When you register a new account the system automatically sends you a password to the e mail address you registered with. This is not send out by the admins of the site and you should receive it within a few minutes.

Before you register with us please be sure to remove any blocks you have on receiving mail from unknown addresses. Some e-mails have “spam guards” on them which may cause our password e-mail to be filtered into your junk mail box, please be sure to check there before contacting us.

If you definitely have no received your password then go to the login page and press the “retrieve lost password” option, this will send you a confirmation code by e mail which you can then use to retrieve your password.

If you do not receive this e-mail then it may be that you mistyped your e mail address, please go to “CoE” on the left hand menu and then “Contact us” and fill in the “account problems” form, be sure to include a return e-mail address and as much information on your account and logging in problem as possible.

Do not sign up with a new account under any circumstances, this clogs up our system and is against site rules.

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