Waiting for Forever to End
By arelenriel

This is a poem based on how Elrond felt upon reaching Valinor. I do not own LOTR, The Tolkien Estate owns all characters, places etc.

Here I stand on the white sandy shores knowing
Your hand in mine as we watch ships sail by.
Waiting becomes habit as years go by.
The Evenstar has dimmed and shines no more.
Our sons sailed home without her bright smile.
The loss of our child has made us forever sad.
Our baby, our princess in a cold grave lies,
Her mortal descendents forgetting her immortal sacrifice
Giving up family, and kindred to be with her love.
My Celebrian and I stand on the cold lonely shores,
We wait for that last battle when mortal souls shall
be released,
And we shall see then her light shine brightly again.
So my love we wait, together for our sadness to end.
Our daughter we love you and we will be here to hold you close when forever ends.

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