‘Twas The Night That Saruman Sent His Orcs To Helm’s Deep.by rohirrimlady

‘Twas the night that Saruman sent his Orcs to Helm’s Deep
And we, the Rohirrim, were holed up in said keep
The women and children were sent to the caves
While Theoden King ordered us braves
To stand our ground and defend our brethren
Do it for Rohan, for the women and children
Ten thousand strong our enemy sent
To eradicate all Men they were hell-bent
They came with a shout and they came with a growl
They stomped and they clattered and they started to howl
And we on the ramparts we stood and took aim
And the heavens they opened and it started to rain
Bleak looked our chances that dark and wet night
Any who could hold a sword would now fight
Soldiers of Rohan, old men, and young boys
Innocence lost in steel, not wood toys
A long past allegiance the Elves came to honor
And stand with us Men shoulder to shoulder
Three others are here to fight by our sides
An Elf, a Dwarf, and a Ranger besides
The Uruk’hai’s chanting was suddenly quelled
When one of their own was abruptly felled
Then a riotous rage heated their blood
The Orcs stormed the walls like a thundering flood
The battle was on and bravely we fought
All through the night victory we sought
The tide turned against us when they breached the wall
‘Twas the first time in history Helm’s Deep would fall
Battered and beaten we retreated within
Hope that we would survive was quite thin
When Aragorn urged us to ride out once more
With faith in our victory he alone bore
‘Twas dawn on the fifth day and he looked to the east
And spied a white light upon a glorious white beast
Behind it there came like a hero of yore
Eomer, our captain, with two thousand more
The Uruk’hai stood no chance now at all
Saruman’s army was ready to fall
Those who survived fled towards Fangorn
As Gimli the Dwarf blew the Riddermark horn
The day now was ours though battered were we
Ten thousand we’d beaten and claimed victory.

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