10 ways to tell you’re obsessed with

Disclaimer: I do not own any of Tolkien’s wonderful work. Hope that’s good enough.
10. You have a life-size in your room.

9. If you do have a life size you brag to everyone
that you have one.

8. You scare people whenever you see the One
Ring by putting it on your finger and yelling,
“I’m invisible!! You can’t see me!!”

7. You have made a “replica” of Sting out of rubber bands and paper towel roles.

6. On your B-day list you have over 18 things from LOTR that you want.

5. You only ever speak in Elvish.

4. You once loved movies like Star Wars and now it has become “Old School”.

3. You have made people not even want to watch
LOTR because you talk about it all the time.

2. You have learned how to write in Elvish or

1. You have asked your principal to change your Social Studies to “The History of Middle Earth” or to have Elvish as a second language.

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