Hello! I this is my first actual attempt at a fanfic, so I would appreciate any comments you have about it.

You Can’t Catch Me

“You can’t catch me!” Arwen yelled, running through the halls of Rivendell.

“Oh, yes we will,” Elladan shouted back as he and Elrohir chased after her.

Running around a corner, Arwen ran right into Glorfindel, causing them both to fall to the ground. Not seeing them fall, the twins ran around the corner and went flying.

Shaking it off, they pounced on the young elf and began to tickle her.

Squirming on the ground, she laughed, “Stop! Stop!”

She sat up and looked over at Glorfindel, who was massaging his forehead from bumping heads with her.

“I’m sorry Glorfy,” Arwen said innocently, looking up at him and trying to look the part.

“It’s all right, Arwen. I’m used to it by now. Anyway, I could never be mad at you, Angel.”

Arwen giggled in delight, got up, and dashed off again. Elladan and Elrohir were right behind her.

“They never change,” Glorfindel sighed as he picked up the scrolls he had been carrying and walked off.

“I’ve got you!” Elrohir said, catching Arwen by the waist. “Come on, now. Time for your bath.”

“No!” she protested, kicking and squirming in Elrohir’s arms. “I want to play!”

“Arwen, no. You need to take a bath, and then it’s time for bed.”

The twins picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. After getting her ready for her bath, they plunked her down in the tub, and proceeded to wash her.

Once she was all clean, they put her into her pajamas. Elladan let go of her for only a second to get a brush, but she dashed away yet again.

As she ran through one of the gardens, she came across Gandalf smoking his pipe. “Gandalf!” she cried, running over to him and giving him a hug.

“Hello, Arwen,” he said, lifting her onto his lap. “What are you doing up at this hour? You should be in bed.”

“I don’t want to go to bed,” she cried, “I want to stay up! I’m not even tired!” Just then, Elladan and Elrohir came running into the garden, panting heavily.

“There you are,” Elladan said as the twins ambled over towards them.

“Hello, Gandalf,” Elrohir greeted, “When did you get here?”

“Several hours ago,” the Istari answered, “Where is your father? I was hoping to speak with him.”

“He and Ammë should be back in a day or two. They went to go visit Grandmother and Grandfather in Lothlórien,” Elladan responded.

“Ada said it’s because they needed to talk with Grandma and Grandpa, but ‘Ro said it’s because me an’ Legolas are driving them up the wall. I think it would be funny to see Ammë and Ada running on the walls!” Arwen giggled.

“Come on, now,” Elrohir said, turning to Arwen and holding out his arms, “Time for bed.”

“No!” she pouted, crossing her arms.


“Gandalf!” They all looked up to see a young Legolas running towards them. Legolas ran to Gandalf and gave him a big hug.

“Hello, Legolas,” Gandalf said as he brought the blonde prince onto his lap, “What are you doing here?”

“I came here with Eriadel and three days ago,” he replied.

“I thought you were asleep!” Elladan said.

“I wanted to stay up,” Legolas declared, his electric blue eyes shining. “Ada lets me stay up as late as I want at home.”

“Well, you are not at home,” Elrohir said, “You are here, and we are telling you to go to bed.”

“But you’re letting Arwen stay up!”

“No, we are not. She’s on her way to bed too.”

“No, I’m not!” Arwen said, tears starting to come down her face. “I want to stay here with Gandalf!” she shouted.

“Both of you are going to bed now!” Elladan roared, causing Legolas to start crying also.

Gandalf decided to intervene. “Leave this to me,” Gandalf said, trying to calm both young Elflings down, “I know just the trick.” He winked at the twins and they took the hint. After saying goodnight to Gandalf, Arwen, and Legolas, the twins headed off. “How would you like to hear a story?”

“Yay!” Arwen said, clapping her hands. “Tell us a story!”

“Story!” Legolas shouted.

“What story would you like to hear?”

“Tell us a story about Glorfy,” they chimed.

“All right,” he replied, “Many years ago, before he came to live here with Elrond, Glorfindel was a mighty warrior…”

Near the end of the story, Gandalf looked down to see that both Arwen’s and Legolas’s eyes had clouded over. He chuckled to himself as he carried the sleeping children to their bed.

“Quel kaima,” he whispered as he tucked them into Arwen’s bed and blew out the candle.

Ammë – Mother
Ada – Father
Quel kaima – Sleep well.

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