If for just one moment
You can slip away
And they won’t see you
That’s what they said

T e m p t a t i o n

Palms sweating
Heart pounding
Half a moment, half a moment!

You must never wear the Ring
Come hell or fire
Or riders
Clothed in black
Looking for you
You and your blood
And your Ring
That’s what you said

But have you faced them and been able to stare them

Closer they come
This blindness that takes over
Fills me with a sightless fear
This golden temptation…
And I can’t think, I can’t see

And it burns in my hands!
This accursed Ring!
This fire-wrought circle of gold
The cause of this journey
And this backbreaking fear

Just for a moment…
It couldn’t possibly hurt
To wear it for a moment

Could it?

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