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Council of Elrond - Fanfiction

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On the first day of Christmas... by RachieAchie (G)
Summary: NOT copied from michey04... They've given me permission to put this on (thanks mate!). This one was written by me & Ellie.
Characters: Other, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-21 09:21:41 | Date Updated: 2003-12-21 09:21:41
Dream by sweet_elf (G)
Summary: this is a poem I wrote late at night by no light
Characters: Fellowship, Frodo, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-20 12:50:38 | Date Updated: 2003-12-20 12:50:38
Last words by faith_greenleaf2205 (PG-13)
Summary: A poem from a story I am working on. It's basically about how Haldir's brothers are coping with his death. This poem is spoken by Rumil while he is in the depth of depression. WARNING: This poem talks about commiting Seuwcide ((SP?)) or killing ones self. If you do not like dark and depressing writing I highly sugest that you dont read this. For those of you who do I hope you like it and plase review. -Faith-
Characters: Other, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-19 12:40:38 | Date Updated: 2003-12-19 12:40:38
A Lord of the Rings Christmas- Continued by gollum_2004 (PG)
Summary: A slight...erm... twist on "The Night Before Christmas" (Note: this is "Sam" tellinghis quite unusual Christmas Eve story) Reviews are appreciated.
Characters: Ringwraith(s), Sauron, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-18 22:10:09 | Date Updated: 2003-12-18 22:10:09
A Lord of the Rings Christmas, 3 chapters by gollum_2004 (PG-13)
Summary: A few christmas carols related to LotR characters. Enjoy! (This might be a bit overrated)
Characters: Gollum, Legolas, | Genre: Parody | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-17 20:20:20 | Date Updated: 2003-12-17 20:20:20
The Call of the Sea by CelticMoon (G)
Summary: This is a poem about longing for the sea. I'm not sure yet if it's about the Elves, I haven't decided yet!
Characters: Other, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-13 11:46:20 | Date Updated: 2003-12-13 11:46:20
Lament for the Elves by CelticMoon (G)
Summary: This is a poem about the ELves leaving Middle-earth to sail to Valinor.
Characters: Other, | Genre: Action | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-09 18:32:39 | Date Updated: 2003-12-09 18:32:39
For Frodo by Evenstar01 (G)
Summary: A simple poem about the courage of the ring bearer.
Characters: Frodo, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-07 11:38:08 | Date Updated: 2003-12-07 11:38:08
My love by Halimanya_P_of_Mirkwood (G)
Summary: A poem describing Aragorn from Arwens point of view
Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, | Genre: Romance | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-05 13:51:43 | Date Updated: 2003-12-05 13:51:43
As I turn the pages by ithillinde (G)
Summary: Its a poem about how I feel about LOTR. About how you can make something so real to you, and the power that a writer can have on the reader. Hope you like!
Characters: Other, | Genre: Poetry | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2003-12-04 17:01:36 | Date Updated: 2003-12-04 17:01:36