Sam slowly entered his hobbithole holding the hand of his first darling daughter.
She ran to keep up with Sam. Her beautiful blond curls gently bounded upon her back and her smile gleamed white.
Rosie walked beside Sam holding their youngest child.
Sam’s children sat on the floor beside a window that showed the slowly setting sun that consisted of red, orange and yellow.
Sam and Rosie stood at the window and admired the colors. Soon the Sun sank under the horizon and the golden moon rose and every star filled the ash black sky.
Sam glanced over his shoulder and saw his children
contently sleeping together on the dark wooden floor. Sam carefully picked up his daughter and brought her to her room.
He set her on her bed, pulled the covers over her quietly and kissed her brow gently. He walked out silently first taking one more glance at his daughter. He then walked to a table in the family room and just sat fiddeling his thumbs waiting for Rosie to come back from putting their youngest child to bed.
Rosie soon appeared in the hobbit sized open door way and stared at Sam unnoticed her eyes twinkling in the laterns light. “Welcome back darling.”
Sam lifted his head startled but smiled ear to ear and got out of his chair and opened his arms wide. Rosie walked over and held him tightly.They were Both smiling, full of joy.
“I missed you so much Rosie”
“Oh Sam I missed you but I am so glad you are back”
Suddenly there was loud knocking at the door. Sam peered through the window saw a hobbit boy.. but it was so dark he couldn’t tell who it was.
“Who is it?” Rosie asked. Sam stayed quiet and opened the door slowly.
“Why hello there, what are you doing out so late… and here for that matter?” Sam tried to be polite as he could because the hobbit boy was his friend.

Please Submit a Review to this chapter!!
Next chapter is Coming Soon…. Called
Sam’s Advice..
Sorry Chapter didn’t come as soon as I expected :: shrugs:: I completely forgot about this story..but I am glad many people seen it.. but I still would like reviews and I will work on ‘ Sam’s Advice’ .. to be honest I have no clue what I was thinking back then and I don’t know what this story will come too. :: grins:: oh well I will think of something

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