This is my first attempt at fanfiction, so please be kind. Also, please review. Note, all recognizable characters are Tolkien’s, all future unknown ones are mine. ZK

Chapter 1

Danger Unprovoked

Legolas shook Gimli awake as the sun’s light just barely tinged the sky a rosy hue. “Come, elvellon, we must ride again. The orcs have gained on us through the night. The Uruk-hai will not rest until they have captured us.”

Gimli groaned and woke, bundling up the last of their equipment. Legolas helped him mount Arod and they were off. Legolas looked back with worry. He was running out of arrows, and the Uruk-hai were gaining. It wouldn’t be long before they would be fighting hand-to-hand, and Legolas did not relish a battle.

“How long will we keep running?” Gimli asked.

“Until you remember what exactly you did to make this remnant of the Uruk-hai hunt us so…” Legolas paused, searching for a suitable word.

“Doggedly?” Gimli suggested. Legolas nodded, accepting that definition. They rode on in silence while Gimli racked his brain.

It’s my own fault for getting so drunk three days ago. I suppose I will never hear the end of it from the elf, either, Gimli thought. He looked back at the approaching orcs. Arod was clearly exhausted as the Uruks continued to gain ground. It looked like a clash between the friends and the beasts was inevitable now. Gimli gripped his battle axe eagerly, then noticed Legolas’ slightly strained look. He knew Legolas was not nearly as eager as the dwarf.

The elf looked back at Gimli then sighed. “Arod is too tired to continue for much longer. I suppose we must choose our battleground soon, or have it chosen for us, my friend.”

“Good,” Gimli growled. “I have been getting sick of running.”

“I imagine you have, elvellon,” Legolas said with a smile. They found an outcropping of rocks that was high enough to greatly increase Legolas’ range. Gimli remained on the ground. As they waited, Gimli realized his stomach was growling. He hadn’t eaten since the day before, and it had been longer for the elf.

“Legolas, perhaps we should eat some. It will be two or more hours before the scum reach us. We will fight more effectively if we are not distracted by hunger.”

Legolas nodded and leapt down beside his friend. They shared some lembas bread between them. Gimli went through his packs, mainly because he could not recall what exactly he had, other than spare clothing. When he lifted the strange grey loaves out, he groaned.

“How did those get in there?”

Legolas looked to the east at the approaching Uruk-hai and then at the loaves in curiosity. “What is that?”

“The result of a drunkard becoming chef and mistaking fine white sand for flour. If you wish to take leave of your teeth, be my guest in trying to eat one.”

Legolas laughed, though the sound was less musical and more strained that the elf was wont. “Nay, my friend. I still have need of my teeth.”

The friends watched their pursuers come ever closer. Once Legolas could hear their heavy footfalls, he mounted the outcropping again. He drew his bow and aimed the arrow at the lead Uruk. Gimli heard the faint twang of the elf’s bowstring and another Uruk-hai fell to the superb archer.

“That’s five,” Legolas said, sounding cheerful.

“Be sure to leave at least half for me, Legolas!” Gimli exclaimed.

“Should not be hard, Gimli. I am down to three arrows, and there are much more than eleven of them. Things should be close here, elvellon. I do not plan on losing by one this time.”

“Nay, ’twill be much more than one this time, elf!”

Legolas laughed. He shot another Uruk down, taking out the fastest by firing through weaknesses in their armor. It was much too soon, in Legolas’ opinion, when he ran out of arrows. He unstrung his bow and leapt down next to his friend, drawing his two knives.

“Now the contest begins, elf. Don’t lose count!” Gimli laughed. Legolas joined in, relieving the stress of being hunted and waiting for the Uruks to arrive.

The two friends watched as the Uruks came ever closer, their footfalls loud even to Gimli’s ears. They rushed forward as the elf and dwarf came within hearing distance. Legolas and Gimli nodded at each other and charged forward, giving war cries of their own. They joined with the orcs, and the only sound was blades crashing together and the sickening ‘shunk’ of blades sinking into flesh. Legolas and Gimli fought back to back, as Arod fought at the edge with his hooves.

A dead orc fell behind Legolas, separating him from Gimli. Both friends continued to fight, attempting to rejoin forces. The orcs fought harder to keep them apart. Legolas found ten orcs between himself and his friend, and unsteady footing below. Three orcs pressed the elf further and further back, as Gimli was similarly driven back from Legolas.

Legolas slipped suddenly on the remains of a fallen enemy. As he flailed his arm to regain his footing, he lost his knives and fell to the ground with a cry. He covered his face as Gimli looked over.



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