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Post A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 15, 2004 11:11
OK, this be my first truly serious RP. Hooray!
Hundreds of years ago, in Wales, there was an immense and prosperous kingdom. Their people were elite artisans, intellectuals, and soldiers. Their king was young, strong, and just. But the real secret of this kingdom was in a mysterious group of people who guarded it. Some said they were ancient mages, some said they were fraudulent gypsies, some said they were not human. No one had ever seen their faces, as they dressed in hooded robes of a dark green. They were present at every important function of the kingdom, even church services. They did not speak, but sang occasionally, in another language.
Slowly, rumors began to spread about these people. Eventually, the king was forced to banish them from his kingdom. After they left, the kingdom crumbled into ruin. Now the descendants of these people are scattered everywhere. (that'd be me and whoever joins)


[Edited on 16/3/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 16, 2004 10:16
Hundreds of years ago, in Wales, there was an immense and prosperous kingdom. Their people were elite artisans, intellectuals, and soldiers. Their king was young, strong, and just. But the real secret of this kingdom was in a mysterious group of people who guarded it. Some said they were ancient mages, some said they were fraudulent gypsies, some said they were not human. No one had ever seen their faces, as they dressed in hooded robes of a dark green. They were present at every important function of the kingdom, even church services. They did not speak, but sang occasionally, in another language.
Slowly, rumors began to spread about these people. Eventually, the king was forced to banish them from his kingdom. After they left, the kingdom crumbled into ruin. Now the descendants of these people are scattered everywhere.
Angel is a descendant of the scattered people. She is the human equivalent of a 19 year old. She is tall and has a deep, searching blueish-green eyes. Her hair is red with natural black and white streaks. Her powers were mystical and secretive.She lived with mortals for many years until they died. From then on she searched for her own kind, in hopes of finding one of her own blood.
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 16, 2004 02:35
(Basically, what is going to happen is that all the descendants of these people-who, by the way, are called the Drioghan-will meet each other and then...who knows? PM any suggestions)
Morgana believed herself to be 18 years of age. She also thought her parents were human. But who she thought were her true parents had a secret. They had found her, at the end of a trail in the heart of the Black Forest 18 years ago. She wa much younger than Angel, having actually been born about 18 years ago, but was just as powerful. She, too, had a striking physical appearance. Her eyes were a deep blue -green as well-it was one of the marks of the Drioghan. But her hair was constantly shifting from a white-blond to a deep, silver-streaked red, and everywhere in between. On this particular day, she was visiting Stonehenge. She lived only a few miles away, and so came here frequently. She felt very connected to this place, as well as a particular hill not far off. No one else ever paid it any notice, but it drew her like a magnet.
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 16, 2004 04:25
(ooc:question-what time period is this taking place?)


[Edited on 17/3/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 17, 2004 11:46
Akasha sat down in the long grass dreaming about what life could be. she looked at the sky then fell asleep, she dreamt that she was flying with a couple of other people, of course she didn't know who else could fly! i mean it was nearly impossible for her to do it she could barely hover of the ground. She knew she could do this ever since she was little but she kept it to her self.

(:love:i hope you's like it! Gorothtellumaiel i'm pretty sure you are in the abhorsen RP arn't you?)


[Edited on 18/3/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 18, 2004 10:58
(ooc: This RP takes place in the present. And yarp, I am in the Abhorsen thingy. Or at least was. It appears to have closed.)
Morgana was wandering about near the hill, stopping every now and then to watch a bug scramble up a blade of grass or get eaten by a jumping spider, when suddenly she tripped over someone. There was another girl there, lying on her back. "Oh....sorry....Wait," said Morgana. Should she know this girl? She looked so familiar." I know I've seen you somewhere before." (L_o_L 89, hope this is okay w/ u.)


[Edited on 18/3/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 19, 2004 04:41
((Suilad, all. I'll be playing Ashiaro. He's in the data base.))

Ashiaro walked up and down the pathway, bright green eyes undershaded with grey scanning, intently searching for any clothed in dark green robes. He believed that he was the only one who still wore these robes, styled like the Jedi robes in StarWars, and passed down from father to son. His own father was killed about a hundred years before, and he had lived on his own from the time when he was literally sixteen years of age. He appears to be about the human equivalent of nineteen or twenty. His eyes focused on a young girl who appeared to have tripped over another, and was now talking to her. He decided to make sure both were okay.

As he approached nearer, he recognized the girl to be Morgana, the eightteen-year-old girl who he had seen around the country before. "Morgana?" he gasped, as he could hardly believe they would meet once again. "Is that really you?"


[Edited on 20/3/2004 by Gilraen]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 20, 2004 07:57
(((Uhm.... alright, Calyx is in the DB! Just out of curiosity, where is this taking place? I mean in a city or rural area? If you don't mind answering, that is!)))

Calyx pulled his headphones opn, glanced around his apartment and headed out the door, shutting it behind him. He really didn't know where he was headed, anywhere was better than that dusty old three room excuse for an apartment, though.

Taking a breath of the morning air, he walked briskly down the street, heading towards, well, who knows anyway? Calyx certainly didn't. And he didn't care either. He stuck a hand into his pocket and turned up the volume on his music, letting his thoughts drift away while he walked.
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 21, 2004 09:05
(Vende, this is taking place in England, in sort of suburbia, I guess. I don't know much about where exactly Stonehenge is located, but that appears to be where we're all meeting up.)
"Ashiaro!" cried Morgana, quite forgetting her conversation with Akasha. She hadn't seen him in ages, it seemed. Wait, no...only about three years. He was still wearing that robe-y looking thing. He hadn't actually changed much, although she had. They had last met when Morgana was taking the bus back from Stonehenge. They had quickly become friends, but hadn't seen each other since then. But now here he was! Morgana and Ashiaro were now standing at the base of the hill. Oddly enough, there were no tourists there, even though it was only a little before noon. As the sun reached its zenith, however, a strange thing happened. Morgana's watch began to beep for 12:00-and part of the hill fell away, revealing a stone corridor. A blast of raw power hit Morgana, knocking her over. The hill was hollow, but something else was obvoiusly buried in there. She peered her head inside, but could see nothing but darkness.


[Edited on 21/3/2004 by CarolP]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 21, 2004 10:22
Angel found herself wandering upon stonehenge. There was a great quake that knocked her off her feet, then as the sun reached its zenith, however, a strange thing happened. it was 12:00-and part of the hill fell away, revealing a stone corridor. A blast of raw power hit one girl, knocking her over. The hill was hollow, but something else was obvoiusly buried in there. She peered her head inside, but could see nothing but darkness.
Angel was a little confused but saw others at the hill as well.
"Does anyone know whats going on? Who are all of you?" she asked.
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 23, 2004 11:01
(ooc: OK, I'm betting some of you are wondering why this is happening at Stonehenge if the Drioghan are from Wales. So here's what's going on; the Drioghan came from beneath this hill. This is a common theme in Celtic literature: supernatural beings dwell in hollow hills. The Drioghan protected a kingdom in Wales, because that particular kingdom was fated to become a great empire. But they didn't.Oh, yeah, and the door in the hill only opens when at least 3 of the Drioghan are present and at noon, midnight, and twilight)
"I've got no idea what's going on," said Morgana, withdrawing her head from the pitch black to glance at the new arrival. "And I'm not going to be the first to go in there-or maybe..." It couldn't hurt to take a quick look. "Okay, I'll go if someone else comes with me."
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 23, 2004 02:13
"I've got no idea what's going on," said Morgana, withdrawing her head from the pitch black to glance at the new arrival. "And I'm not going to be the first to go in there-or maybe..." It couldn't hurt to take a quick look. "Okay, I'll go if someone else comes with me."
Angel stood next to the one called Morgana and volunteered, "Im in. Lets go."


[Edited on 24/3/2004 by Beleg_Strongbow]
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 24, 2004 04:59
(((Thanks, Gorothtellumaiel!!!!! Don't worry, you're not alone in your lack of knowledge. Oh, and I updated his profile and did something that might excuse my lack of knowledge.)))

Calyx walked swiftly down the street and out of the small town towards the area around Stonehenge. A violent shudder suddenly shook the earth causing him to stop and look around, rather puzzled. Since when do earthquakes occur in England? he wondered, but continued walking.
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Post RE: A kingdom fallen(free!)
on: March 25, 2004 11:02
"Well, does anyone have a match or something? 'Cuz I'm not wandering into pitch bla-" As Morgana spoke, a bright white flame sprouted out of each of her fingers, illuminating the entrance to the tunnel. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" she shrieked. "WHAT'S HAPPENING? MY FINGERS!" Then, she realized she wasn't actually burning. Whew. But still, this was far from an ordinary occurence. A few of the others were watching with small smiles on their faces. "Ummm....I wish you'd go out?" she said to her hands, which promptly extinguished themselves. "Wow....okay, come back on!" The flames shot up again."Awesome. Let's go, then!"
"Wait!" Angel had spotted someone else approaching.
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