Disclaimer: I don’t own LotR or any of the characters

Ever since Pippin had to go with Gandalf to Minas Tirith, I’ve felt that a part of me is missing. I don’t know what it is, but ever since Pippin left, I’ve been absolutely miserable! But it was Pip’s fault that he had to go with Gandalf. I told him to not look into the palantir, but did he listen to me? No! He had to look! Why does he always have to look? “I don’t know, I can’t help it!” That little hobbit really needs to learn to not take things that don’t belong to him. But that’s not my problem…

A day or so later, the beacons of Gondor are lit. King Theoden says that Rohan will answer the call of Gondor. I told him that all my friends were at battle and that I would be ashamed if I didn’t fight. But Theoden claimed that a battlefield was no place for a hobbit. Ridiculous! I survived the mines of Moria and being captured by Uru-kai, I think I can handle a war! Those big folk just don’t understand.

I found out that I’m not the only one who is not allowed to battle. Apparently, King Theoden’s niece, Eowyn cannot go into battle either, because wars aren’t for women either. That’s really odd. Normally women don’t want to take part in wars, it’s usually the men who do all the fighting. There’s something different about her, and I like it!

Lady Eowyn took me to the armory tent. I wasn’t really sure what she wanted to do. For a short time, I thought she wanted to do something with me because she told me to take off my jacket and vest. The first thing I was thinking was “Woah! Is she trying to seduce me?” Obviously I was wrong, DAMN wrong. It turns out I was getting fitted for armor. I looked pretty darn good in battle-gear, and I think Eowyn agrees.

I think I’m starting to like Eowyn, not just as a friend, but in a more intimate way. Then it came to me, she likes, and maybe even loves Aragorn. Why would she fancy a little, fat hobbit like me, when she could have a strong, tall ranger like him? It’s bloody hopeless! Luckily for me, Eowyn doesn’t have a chance with Aragorn because he loves Arwen and Arwen loves him. Can you say “love triangle”? Maybe my luck will change… you never know!

But wait, what about my beloved Estella? She’d be heartbroken if she knew I loved another woman. Just great! My life cannot possible get any worse than it is now. My best friend is gone, I’m not allowed to fight for my home, and I’m torn between the love of my life, and a beautiful woman of Rohan, who sees me as a child! A CHILD! I may have to do something drastic for her to notice me, but what? Perhaps an idea will come to me later. I don’t really know.

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