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How do I upload a picture in PM?

1) Upload your picture to a web server, e.g. a service like Photobucket. 2) Copy the image URL it gives the picture 3) Click the ‘IMG’ button below the PM you are writing. Notice the ‘img’ tag that appears in the PM 4) Paste the image URL inside the img tag. The tag should now […]

What does “pm” mean?

Here at CoE, ‘pm’ stands for ‘Private Message’. This is an easy way to get in touch with other members.

Can I use HTML when writing private messages?

No, HTML is turned off to prevent anyone from inserting malicious HTML code into their messages.

What is the limit on the number of Private Messages stored on COE?

Once your private messages reach 75, you will be unable to receive any more until you delete some.

How do I clear up my private messages? I have 67 and that is awfully close to the 75 limit.

Go to your PM inbox. In the list of messages, you will see a ‘Delete’ link to the right of each message. Simply click it to delete the message.

If I were sent a private message, how can I send a reply?

Type your reply in theĀ  “Add reply” box at the bottom of the PM and then click the button “Send Message” to send it.

How do I retrieve a private message?

Go to the “Messages” box on the lower left hand side of the front page. Click “View Message Box” . The username and title of the message will be displayed. Click on the title to read the message. You can reply to the message and/or delete it.