Day 1
Gondor Stinks. I think I’ll take a little trip to Rivendell. Weee.

Day 3
Arrived in Rivendell. There seemed to be a concert or something like that so I snuck in. I got front row! However it turned out to be a dumb council. They were giving away this really authentic ring. I went up to claim it but this old guy started yelling at me in another language. Probably cursing..anyway a little kid claimed the ring so I decided to tag along. Hey, maybe I can get him to give me the ring. And as a bonus a pretty girl is coming with us.

Day 5
We’ve been walking and walking and walking and walking. I haven’t been able to introduce myself to the pretty girl yet, but I will. (Smiles)

Day 8
We stopped today. Yay! I STILL haven’t met the pretty girl. No instead two of the kids wanted to play some sword fighting game today. By the way, why are kids on this mission? I’ll have to ask the old guy…

Day 12
Well now we’re walking on a snowy mountain. And quess what? We’re walking some more! Wa-hoo! Well I got sooooo close to asking the pretty girl her name. But Frodo (that’s a weird name for someone to name their kid. Maybe it’s French. ::shrugs::) dropped the ring and I got to touch it. That’s is the happiest moment of my life…

Day 13
Today we got stuck in a snowstorm. I had to carry some kids. Grrr. The girl was able to walk over the snow without sinking. When I get to talk to her, I’m going to ask how she is able to stay so skinny. I mean I am on the slim fast drink, but I’m not exactly gliding over snow now am I?

Day 15
Today we’re in some dark realm. I am quite sad. I can’t see the pretty girl any more. Last I saw, she was by the old guy. I hope she isn’t falling for him. I am so much hotter than that old dude! Anyways, all this darkness has given me time to think. I think we’ll have a either a spring or fall wedding. Yes. And I think our children will have my stature and her hair…

Day 19
Today we killed some orcs in a tomb. I saw the girl do this really cool move to shoot the troll. Fascinating. I bet she is a good dancer..Anyway we ran after we killed all the orcs and stuff. A balrog came. I felt so sad, cause the girl looked so scared. I just wanted to hug her. But then we had to run. I almost fell and, she caught me. Okay now that was the happiest moment of my life. Anyway, I wanted to ask her for her name, but then we started running again. Grrr. The old guy fell trying to protect us. Hah! That takes care of any competition between me and him for the cute girl.

Day 22
Today we reached Lothlorien. There was some debate about the Elves letting us pass, but I didn’t really pay attention. I was too busy trying to imagine what the girls name is. I thought about Arwen, but that’s too brunette. Galadriel. Naw. Too girly dresses for this beauty. Then I thought of Eowyn. Yeah, Eowyn might be it. Or Legolina. That could be it…Legolina. Yeah, lets call the pretty girl Legolina.

Day 24
Today we Left Lorien. I tried to get a boat with the girl, Legolina, but no luck. But no time about that! I saw legolina smile at the dwarf! What could she possibly see in that shorty! Sure he is funny but I can be funny! Why’d the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! Hahahah!

Day 26
Today we stopped at Amon Hen. I have good and bad news. Good news is Legolina wasn’t talking to Gimli any more. Bad news was that she started a conversation with Aragorn! Are you kidding me? I look a lot like him!! Hmmm. I got to think of a good line…Hey cutie, want to blow the Horn of Gondor? Yeah. That’ll work…dern it! No time. Stupid Uruk-Hai have come. And I am shot! NOOOOOOOOO!! I never even got to utter a word to Legolina!!! Oh great look whos here. Mr. I stole your future wife. Aka Aragorn. Just take care of L-legol (dies)

Day 29
I know you are thinking. What the heck! Boromir is dead. This isn’t him. This is as he called me Mr. I stole your future wife. Yep. Its Aragorn. Well I found this and thought it was a book. But then after a few entries I realized it was a diary! Ha hah! I can’t believe he liked Legolas!! I told the dude and it kinda freaked him out. He said, “I knew I should have talked more.” he was pretty close. Legolas, Legolina. He*he. Phew! The weirdo. Well I see a pretty shield maiden so see ya!

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