Men shall come from far and wide
to fight in battle and earn their pride.
Elves will once again unite
with men and show them their glorious light.
Four Hobbits will walk where darkness looms,
two to war and two to doom.
Two men of Gondor will journey late,
one receive the crown, the other a sad fate.
Two wizards will cross paths where suffering lie,
one shall win and one shall die.
An elf and a Dwarf, an example of what time mends,
shall forget the past and become great friends.
The hour is late, the time is near,
where Ring-Bearer and companion shall reach their fear.
As Sauron watches with one Great eye,
Gondor will enter with a loud cry.
Frodo’s hand holds the Ring above the fire,
could this be it, and save the Shire?
Darkness over-takes him, he draws back his fist,
all will lose what they have missed.
But time will not allow it and the ring is dropped,
all Middle-Earth’s darkness in suddenly stopped.
Just as all hope seems to fade away,
“The Eagles!” all cry, “to bring us to day!”
Middle-Earth is now safe, all evil is gone,
but for Frodo, his journey has reached the dawn.

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