You know you’re obsessed when…

1.)You manage a completely LOTR web site.
2.)When you see a flock of crows flying overhead you yell “crebain from Dunland! HIDE!” and jump into the nearest bush, or ditch, or something along those lines.
3.)When you see birds on the ground you run through them screaming, “fly you fools”.
4.)You cry when Frodo leaves Middle Earth… EVERY STINKIN’ TIME!
5.)You can quote the movies/books word for word.
6.)When it’s your birthday you hang a sign somewhere saying “no admittance except on party business” and hold a huge LOTR themed party and won’t let anyone in unless they have a proper LOTR costume on.
7.)Your acquaintances think you’re weird for liking LOTR so much.
8.)Your friends think you’re weird for liking LOTR so much.
9.)Your family thinks you’re very weird indeed for liking LOTR so much.
10.)You laugh hysterically at every little funny part of LOTR.
11.)You wear a replica of the One Ring on a silver chain around your neck and refuse to put it on or let anyone touch it.
12.)If anyone tries to touch your ring you pull away and start talking to it like Gollum.
13.)When somebody really starts to annoy you pick up the nearest pointy item and ask them, “do you want me to smite you with Sting? DO YOU!”
14.)You use quotes from the movies/books in everyday conversation.
15.)You yell out “FRODO LIVES!” or something along such lines everyday out of habit.
16.)You yell out things in Elvish everyday out of habit.
17.)You see a word like “celebration” and star to pronounce it “kelebration”.
18.)You see things like “token” and “habit” and see “Tolkien” and “hobbit”
19.)You compare EVERY LITTLE THING to something Tolkien.
20.)Gollum DOES live in your basement.
21.)You try to order Lembas at fancy restaurants.
22.) You use the cast’s nicknames like “Lig” and “Daisy” and are shocked when people don’t know who they are.
23.)When somebody gets hurt you say, “they’ve been stabbed by a Morgul Blade, this is beyond my skill level, he needs Elvish medicine” or ” he needs kingsfoil!” even if it’s a she.
24.)You make LOTR personality quizzes.
25.)You make LOTR knowledge quizzes.
26.)You write lists like these.

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