The Story of:

The Lord of the Rings

In the land of Mordor we start this story,
With Sauron, who above all wanted glory,

He wanted control over every land,
And in the darkness he held out his hand,

And in his hand was a golden ring,
So full of power and such a terrible thing.

The creatures of middle earth cried in despair,
Above all else this power was not fair.

So they set up an army and marched in the rain
And fought the impossible, but not in vain.

For Isildur took up his Fathers sword
And cut off the ring from the Dark Lord.

And so to Mount Doom Isildur fled,
But when he got there he suddenly said;

“I’m keeping this ring so I can show
The use of its power, I can’t let it go.”

But the ring of power made him weak inside,
And sure enough one day he died.
And the ring was picked up by someone new
But the power of it still grew and grew.

It escaped the creature and went away,
For someone else to find another day.

And sure enough that day did come,
And was found by a Hobbit, that’s strange to some.

It was taken to a place that’s called the Shire,
This was very much different to the land of fire.

In this land lived Hobbits, stout and small
And they are the friendliest creatures of all.

The land was beautiful with river and tree,
But the houses were small, well, to you and to me.

The Hobbit with the ring had been here to long
And to take his ring with him he new would be wrong.

Bilbo Baggins was this Hobbits name
And to see him leave was a terrible shame

He gave the ring to Frodo, who he knew was kind
And he walked down the road leaving the Shire behind.

But Gandalf the Wizard new it was bad
The ring would surely drive Frodo mad.

He said to Frodo he must leave this place
And take it to Bree with extremely quick pace.

But with Frodo went Sam, his loyal friend,
Who said he’d be with him to whatever end.

It looked like Frodo and Sam were in luck
For who should they meet but a Brandybuck?

His name was Merry and he was a jolly fellow,
He wore brown trousers and his shirt was yellow,

And behind Merry another Hobbit ran
But this one was a more mischievous man.

His name was Pippin and he was a clumsy one,
And wherever he went he made sure it was fun.

One thing they all had in common though,
Was that wherever they went lots of food would go!

The four, they traveled from day to day,
And many terrible things they met on the way,

For following them they would find
Were Ringwraiths on horses closely behind.

They had cloaks on as black as night
And their faces were hidden away from sight.

They used to each be a Human king
But now they’re drawn to the power of the ring.

To Bree the four Hobbits all ran,
And it was there they met a mysterious man.

His name was Strider and he was a Human ranger,
He said he’d keep the Hobbits from any danger.

Strider began leading them to a safe place
To Rivendell the elf home, full of beauty and grace.

But Frodo was stabbed by a Ringwraith knife
And if it wasn’t for Arwen it would have taken his life.

Arwen was beautiful and had flowing hair,
And she knew she had to get Frodo to her fathers care.

She reached home and found her father, an elf
And there Frodo recovered back to normal health.

Gandalf was there and it was then he knew
They had to have a meeting to decide what to do.

Should they destroy the ring for use no more?
Or keep it and try and use it in war?

Two days later entered a man
And for him there was already a plan

His name was Boromir and he had his own idea
But to keep the ring, the others would fear.

That day another person rode in,
And for him keeping the ring would be a sin.

His name was Legolas and his face was fair,
He had pointed ears and long blonde hair.

Lastly a Dwarf entered, stout and proud,
He carried an axe and his voice was loud.

By the end of the day the meeting came to an end,
And to Mordor, a Fellowship, they would send.

Frodo, he was the ring bearer itself,
And along with him went Legolas the Elf,

Boromir there was also and Strider too,
Whose real name is Aragorn, as most of them knew.

Gimli went as well, to slay the foe,
And the other three Hobbits all wanted to go.

Finally was their guide, Gandalf the Grey,
And it wasn’t long before they were on their way.

On their journey they faced many bad creatures
Most were Orcs with terrible features.

The Orcs were evil with ugly faces,
And attacked the Fellowship in the darkest places.

From a snowy mountain to a deep, dark cave,
The fellowship fought and was very brave.

The worst place was Moria where Gandalf fought,
And there he fell and great sadness it brought.

Now Gandalf had gone, Aragorn led,
And into Lothlorien the group all fled.

In these woods Galadriel was queen,
She was more beautiful than anything they’d seen.

They left the woods and were given a gift,
They had to move on and they had to be swift.

Next they headed down the river
The nights were cold, it made them shiver.

It was at these times Frodo thought alone,
“I should be doing this on my own.”

Then one day they rested on the shore,
But a shadow was there, they had felt it before.

It wasn’t long before a battle broke out
Frodo could hear the others all shout.

And so he came out from where he was hid,
They told him to run, and run he did.

But Sam went with him a promise he swore,
He said he’d go with him right to Mordor.

Back at the fight Boromir was in great fear,
He was by himself and Orcs were near.

An arrow was fired; Boromir fell to the ground,
All went quiet, there wasn’t a sound.

Merry and Pippin were captured, the fellowship broke
All that was left was three other folk.

Frodo and Sam traveled, day by day,
And then they found Gollum to show them the way.

He led them to the mighty Black gate,
Outside the land of dread and of hate.

But Gollum was cunning and changed his mind,
Another way round, he would find.

To the Hobbits he would be very unfair,
For he would lead them through Shelob’s lair.

Miles away were the remaining three
For they wanted to let the other hobbits free.

They followed the trail all the way,
And who should they meet but Gandalf the Grey?

Gandalf was not dead but he had to fight,
And he won and was changed to Gandalf the white.

He told them that the Hobbits were ok
And that they were to go another way.

And after that they rode across field and moor,
To fight yet another terrible war.

This war was to try and defend a keep,
It was called the battle for Helm’s Deep.

That battle was soon over and they did win,
But the battle for Middle Earth was about to begin.

Meanwhile through Shelob’s lair Frodo was sent
Followed by Sam and together they went.

To stick together they did agree,
For the tunnel was dark and they could not see.

Frodo could feel something behind his back,
But could see nothing there for it was black.

They began to run but faster than before,
But at the end of the tunnel a great spider they saw.

She was called Shelob, and her legs were long,
It was then Sam knew following Gollum was wrong.

Sam saw Gollum and pushed him to the ground,
But Gollum soon won and Sam’s hands he bound.

Frodo was filled with anger and fright,
But had to run from Shelob’s poisonous bite.

Frodo, he began to run again,
But was bitten by Shelob and was filled with pain.

Sam, he managed to get free at last,
He had to save Frodo and he had to be fast.

But when he got there it was too late,
And Frodo had gone to his terrible fate.

Sam held Frodo and cried aloud;
“Gollum I bet you feel very proud”

Sam held Frodo’s very cold hand,
Then realized he would have to leave this land.

But still he sat and thought a while,
How could he lose a friend to a thing so vile?

He ran to Shelob and stabbed her through her heart,
With her gone away a new journey he’d start.

He took the ring which had done so much wrong,
But as he was leaving Orcs came along.

They said to each other Frodo could not be dead,
For Shelob she likes them alive instead.

So Sam, he followed them when they took him away,
And traveled by night and traveled by day.

And then one evening to Sam’s delight,
Frodo was left alone that night.

Frodo was alive, in a tiny room,
And Sam said in his ear “let’s go to Mount Doom.”

If they finished their task we will see,
But now we shall return to the other three.

They knew a long journey they would have to make,
But they did not know which path to take.

Then a thought came to Aragorn’s head,
Maybe they should take the Paths of the Dead.

Legolas knew that this plan they should try,
For it would distract Sauron’s eye.

And so they went, those three and more,
And the fact they might die they tried to ignore.

The journey was hard and the days were long,
But soon it all ended and nothing went wrong.

Meanwhile, Gondor was under attack,
With no reinforcements their armies were slack.

Merry and Pippin were later sent there,
And together they fought, and were a brave pair.

The king he gathered armies so great,
And from there they marched to the mighty black gate.

The soldiers left over began to curse,
If they left Gondor, their war would get worse.

But they knew to Mordor they had to get,
And soon all the armies eventually met.

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli stood still,
For Sauron would open the gate at his will.

The Orcs were ready to kill every man,
And so the gate was opened and the battle began.

Gandalf was there, and his staff he would use,
For he could not bear to see the good people lose.

Aragorn watched Legolas, who fired a shot,
And with that arrow an Orc he got.

And then He drew his sword in the pouring rain,
He looked around; and all he could see was pain.

And as he fought he imagined the ring,
For all this fighting was over that small a thing.

Back at Mount Doom, things were just as bad,
Frodo, by now was going mad.

Sam stood standing by the mountainside,
He looked up to the summit, his eyes were wide.

Sam knew that they had to get to the top,
If they wanted all Frodo’s pains to stop.

And so they began to climb up high,
Smoke clouds had already filled the sky.

And to the impossible they eventually got,
The fire in the chasm was extremely hot.

All Frodo had to do was cast the ring in the fire,
And he’d be able to go back to his home in the Shire.

Frodo looked suspicious, he stood alone,
Then he shouted out loud “this ring’s my own.”

Sam heard his cry and said “let it go”,
But Frodo just glared and whispered “no.”

Then Frodo did what Sam had feared,
He put the ring on and then disappeared.

Frodo pushed Sam over, onto the ground,
But he felt a strange shadow and turned around.

Gollum was there and was dancing with glee,
He said “yes my presciousss come to me.”

He pulled off the ring on Frodo’s finger,
And by the edge of the crevice he did linger.

But he lingered there too long, and fell,
And the ring was in his hand as well.

The mountain it gave an almighty rumble,
And as the Hobbits ran down, bricks would tumble.

The men at the battle looked up in surprise,
For they could hardly believe their eyes;

The clouds were moving, the sun came out,
It was then that Gandalf gave a shout;

“The battle for middle earth has at last been won,
A life of peace and goodness has begun.”

A few days later, the fellowship met again,
And each had been cured of every pain,

Frodo was still full of shock and grief,
But seeing his friends, he gave a sigh of relief.

But soon they went their separate ways,
For they’d been together for many days;

Aragorn, now king, with the crown on his head,
Met up with Arwen and together they wed.

Gandalf, He traveled from valley to wood,
But still saw Frodo whenever he could.

As for Legolas he went to the sea,
For that was the place he wanted to be.

With him went Gimli; they could not part,
For they had been together right from the start.

Finally, the hobbits went home at last,
And their brave story went round the Shire fast.

Merry and Pippin stayed friends forever,
And wherever they went, they would go together.

As For Sam and Frodo you can guess,
The strength of their friendship was never less.

But for Frodo it seemed the sun never shone,
And that the old Shire times had gone.

And so Frodo thought that it was best
To take the grey ship into the west.

Frodo had never felt sadness more
When he stood with Sam upon the shore.

The quest was about friendship all the way,
And Frodo said to Sam on that sad day;

“The quest, it came to a perfect end,
And it was because I had you Sam, my loyal friend.”

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