Who is He?

Moonlight glimmers, soft but full
Darkness covers, all below
I sit awake and wonder…

Who is he?
This writhing creature before me
This twisted soul, with a pain too deep to see…
Filled with craving, which does not cease
A hidden torture, with no release.

Oh! Come back–
Out of the darkness and the shame
The endless fear, the pain…come back!

A single question burns within
I long to ask, but hesitate
They told me, but can it be–
Were you once…like me?

Daylight fades, and all is gone
Hope withers now, where once was strong
I stand alone, I try to fight
This merciless lure, whispering day and night
Grasping me forever, holding me tight.

Yet still I hope, I must believe
There is a chance somewhere for me
For in his eyes, luminous mirrors unfold
I see myself…and what one day I may be.

I need to believe that he can be free.

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