Username errors

Our site only allows each user name to be registered once, so if you are trying to sign up as “Luthien” or “Frodo” then it is highly likely the name is already in use, please pick another version of the name you want, e.g. Luthien_Star or Frodo_222 and try again.

If you are trying to use symbols such as * @ # & etc. in your user name then the site will not allow this. Special symbols are not recognized by some areas of our site such as the forums and may cause you problems when it comes to changing your account information or using our services, therefore we no longer allow people to sign up with any of these symbols in their name.

You can use ~ _ and – in your user name.

SQL syntax errors

Sometimes you might get an error like this when you try and register-

1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘0’,”, ”,”,”,’26ebf240c8743c08e0

All you need to do is go back and fill in the user name and e-mail fields only. All the other information can be filled in once you have registered by going to “My account” then “Change your info”.

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