I had to write a poem for English. This is what I came up with. Later I thought that this applies to any war, mainly the war in Iraq.


As I trudge through the trees
As the wind blows my dirty hair
I wonder why
As I wade through the flowing stream
As the water gurgles around my weary feet
I wonder why

Why the sword hanging at my side?
Why the arrows on my back?
Why the knives in my travel-stained pack?
Why the shield on my arm?
Why do I no longer cringe at the sight of blood?
Why is my brother dead?

I remember the battle

The rivers of blood pooling in abandoned helmets
The screams of men in the throes of death
The pain
The grunting of orcs with victory near
The horns calling advance; retreat
The fear
Stepping over friends to kill their murderers
Weapons swinging, cleaving, hacking
The agony

I wonder why

I walk past women washing clothes in the stream
I sidestep the sheep being driven to pasture
Children run barefoot though the ripe wheat
Their fathers hard at work harvesting it
I call hello to the old woman knitting in the sun
Aromas of Mother’s bread and stew cooking
Mix with the smells of animals in the pastures
I am home

And now I know why

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