow!

Fred: * elbowing George in the ribs* He means, do you have any proof?

Snape: Besides these? *raising his eyebrows and holding up two very stuffed backs full of Fred and George’s merchandise. *

George: HowÂ’d you do that? * pulling out the bottom of his pockets*

Snape: Magic, now take these and scram *tossing them back the bags *

* Fred and George go off to join the others at the food table and a large group of girls, human and elf, enter and greet Eomer *

Eomer: Tanya, you made it! * grinning*

Tanya: You know me, Eo, never one to miss a party.

Eomer: Was that all you came for?

Tanya: ThatÂ’s for us to know and you to find out, come on girls.

* Tanya leads her gang away onto the dance floor closely followed by Eomer who is still grinning insanely *

Snape: *under his breath * Bloody hell.

Legolas: *easily hearing him * What? Jealous?

Snape: *indignantly * No!

Legolas: Yeah right!

Snape: Oh shut up, Leggy.

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