In length I sat under leaves
In Doriath, where grow the trees.

And Lúthien I cannot say
Of beauty ever-bright and gay.
I played for her like merry swallow
Ill-fate was mine, for thou did follow
Tinúviel, Tinúviel!
Thou charmed me with thy twilight spell!

In length we sang under leaves
In Doriath, where grow the trees.

And twilight fell, and Beren came
And called her by her truest name
Tinúviel, Tinúviel!
Thou charmed him with thy twilight spell!
Your doom is set, your life unmade
Your once immortal flame will fade.

In length I watched them under leaves
In Doriath, where grow the trees.

Now thou hast left me evermore
A vision, kept in song and lore
Thy spirit weeps, thy heart is spent
All paths once straight turn fey and bent
Tinúviel, Tinúviel!
Release thee from thy wicked spell!
Or else thou now come back to me
And let thy heart rise wild and free!

In length I weep now under leaves
In Doriath, where grow the trees.

Now all is still; the night grows long
No voice now sings the twilight song.
And in the darkness I will be;
Tinúviel, come back to me!
Or else my soul forsake my life
With help of sorrow and of strife.

In length I die now under leaves
From Doriath, thy spirit flees.

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