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Council of Elrond - Fanfiction

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Mallos Dhannol ~ Falling Gold by sepdet (G)
Summary: The fate of Celebrían. (Audition for the Govannas in Glirdain, the Bards’ Guild of Rivendell; assigned topic was “event in the life of Elrond Halfelven, under 10,000 words”).
Characters: Celebrían, Elrond, | Genre: Angst | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-10-03 05:14:50 | Date Updated: 2003-10-03 05:14:50
Elvedui ~ The Last Elf by sepdet (G)
Summary: What would happen to an Elf who refused to sail for Valinor? This tale follows Galadriel’s poignant prediction and, in a way, will come full circle back to Tolkien’s earliest writings.
Characters: Other, | Genre: Angst | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-10-02 15:37:28 | Date Updated: 2003-10-02 15:37:28
More Than Mithril by ArwenBaggins (PG)
Summary: When Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Pippin, and the accompanying armies arrive at the Black Gate, the Mouth of Sauron brings them not only Frodo's clothes (mithril coat and Elf-cloak) but also Frodo himself: as a prisoner!
Characters: Frodo, Gandalf, | Genre: Angst | Chapters: 3
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-27 05:36:29 | Date Updated: 2003-09-27 05:36:29
Calad U-Sila: No Light Shines by Tigressdance (PG-13)
Summary: "The old Ranger looked to Legolas. "Where is Aragorn?" he demanded. Legolas flinched and looked up with grief-stricken, pain-filled eyes. "I killed him."
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, | Genre: Action | Chapters: 2
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-23 23:17:26 | Date Updated: 2003-09-23 23:17:26
Hobbits: An Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual by Theresa_Green (PG-13)
Summary: Everything you always wanted to know about hobbits, plus quite a lot of information that you probably didn't.
Characters: Frodo, Sam, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-21 15:39:04 | Date Updated: 2003-09-21 15:39:04
Two Unexpected Concerts by Loki (G)
Summary: Bob Dylan and LotR are combined in two parodies written by Loki and Pan. The first story, Gandalfs Birthday, is a fun story about a post-LotR gathering of the fellowship for a speacal event. The second story is about the prancing pony with a strange new twist. Please review, brutally honest criticism wanted. We wish to hone our writing skills.
Characters: Frodo, Legolas, | Genre: Parody | Chapters: 2
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-15 22:03:06 | Date Updated: 2003-09-15 22:03:06
Serenity by Minka (PG)
Summary: “He could feel it sing, hear the soft, musical note as the string snapped back and the arrow was released, searching out its target.” Elrohir centered story about the binding power of an archer to his bow, to the world and to all that surrounds.
Characters: Other, | Genre: Action | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-15 03:02:09 | Date Updated: 2003-09-15 03:02:09
Lord of the Things: The Two Towels by nazgul911 (G)
Summary: Evil is yet stronger. The power of Isengard is... A TOWEL?????????
Characters: Aragorn, Frodo, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 2
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-14 11:04:04 | Date Updated: 2003-09-14 11:04:04
Love by Firniswin (G)
Summary: On his fifth year in the wild, Aragorn desides that maybe he should return home. But when he gets there, what is stopping him from crossing the bridge?
Characters: Aragorn, | Genre: Drama | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-11 14:33:38 | Date Updated: 2003-09-11 14:33:38
Memoirs of the Shire: Remembrances of the Past by CrystalGamgee (G)
Summary: A new age has begun... another ring has been found... the epic continues on...
Characters: Frodo, Sam, | Genre: Angst | Chapters: 7
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2003-09-11 11:56:16 | Date Updated: 2003-09-11 11:56:16