Day 1
Cousin has just died in my arms. Crap. Uncle Theoden couldn’t care less. Big Bro.Eomer kicked out of kingdom. v. crap.

Day 2
Grima such a perve! Tried to comfort me but was hitting on me! So grosse! Walked out in a huff. Then saw two horses with some guy, an Elf and (what looks to be) a dwarf.

Day 4
The guy Aragorn is so hot. Heir to the throne of Gondor! V. excellent. Could be wife of Aragorn. Yay! Though, in compition with the Elf, Legolas. His hair is straight and shiny. Damn him.

Day 7
Big fight to Helm’s deep. Ugly Orcs upon ugly steads, kind of like huge wolves on way too ugly. Aragorn in battle. Afraid he’s dead. Oh crap! Means I won’t be Queen of Gondor! Double crap!

Day 8
Aragorn is dead. Went over cliff into water. Shit, there goes my dreams of being Queen.
Still in compition with Legolas. May be winning! Woo-hoo!

Day 10
Aragorn is alive! Apparently washed up on shore, badly injured. But still, ALIVE! hopes of becoming Queen are sparkling!
Stupid Elf won’t stop showing off good, shiny heair. Burn the hari!

Day 15
Huge battle at Helm’s deep. Small kids, moms and old women cramping my style. should be out at Aragorn’s side, ready to die for him. Instead, stuck in stingy cave. Huge Pro. Bummer.
Con is may still be more beautiful than Legolas. Go me!

Day 16
Battle over. We won, of course. Went out to hug Aragorn. All sweaty and manly, a real turn on. Legolas glaring daggers at me. I win compition of bing pretty! Ha!

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