As we pulled into the meadow, I craned my neck for a glimpse of my old friend. I saw four lasses, talking and laughing together. None of them looked like Pimpernel, so I assumed she was inside. Figwit and I climbed of the wagon, and I saw Pimpernel. Or at least, I saw what she had become. Long gone were the wavy locks of long blonde hair. No more were the hand-me downs that she usually wore. A fashion freak had taken their familiar places. She was wearing the latest style of skirt and over a white blouse she was wearing a turquoise sweater. Long dangles that reached to her shoulders adorned her ears. I said hello, but she didn’t say anything back. It seemed as if she was pretending to be an elf, which is as silly as me trying to be a dwarf.

Her aloofness annoyed me. Where was the Pimpernel I had known years ago? Where was her cheerful smile? She had gone where I could not and would not follow. She was like an apple eaten through by worms.

Even though this new turquoise Pimpernel bothered me, I wasn’t going to let her stop me from having fun with Figwit. I soon found myself playing games with all the other tweens there. I met a nice hobbit lass named Elanor, who had danced with Pimpernel’s cousin Frodo at Bilbo’s eleventy-first birthday party.

After a miniature hobbit meal, the games continued. I tried to be friendly with Pimpernel, but I almost never got anything out of her. Figwit had warned me not to expect being greeted by my old friend, but I never thought she would have changed so drastically. Is it so hard to remain consistent? Pimpernel used to be a sweet girl, but an attitude replaced her cheery disposition. “Don’t dispair,” said Figwit. “It isn’t your fault.” I sighed, and a thought came to me. “People who change themselves just to please others are one big lie. If people aren’t happy with the friends they have they shouldn’t have to leave their old friends behind. When you try to please everyone you will end up unhappy and frustrated. You won’t be any better than a turquoise Pimpernel.”

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