*8 years later*


Reinforcements rode into Minas Tirith just in time. Rohan had long joined the battle, but to no avail. They were simply outnumbered and overpowered. But not anymore.
Leithio i philinn! Herio!/Fire the Arrows! Charge!” a voice sounded from the new army. As an answer to the command, arrow after arrow flew from the bow to take out ranks of Easterlings at a time. One rider rode onward, twin knives drawn and becoming a deadly whirlwind as they sped between the mixture of men. He paused only a moment to glance around. It did not take him long before he spotted whom he was looking for.
Aragorn glanced up as he heard his name called. He was completely covered in sweat and dirt, not to mention blood from his enemies. He, however, sustained no injuries. He smiled faintly and sighed with relief.
Le ab-dollen! /You’re late!” he shouted in reply.
Legolas was sure he was seen as he rolled his eyes. He turned Arod and sped back to an easier position to fight on his own.


Before long, all of the Easterlings had either died or retreated, but still soldiers carefully examined all of the levels of the city to be sure. Legolas dismounted from Arod and smiled as he patted the horse’s slightly damp neck.
Mae carnen, Arod. /Well done”
He gripped the stallion’s reigns in his hand loosely and led the horse up the sections to where he thought he would find Aragorn. He was mistaken, however, and instead of finding Aragorn, Aragorn found him. Legolas walked right passed him where he stood leaning boredly against a wall.
“Is that all the greeting I get?” Aragorn asked with a smile. Legolas started and glanced towards the voice; he soon chuckled and nodded.
“It is now, filthy human.” He raised an eyebrow as he glanced Aragorn over. Aragorn fully fit his nickname at the moment.
“Prissy elf,” Aragorn countered as he stepped forward. The two embraced each other in thier symbol of friendship. Aragorn chuckled suddenly.
“I almost didn’t think you would come.”
Legolas shrugged and grinned, his eyes gleaming.
“My father wasn’t exactly thrilled about the idea of me going off and fighting again.”
Aragorn narrowed his eyes as he searched Legolas’s.
“Meaning you went off without his consent?”
Legolas nearly smiled as an answer to Aragorn’s question. Aragorn snorted and shook his head.
“How did you manage to get warriors then?”
Legolas smile turned into a guilty grin.
“No one told them what my father really said.”
Aragorn gaped at Legolas before he shook his head again.
“I can’t believe you, Legolas Greenleaf. Don’t you know how much trouble you’ll be in?”
Legolas shrugged, but then nodded.
“All the more reason for me to stay here for a while.”
Aragorn rolled his eyes and began walking off, muttering under his breath. Legolas followed a short distance behind, still leading Arod.
“I can hear you, Aragorn.”
Aragorn glanced back in surprise, but recovered quickly.
“So? You can’t do anything to me here.”
Legolas raised an eyebrow as he walked a bit faster to catch up with Aragorn.
“Oh, can’t I?”
Aragorn glanced at Legolas with amusement.
“No. I could have you arrested.”
“Like you would do that.”
“I could.”
“You won’t.”
“It’s possible.”
“No it’s not.”
“Would you like to try?”
Aragorn sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Okay, you’re right. I wouldn’t”
Legolas smiled and placed a hand on Aragorn’s shoulder.
“I know. Besides… Once my father found out, you would be in more trouble than I.”
Aragorn winced at the thought, earning a smile from Legolas.
“That is very true.”
The two walked in silence for a long time before Legolas glanced over to Aragorn again.
“How are Arwen and Eldarion?”
Aragorn smiled.
“They are both well. Eldarion has been learning how to fight and Arwen is hating me for it. I’m teaching him myself.”
Legolas chuckled.
“Seems I have some work to do.”
Aragorn glanced over at Legolas in confusion.
“Meaning what?”
Legolas grinned and looked over at Aragorn.
“Meaning I have to teach him how to fight right.”
His comment earned him a cuff on his arm before he duck away.
“I’m a better fighter than you are.”
“Sword-fighting, yes.”
“Well, that is what I’ve been teaching him.”
“Good. Anything else and he may be too off track to fix.”
This time, Legolas did manage to duck away from Aragorn’s swing. He shook his head.
“How old is he now?”
Legolas smiled and shook his head.
“Can’t believe it has been that long already. It has been eight years since I’ve been here last.”
Aragorn nodded slowly, remembering their last visit with dread.
“Eight years too long. He still remembers you too. He just asked me of you not but a week ago.”
“Asking about what?”
“Just where you were, when you were going to come again.”
Legolas smiled.
“Well now he has his answer. Hopefully he has come over his ‘Uncle Leg’las’ stage.”
Aragorn laughed as Legolas grimaced. Aragorn put an arm over his friend’s shoulders.
“Oh, come on Legolas. To us, you will always be Uncle Leg’las.”
Legolas rolled his eyes and shrugged Aragorn’s arm off.
“Filthy human.”
“Prissy elf.”
Legolas sighed and shook his head, while Aragorn continued to smile. He was about to crack another comment that would surely earn himself a cuff from the elf when a voice suddenly interrupted him.
A young boy appeared from one of the buildings of the White City. He was tall for his age, with deep blue eyes. His hair was similar to Aragorn’s, only instead of curly, it was straight. In all honesty, Legolas had to admit the child looked more like Aragorn than Arwen. Aragorn smile turned to a stern frown.
“Eldarion, you were told to stay in the tower. What if we were not done fighting?”
The boy rolled his eyes.
“Ada, you have been done for ages! I sat and watched!”
Legolas snickered, earning both a glare from Aragorn and Eldarion’s attention.
“Uncle Legolas! Is that you!”
Legolas nodded and smiled.
“You’ve gotten much bigger than when I saw you last.”
Aragorn snorted.
“I would hope so. You haven’t seen him since he was three.”
Eldarion nodded and looked up at Legolas.
“That’s true. Why haven’t you come to visit, Uncle Legolas?”
Legolas sighed and thought for a moment.
“Well, Eldarion… I live quite a long distance away and my father is very strict. I find very little time to get away to visit friends.”
Aragorn’s voice interrupted his son’s suddenly.
“Go on back to the tower. There will be plenty of time for you to talk with your uncle later.”
Eldarion sighed and reluctantly turned and ran back towards the tower. Legolas glanced over at Aragorn with an amused smile.
“You were talking about my father…”
Aragorn glanced over at Legolas in surprise.
“What do you mean by that?”
Legolas grinned and shook his head as he started walking, leaving Aragorn standing there.
Legolas’s grin widened as he heard Aragorn calling after him, but he continued leading Arod towards the stables.
“Legolas! I expect an answer at dinner!”
“Maybe, mellon nin. Maybe,” Legolas said under his breath.
“I heard that!” Aragorn called out, even though he had not. Legolas paused a moment and glanced back.
“Heard what?”
Aragorn glared at Legolas in mock anger before he turned and followed the direction Eldarion had gone towards. Legolas shook his head and soon disappeared into the stables. Little did the elf or the man know, there would be no eating dinner together that night…

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