The Beginning / The Music

Eru roamed through the Void’s abyss
In ages ere the world began.
Then something through the darkness ran:
To Eru’s mind there came a Thought.
He gave vent to a wondrous plan –
A scheme for brilliant genesis.
And as He contemplated this
From His mind were the Ainur wrought.

They sprang to life, a wondrous host,
And filled the Void’s unending gloom.
A timeless hall with countless rooms
Was formed for them by Eru’s hand.
Life grew like buds bursting to blooms
Destined ne’er to be kissed by frost.
Each one, from least to very most –
Forevermore they’d boldly stand.

Eru, in the eternal night
Taught His Ainur to sing; with this
He filled their hearts with boundless bliss
And understanding of His mind.
The Ainur all were numberless,
But fifteen rose in Eru’s sight;
Each with a heart that shone so bright,
They were revered among their kind.

Eight Lords and seven Queens there were
Who were exalted o’er the rest;
Their paths of duty would be blessed
As Eru’s will they would perform.
The Valar’s might was manifest
Their minds unsullied, clear and pure;
Their countenances true and sure
As would be their physical forms.

Eru called all the Ainur then
And bade them gather, facing Him.
They saw, although the Void was dim,
That His eyes, with joy, were shining.
The Ainur knew ’twas no mere whim
That drove Eru to summon them.
They watched and listened mutely when
Eru stood, and began to sing.

As Eru’s voice swelled, sonorous,
The Void was filled with colored rays
That spread and set the night ablaze;
His true intents they all did see.
The Ainur marveled, all amazed
At their Lord’s scheme so glorious;
And Eru smiled, victorious,
Saying, “Repeat My song for Me.”

So this they did, all Ainur there;
The Song was great and powerful.
And things took shape where all was null
With all that they were uttering.
Their voices rose from soothing lull
To chords that filled the empty air.
Near all of them had voices fair,
But one was darkly muttering.

‘Twas Melkor, the firstborn Ainu
Who sought to break the harmony;
He wove a dark cacophony
To spite his Lord and mar the Song.
The discord in His euphony
Passed not unnoticed by Eru.
He smiled, raised His left hand – anew,
The melody flowed from the throng.

Melkor’s rage blazed like a firebrand;
Though others gave protesting cries,
The Ainu would not compromise –
His song brayed on, harsh to the ears.
His face now stern, Eru did rise
Once more, and lifted His right hand.
The music rose: a gentle strand
That echoed with fathomless tears.

Like clashing blades the two tunes sparred,
An air of wrath with one of woe.
Eru’s Song rippled with sorrow
While Melkor, his own rage released,
Leapt up, his Lord to overthrow.
Eru’s resolve turned diamond-hard;
He raised both hands, and all was jarred –
With one great chord, the Music ceased.

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