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Insane Insomniac
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Post Rush for the Rohir
on: January 21, 2005 12:23
[size=1]((Okay here is where the madness begins so if you have already joined just jump right on the wagon, if not and you like what you read then please go over to our[/size] OOC [size=1]have a read through it and join us! Anyway enough ramble and on we go ))[/size]

Two figures galloped side by side towards Edoras, along the foot of the White Mountains. The rising sun shone soft golden beams of light across the Eastfold and the wind blew harshly at their backs. The horses, both black, were neck and neck as they matched each other’s stride, each of their riders urging them on to go faster. If it had been possible to see their faces at such a speed, any passer-by would have noticed that both riders were identical in practically every feature. As the horses’ hooves thundered across the ground, kicking up dirt as they went, the wind whistled in the riders’ ears and tore at their cloaks, growing stronger with every stride they took.

Suddenly one of the horses stumbled and the other rider seizing his chance kicked his horse on and shot ahead, galloping straight towards the top of the hill that they were headed for. Upon reaching the top, he reined his horse to a sliding halt and let out a triumphant yell. Glancing back he saw his companion standing on the ground beside his horse. Turning his exhausted horse around, he trotted calmly back down the hill, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips and a delighted shine in his black eyes. “Victory again brother! Now remind me, who did you say was the better horseman?”

His twin did not reply, but continued to examine his horse’s hoof before glaring at him and muttering, “I would have won had you not switched our horses.”

“I did no such thing! What ever made you think of that? You just can’t accept that I have won yet again, admit it, I am better than you!” He answered before adding at the sight of his brother‘s face, “Oh lighten up Levi, don’t be such a pessimistic dark horse!” He laughed at his own joke, fully aware of the murderous looks he was receiving yet not caring either way.

Levi sighed held out his hand, revealing a small piece of broken glass, “Because you have never done anything honest in your life Raen. So if you didn’t swap our horses, then don’t even try to deny that you implanted that in my horse’s hoof,” He waited for that mock innocent face his brother always pulled and continued, “Is it not the same glass from that bottle you have been carrying since Minas Tirith which has now suddenly disappeared?” He turned back to his horse and walked it forward a few steps. It was as he expected, favouring its right foreleg. “As for who is the better horseman,” He added, “I am disinclined to agree with you since I am the one caring for a lame horse and you are the one sitting upon a winded one!”

Raen glanced down at his horse that was breathing heavily and sighed. He dismounted lazily and loosened the girth. It was so typical of his brother to spoil the fun. He could not understand why he was creating such a fuss, it wasn’t as if the horses even belonged to them in the first place and there were plenty more where they came from. They were after all in Rohan, the land of horses.

As if reading his brother’s thoughts Levi turned to him, “These horses were supposed to last us for the entire journey to Edoras. We may be in Rohan but do you really see anywhere around us where we can take horses from?” He gestured to the open plains that surrounded them, “You just couldn’t manage to make them last that long could you?!” He sighed, “You couldn’t have thought just a little bit before you decided to pull another one of your pranks, that’s asking far too much isn’t it?! I don’t know why I bothered to get you out of prison!” He walked his horse on a bit further and decided that it would be alright to continue on at a slow walk. Taking the reins he clucked softly and led his horse at a gentle walk.

Raen sulked as his brother shouted at him. After all, it wasn’t entirely fair to place all of the blame on him since Levi had agreed to the race too. Just because he had done things his way, didn’t mean that everything was his fault. However when Levi was in a black mood like this he knew that it was pointless to argue. That didn’t stop Raen annoying him nonetheless, “Well now I will have you know I was quite enjoying myself in prison! I didn’t ask you to come and get me, I am perfectly capable of escaping myself.” Suddenly he gave a yelp of surprise as his horse bit him on the shoulder. He quickly grabbed the reins and coughed loudly, acting as if he was merely clearing his throat. Pulling his uncouth horse behind him, he followed Levi.

Levi shook his head at the strange noises his brother insisted on making before smirking when he realised that the horse had bitten him. Rolling his eyes he retorted, “Fine then I shall turn you in once we reach Edoras.” He was in a really foul mood now. “You think this is just some time off where you can fool around don‘t you? Well I have work to do and if you think that all you’re going to do is sit in a pub or chase after maidens then you can turn around now as I don’t need you to ruin my plans! You‘ve done enough damage as it is!”

Groaning Raen replied, “No, no brother! Different prison, different people! It’s an entirely different thing. You should know that since you have spent just as much time as I have in there. And of course I have no intentions of doing so. Besides…” he grinned, knowing that that was all he had planned for the time ahead, “They can’t tell the difference between us and I can leave Edoras at any time I choose, whereas you who must stay there for the present could easily be arrested.” Like a child who is easily bored he changed the subject and moved on to more interesting topics, “So Levi tell me about this expedition again?”

Levi sighed, growing tired of his brother already and they had not even arrived. He wondered what possessed him to even allow Raen to accompany him. It was true that they often worked together however he did not really need him this time; any blood to be spilt he could do himself and did not require the professional skills of an assassin. “Well Asgar…“ he uttered this greedy man’s name with a particular amount of disgust as if it was poison in his mouth. “…has informed me that an important noble of Rohan has just sent his daughter, Rýda to court in Edoras.” He shrugged, passing over the other details briefly, “The rest is simple enough, he wants me to take her captive upon which as usual I shall collect the ransom and return where I shall be paid.”

“And I am here in case things go wrong or turn ugly, the ever helpful brother!” Raen added, happy that there was some excitement planned ahead so he wouldn’t have to create all of his own.

Levi snorted at his remark, “Ever destructive!” He corrected. “I do not even need you brother. This is only a small and easy affair. Nothing could possibly go wrong!” He glanced ahead unhappily, “Now hurry up. We’ll be lucky to reach Edoras by nightfall at the rate we’re going!”

Raen grinned, “I wouldn’t depend upon it, brother.” He had every intentions of getting his fair share of action and would create a problem if needs be, which it was looking like he would have to since it seemed fairly straightforward. His eyes shone mischievously. How he loved new journeys, it was always an excuse steal the finest horses, wear expensive clothes instead of rags and have plenty of food and drink; perhaps a noble maiden in need of seducing too. Everything always seemed much better when it was stolen, including precious hearts. Also with adventure and surprise around every corner, who could possibly ask for more?


A gloomy dusk had descended upon the land and the stars were beginning to appear in the sky, twinkling high overhead. The wind was gathering force and tearing through the land. Raen pulled his cloak tightly around his tall, thin frame and was thankful for the new garments he wore that kept out the cold. However that did not stop him complaining nevertheless. He was tired and was still trying to work out how he had ended up leading the lame horse while Levi rode the other. “I am almost certain it is your turn to walk now Levi! I have dragging this beast behind me for hours now!” He whined.

Levi glanced down at his brother, “Not yet I assure you. After all, you must understand, it was you who made that horse lame therefore you can suffer the consequences, not me!” He grinned at his whinging brother and quickened the pace. “Come on, if we hasten now we can still make it by nightfall,” he called over his shoulder. The more time he spent with his brother, the more he realised how much older he felt. It still amazed him how someone who lived as a dangerous assassin could act like such a child and not have an ounce of hate in their body.

“Well that’s a little difficult since this animal can’t move that fast!” Raen yelled before grumbling and cursing to himself. Tugging on the reins he followed his brother, taking up the time by thinking of the best way to unseat him from the horse, which he so haughtily rode.

After what must have been several hours, Raen heard Levi’s voice ahead of him in the dark and glanced up. Although he had sharp eyesight for a human, trying to locate a black horse with a rider dressed in black was not an easy thing to do. Finally he spotted him and strained his ears to pick up what his brother was shouting across the wind.

“….look…almost…. bear…”

Raen pulled out a knife and glanced around wildly, looking for a bear, thinking that Levi had lost the plot. He did not want to be holding an injured animal that would provide an easy meal for the bear, or indeed become a snack himself either. However, there was no bear to be seen or heard of. He had never known of a bear living in the open plains around Edoras either. Just then his brother came towards him and he shouted, “So who is the one fooling around now? I think there is something wrong with you there is no bear around here!”

Levi looked down at his brother, questioning himself once again whether he was entirely sane or not before leaning down and answering disdainfully, “I said we are almost there.” He frowned at Raen before nodding ahead, “See the lights?” He turned with a grin, “We’ve reached Edoras.”
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: January 24, 2005 07:20
((Salkiethia, I'm sorry, but this is not an open thread - as Wren stated in the first post, if you'd like to ask about joining, please go to the OOC thread. And also, if you'd be so kind, please delete this post, so it doesn't confuse people - if you're cleared to RP with us, then you can bring your characters back. Thank you very much.

Now, on to Take Two of Ryda's entrance. It won't be nearly so good as my first try, but...*sigh* I hate AOL.))

Golden torchlight spilled from Meduseld, as the Rohirric nobles celebrated a battle won in the far past. Although they would not soon admit it, the nobles were just as bad as the commoners when it came to finding excuses to get drunk and have a raucous party. All the nobles in Edoras were there, except one.

That one missing noble was currently striding down the streets of Edoras on her way to The Mearas' Foal. She was a young woman of about 18 years, her blonde hair pulled back in a braid and her fine clothes traded for more common garb that she kept secreted in her trunk. She had given her bodyguard the slip again - an act she always felt a bit guilty about, for the man was loyal to her and her father, and only wanted to keep her safe. But she didn't want to be kept safe, if it meant nothing but clothes and sewing and parties with old men who would (once they were drunk) try to proposition her. She much preferred where she was going now.

As she pushed open the door of Edoras' finest drinking establishment and entered, a loud, slightly drunken cheer filled the room. She could see two men arm wrestling at a table not far away - Leoc, the blacksmith, appeared to be winning, and after a moment, win he did. The girl smiled widely and joined in the clapping. Leoc stood and bowed to his audience, then saw the young noble.

"Well, it seems Lady Ryda has decided to bless us with her presence!" he exclaimed in a booming voice, and pulled the girl into a sweaty hug. Although he wasn't much taller than the slender girl, he dwarfed her with his large, muscular build. Ryda, laughing, wiggled out of the blacksmith's grip and moved over to the bar, greeting her friends as she saw them. The Mearas' Foal was Ryda's absolute favorite place to be - everyone treated her as an equal, although it had taken some time to convince them to do so. But it had been eight months since her father had sent her to the court at Meduseld, and before two of those months had passed, she was being teased and jostled like the rest of the girls there. She had even, on a few occassions, had her bottom pinched, but she apparently reminded Leoc of his daughter, and he took it upon himself to "discourage" that sort of thing.

Ryda got herself a cider from the barkeep (not being too partial to ale) and sat back, chatting and giggling with one of the Ladies maids from the Hall. Yes, she thought to herself, this was a much better use of her time.
Creator of Reality
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: January 25, 2005 10:21
“Namian are we there yet?” Nunig whined, her feet were sore and tired, and she hadn’t had a decent bath in two weeks and she defiantly smelled like it. After falling in a mud hole, being half-drowned in horse manure, rolling down a steep hillside into a murky pond, Nunig wasn’t in the best shape of her life. And all of it for a measly box full of flour and a cart load of lard, which her husband had been told was a local merchant’s money profits for the week.

“Can’t you think of anything or anyone but yourself?” Namian asked without turning around, his voice clearly irritated. “And yes, dear we are there, Edoras is just over these hills.”

Nunig sighed and leaned forward in the saddle of the horse her husband led. “Good because I am in desperate need of a long hot bath.”

“Well don’t get your hopes up, we don’t have any money for a room at an inn. We’ll be lucky to hide out in a stable, a good dunking in a horse trough is about the best you can hope for right now.” he said as he kept plodding forward.

Nunig groaned loudly and swatted at the flies that were buzzing around her, one of which she swatted at too hard and ended up falling off the horse into a fresh, steaming pile of horse manure. “Oh ew…” she flopped her arms down at her sides and began to cry. “I’m so dirty… I want a bath Namian!” she wailed.

“Hush woman.” he hissed at her. “I hear our next meal ticket coming down the road.”

But Nunig ignored him and continued to cry, murmuring about how she could be having a hot bath at that moment with servants feeding her good food back at her home with her parents and how she regretted marrying him in the first place.

Rolling his eyes Namian turned to her and shouted, “Oh will you put a sock in it woman?”

But this just made Nunig wail all the louder, “You don’t love me anymore!”

Namian picked up a huge clod of mud and chucked it at his wife, hitting her square in the face. “Will you stop it?” he asked.

Wiping the mud from her face, Nunig sniffled a bit, “Sorry dear, you know I never mean any of that.”

Just then the traveler that Namian had heard came around the bend in the road.

He was large and grotesquely fat, his many chins bobbing up and down in time with his steps and he smelled strongly of sausages and cabbage. Nodding to them, he cast a curious look at the mud covered woman before heading back down the road.

Namian snuck up behind the man, his dagger out and ready to slash open the heavily jingling money pouch at the man’s waist. Just as he was about to cut it open, the enormous man let out a ground shaking fart. Namian’s face which was right on the same level as the man’s generous backside, in fact a mere inch away, turned white and then green as Namain fell to the ground.

“Oh sorry pardon me.” The man said and continued on his way.

“Are you alright dear?” Nunig said as she rushed to his side.

Namian gagged, he didn’t know which smelled worse, the gas from the fat man’s rear end or his wife. Running to the nearby bushes he threw up his lunch among a large grouping of nettles. Howling and yelping in pain the man started to jump up and down getting more and more tangled in the thorns.

“Here let me help you.” Nunig said and held her hand out to her husband. Who grabbed it and immediately pulled her into the nettles with him. She landed against him with a hard thud and they both fell to the ground, rolling over the nettles and into a patch of poison ivy.

Covered in mud, thorns, manure and a bright red rash the couple entered Edoras…
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: January 26, 2005 10:18
(Thanks to Tasar for Faemne :love:. And as a note this is started at the begining of the day. Anywho! here it is!)

In the rising dawn a solider reined his horse to a halt, the creature snorted and pawed the ground whilst his master looked about him to the plains of Edoras. Beadumód he was, a Marshall of Rohan. He looked over his shoulder back toward the Golden Hall as its beams glowed gold in the first breath of day. Beneath him his steed, Fastfoot shifted eager to move on for he was a hasty thing. Beadumód patted his side and turned him toward the gates of Edoras. The horse gained the land quickly flicking lose earth up behind him, threw the gates Beadumód came fresh from scouting and was welcomed by a strong breeze that sent a chill threw him. The streets were silent and the only life that could been seen were the guards of Meduseld and the sound of Rohan’s banner caught in the morning wind. Beadumód steadied his horse’s pace and led him toward the stables, a few horses stirred when they entered and there were some being tended by those who were to scout next. At the stall a knight waited and when Beadumód entered he took his spear and waited as he dismounted before returning the weapon to Beadumód. Another knight greeted him,

“How fair the land Beadumód?” He asked as Beadumód lead his steed to his stall,

“The plains fair well.” Beadumód replied as he set aside his spear and went about removing Fastfoot’s gearing.

“Then it is to be a quiet morning?” laughed the second knight,

“Let us hopes so, let us hope.” Again the Knight laughed as he knew what his Marshall feared and it was nothing that would be found a threat out on the fields. He went away in this manner, laughing as Beadumód brushed down Fastfoot.

Though the night had been long the stallion was still more then willing to continue, Beadumód smiled to him and went about checking his friend before leaving him with fresh feedings. Carrying Fastfoots gear Beadumód came across a young woman at the stall of a dark mare and he feared for a moment that he was in for a long talking to and prepared himself for such a talk. Yet when the girl turned and smiled to him he saw there was no need,

“Good morn brother.” She said stroking her horse before she reached for the mare’s gear.

“Rielwyn,” he replied hardly able to repress a relieved sigh, she was pale haired and grey eyed just as he was. He frowned when he saw that she made to ready her mare.

“Rielwyn, ride not today.” He said this as he took the bridle from her hands and he saw a sparkle in her eyes.

“And why should I not ride brother?” She asked with a slight frown before a sparkle came into her eyes, “Have you seen something on the plains?”

Beadumód refrained himself from tutting and chose to shake his head in stead.
“I saw nothing but grasses, but you are not to ride this day court is to be held in the Golden Hall this night.”

Rielwyn gave a sigh and turned to return the gear and taking the bridle from Beadumód she saw him give a hint of a smile before moving on. Beadumód put aside Fastfoot's gear and went to his family’s House near the foot of the Hall, there he refreshed himself and drank a little then took to the streets.

The sun was making its way fast across the sky and the last of the stars were fading and the first of the villagers were coming from their Houses. Beadumód took to the stair of the Hall, the guard stood like stone proud with their spears tall. He climbed the stairs and was permitted entrance to the Hall; he looked around him before making his way into the Hall.

That was where Faemne spotted him, as he climbed the stairs up to the Golden Hall. She had arrived the evening before, but it had been a long ride and Stupid, her little sorrel gelding needed caring for before anything else. To young Fae there were only a few things that mattered at all, her horse being the first of those things.

So she had found an open room at an inn. But only after checking thoroughly the stable. Faemne went through their hay supply and grain. Looked at the other horses, and where they stored the tack. Every detail she scrutinized and when she was satisfied it would be good enough handed over the reins to the rather frazzled stable boy.

And then she had a good meal and a good sleep so she would be ready in the morning. Faemne was going to be a rider for the king, a knight of Rohan. It was her turn. She was next eldest and it was her turn to do as her father had and her brothers before her and enter into the service of the King of the Mark.

As Frumbearn, then Nitwa, and just last year Elrabearn had gone off to become knights of Rohan so too now would Faemne. And it was with this determination she ran up the steps to Meduseld. She was challenged by the door warden and called out quite loudly, "I have seen my friend Beadumod and I wish a word with him. I have come to ride for the king as my brothers and father before me. I am Faemne Beorht's daughter." and she stood there stubbornly.

Now Beorht and his sons were well known to be dogged and fearless in battle and looking upon this short girl (short if compared to her family members) it was easy to see the family resemblance, if not in face then in determined stance. "You will have to wait until he has met with the king and been relieved for the day." the warden explained.

"That I shall do." Fae said folding her arms over her chest and standing to the side of the doors.

Beadumód spoke with the King of the long night scouting; there had been no stirring save for other scouts. The King was pleased with this. As Beadumód was relieved to do with his day as he pleased he thought of when he would next ride from Edoras with his company. Since his days as Marshall and the passing of wars there had been little to call him away so he had taken to scouting til he could ride as Marshall again.

Beadumód came from the Hall holding to his shoulder as it ached from the ride, his stature was relaxed when he nodded to the guard yet he saw a figure he knew too well, Faemne, daughter to Beorht. He braced himself but his stature dropped a little more.

“Good morn Faemne.” He said, “What brings thee to Edoras?” He asked knowing full well the answer that was to come.

"Morn," Fae nodded, "I feel you know why I have come." she said always one to come straight to the point. "You have known me from time beyond my own memory and with my brother Frumbearn you have served and been called friend. I am here to give my service to the king."

Indeed it was true Beadumod had known the fiesty girl for a long time. Back then the family was having troubles with young Faemne because she was biting nearly everyone. Three older brothers all big and very rough and tumble around, the lone and much smaller Fae, for a while had troubles expressing herself and defending herself so the child had taken to biting. It was a very unsafe time to have been aquainted with her, but the phase passed quickly when she learned how to punch and kick with more force.

With a nod of his head Beadumód was reminded of her forwardness and recalled it to have always been her way. Theirs has been a life time of friendship, even during stages Beadumód preferred not to think of. He looked breifly to his finger and still he could remember the pain of teeth upon meeting Faemne.

Clearing his throat he looked to Faemne,"You come to ride with the King? Faemne forgive me for saying but do you not know that the King takes not women into his service?" Though with saying that he dreaded what was to come.

"He need not take 'women' into his service... he only need take me." Faemne said straightening and letting her hands drop to her sides. "Do you think me not capable of the duties you perform?" her brow furrowed in accusation and her honey brown eyes grew dark.

"I doubt not your skill." Beadumód fearing that his words might have caused such a reaction. "But be you able or not Eomer King will not take thee into his service."

"He will." Fae stated firmly, ignoring utterly the look of curious amusement she received from the doorwarden. "Once we are met he will." there was not a bit of doubt in her voice, nor her stance nor the very air around her. "Why say otherwise?"

Beadumód sighed and recovered his stance, he knew well where this talk would lead as it had many times. And every time he had not failed at rousing her temper though that was not his intent.

"Once you are met with Eomer King and be friends thee it will only convince him more so not to bid that you ride for him." Beadumód's grey eyes softened a little, "He would not risk harm to thee and nor would I."

As his eyes softened hers hardened, "No sense." the girl insisted, "That does not make any sense. Does he have so little care for you and all the rest of his riders that he wishes them harm?" Faemne's body tensed, every part of her ready for a fight, "You pick someone and I shall best them." she said with vehement certainty. Best them, you mark me."

Beadumód's brow furrowed, he had expected such. He looked about to the doorwarden, amusement written on his face and near to laughter. "You need not prove your worth to me at besting, I know you to be able."

Remaining calm and breathing deep Beadumód's eyes shot darkly toward the warden at the hint of a laugh. "Eomer cares well for his men but he has no need for new service at this time... at time of need it is not Eomer who risks his men but it is us who risk ourselves."

"Yes." Fae agreed promptly, "So how differs that from you to me?"

Sighing Beadumód turned to see the warden only moments away from a state of laughter that he could not return from. Beadumód knew he would never win this talk as he had lost all others, Faemne heard only what she wished at times. Beadumód could not blame her, "There be no difference save that Eomer King will not take you to his service for reasons I have already stated." With a sigh Beadumód recovered himself and made from the terrace of the Hall to his House. The talk had been weary but Beadumód was no stranger to such discussions, as he went down the stair he heard Faemne coming behind him. It was going to be a long, weary day for Beadumód.

[Edited on 2/1/2005 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
Self Appointed Defender
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 01, 2005 12:20
Beadumód came into the house, Faemne close behind him. Through the shafts in the high thatched ceiling sunlight spilled. The sounds of Rohan awakening could be heard beyond the walls, as Beadumód looked up he saw Rielwyn enter the chamber. She bowed her head to Beadumód and smiled. Yet when she saw Faemne her smile brightened.
“Good morn to thee Faemne!” She said.

"Good morn," Faemne muttered, a frown on her face as she regarded Rielwyn in a dress of all things. She had not interest and indeed much disdain for such. She thought of dresses as a symbol of mother and wifedom... two things she never had even considered for herself. Fae was a soldier, whether she had been accepted as such yet or not. "I am here to join in the king's service and your brother seeks to impede me." the girl stated firmly.

Rielwyn caught the frown but choose to ignore. So when she looked to Beadumód she saw the sighing of his shoulders and her smile grew more, "He has been known to discourage few when he fears for them." Rielwyn knew of this well when she looked to her brother her smile faltered, " I am sure that he means not to be so." Beadumód moved away and made to sit at the side of a table.

Again with concerns and fears, the girl shook her head fiercely, her thick red-blonde braid wagging from side to side on her back, "No more fear for me if you please than is due any other knight of the realm." Faemne said to Rielwyn, although she was still pleading her case to Beadumód. If pleading it could be considered, more as hammering with a large and fell mallet it might have been called. "Give me chance to prove myself and I will there need be none of this doubt nor worry."

Rielwyn gave a nod of her head and looked over her shoulder to Beadumód. He looked troubled as he finger ran the length of the scar across his cheek. "His concern lays in best thoughts, worry is in his nature." Rielwyn moved to pour drink for Faemne. "So tell me, "Rielwyn said as she gave the cup to Faemne " how faired you road here?" A queer question to be sure but Rielwyn was ever questioning the world beyond Edoras.

Fae sighed, unimpressed that Beadumód was allowing his sister to speak for him but took gratefully the cup. "T'was fine riding here. The wind was at our back and game fair for when I had need of it." as she took a drink she remembered her manners... a remarkable feat indeed but since Bead seemed not to be speaking thus far there had to be something, "How go things here? What, by Bema, do you _do_here?" she asked the other girl. And yes that was as close to remembering manners as was likely for Faemne.

Beadumód stood from his place and announced that he was to retire for sleep as he had ridden most of the night. "Sleep well." Rielwyn said watching as Beadumód left them to speak. Rielwyn returned her focus to Faemne, "Things..." Rielwyn gave a sigh "things fair here also, and I am pleased to hear that you ride was well." Rielwyn took her own cup and drained it slowly, "There is not much that may be done here," Rielwyn said setting aside her cup. "Save celebrations and the finery of inn's. I ride when I may."

"Celebrations? Finery?" Faemne looked repulsed by it all, "Is that what there is for us? Where are the battles and glory? Are there no enemies left to the king and our borders?"

Rielwyn looked to Faemne never had she heard one speak what she herself had wanted to say. "There be none, no threat nor a chance for glory if only by chance you cross paths with a stray enemy. They ride now to scout and ensure that our land stays well." Rielwyn looked to Faemne, "I fear all chance of valor and glory have gone."

"Nonsense. The dark things simply lie in wait somewhere and must be discovered. That is it." Faemne decided and finished the last of the drink in her cup, "You surely should not be sitting around as you do. Your brother is a fine soldier and warrior, why do you not follow in his path?"

"I wish to but as he has said to you he wishes not for me to do so." Rielwyn glanced over her shoulder to way in which she knew Beadumód's chamber lay. "I have skill enough with a blade but since Beadumód was near lost to us he cares not to hear of such things." Rielwyn went to the door and looked out into the street watching as the day begun, "I fear I shall be forever left behind missing all... chance to ride with Beadumód as has long been my wish."

"Then do so." Fae declared, "You are taller than me and so could be stronger. And no man has yet best me." She did not mention the only 'men' she had fought so far had been her brothers and a few drunkards a couple of times at a pub here and there. "Think of the fine lady Eowyn, there was no other could have felled that beast and destroyed the witch." of course Faemne was for- ever incredulous that the lady had then taken up healing and was now playing happy wife to some foreign prince. She suspected that was just a story told to girls to dissuade them from greatness.

Ever had Rielwyn wished for such renown or for even her chance to ride. She smiled to Faemne, her growing for this girl grew as she was one who voiced her wantings. "When chances comes I may take it, I will no longer be timid and shy behind thoughts of greatness."

"Good." Fae said with a nod, taking her cup and filling it for herself. "It is terribly quiet here." she said though the noise on the streets was normal. The girl frowned, "Although I suppose the fact there are not the triplet running about could be why. Everything is very different. I think I quite like being on my own." she said although getting to sleep in a room by herself when she was used to sharing a common room with her brothers had been difficult... though she'd not admit such.

"You will soon grow tired of silence." Rielwyn said having grown tired of it herself, Rohan was awake now with scouts coming by here and there, Rielwyn watched them as she spoke. "Though I doubted not that you should enjoy such silence while it lasts. A celebration is to held this night, in the Great Hall. I wish not to go but such is duty." Rielwyn smiled faintly before pouring more water and making back to the door with a fresh cup.

"Is there?" Fae said thoughtfully, "Perhaps that will be opportunity for me. I know once the king meets me that he will take me into his service. I was turned away at the barracks without a second thought nor chance. He _must_ see me."

"And see you he will, if that be your wish I could take you with me as guest?" Rielwyn said hopefully before taking a large draining of her cup as a guard passed by again. Rielwyn looked towards the Hall.

Beadumód had not found sleep and though he had heard little of what passed between the two what he did hear made him fear for them. Rielwyn heard movement away to where her brother slept yet when she looked up she found him to be there. "Beadumód." she spoke with some shock.

Faemne looked Beadumod up and down, dressed for sleep as he was, a thing she had only seen before of her brothers and father. She blinked her brown eyes at him and stated, "You need worry not about taking me to seek audience with Eomer king. I have found another way so you need worry yourself no longer."

Beadumód looked to Rielwyn with some harshness caring not that he was dressed for sleep, "You spoke to her of the Feast this night." Rielwyn straighten and looked to Faemne before returning her gaze to Beadumód. "I see not what harm it can, Faemne has no wish but to speak with him." Beadumód's eyes travelled to Faemne, "Faemne what has thee spoke with my sister to have her take you with her?"

Fae held his gaze unfaltering and told the truth, "That I will be a rider of the Mark. That is what I have spoken to her of."

With a heavy sigh Beadumód shook his head and when at last he looked up he said,"Have I not told thee, Eomer King will not take thee to his service." his voice quavering as he spoke.

"So you have said and so too do I not believe." Faemne stated, her hands in tight fists coming to her hips, "Why should I be treated differently than any other able bodied man who wishes but to serve their king and country?" she demanded.

Beadumód looked at Faemne long and hard his breath coming heated as he focused all though on holding his peace. "Be you able you would not be taken, you are a woman Faemne and women are taken not into the service of the King." He knew the time for forwardness had come and with saying this he looked to his sister also.

"Why not?" Faemne asked not looking in the least as though she felt the need to back down. In fact she stepped forward, closer to him and glowered at the man. "I am brave as any man and I can handle a sword. My aim is true with arrow or spear and my horse is able!" her temper was breaking, crumbling more like as she continued, "Not you nor anyone else can stop me. I will be a soldier as my brothers and father and all his brothers and their father before me!"

Beadumód would not step down this time, "Yes, your aim to be true and your swiftness with blade well still you would not be taken! Do you not see Faemne, if you were to be the bravest and had won renown of such greatness you would not be taken!" Beadumód's own temper was rising, though he despised it so. "It matters not that your fathers before you were in service of the King." he sighed, "They will not take thee."

Faemne nearly shook in frustration. "Why? I do not understand why you attempt to block me, to thwart me! How can you call yourself friend to my brother? Why would the king not take me?"

"Thwart you?" Beadumód shook his head in his own frustration, "No matter how I word it you will refuse to see." Beadumód looked to Rielwyn who's gaze was fixed on Faemne. "I block you not, I merely speak was is true." he said with some heat to his low voice.

"No." Faemne said, standing tall as she could and looking up into his eyes. She practically smoldered as she stood toe to toe with the much larger man, "You speak your fear. That is what you speak. He is sister to Eowyn, the great lady. In no way am I as great as she, but in no way are you as great as _he_ either. He understands that a warrior spirit cannot be quenched in vats of laundry or a battle hunger be sated with birthing children."

Beadumód rose tall. His temper burning now on a short wick, "Yes I speak my fear." He did not look away as sudden blaze came to his own eyes. " For Eomer King near lost Lady Eowyn upon the fields of battle hence a reason why he would not take thee. I know myself not be as great as he, but I _hear_ trues whether I wish to or not. And so must you!" There was a bitterness burning within the flame of his gaze. "Battle hunger does not always die in the heat of battle." he did not look away his stature grew along with the fire in his eyes.

Faemne's brow furrowed and she frowned deeply as her face could. "Why must I pay for the losses or near losses of others. No sense does it make in my mind... none at all!" she shouted up at him determined still in her mind. If anything his insistence that she would not get what she wished, only made her more certain that she would. However she did know her own limitations and if she did not leave she was sure to strike Beadumód. So the girl turned with nary a good day and stormed for the door.

"You pay not for their losses." Beadumód called to her, but he said no more even though it was there on his mind, he had not the words to say it. But he knew that no matter what he said it would only anger her further, turning he quickly glanced to Rielwyn before leaving for his chamber. Yet he doubted he would find sleep in a manner such as his.

"Faemne," Rielwyn said in a panicked tone when Faemne came to the door's side. "He means it not."

Fae glanced at her and then back where her brother had retreated. Her brown eyes were still hot with signs of her temper about to be blown, "It matters not... not what he says or anyone else. I will have what I want." she said and with a small calming breath, "I bid you good day Rielwyn." she said and walked out the door.

Rielwyn watched as Faemne walked by her, with pity in her voice she merely whispered to the retreating back of Faemne, "I bid thee well."

The rest of that day young Faemne drank herself a good deal of ale, smoldering over what Beadumód had said to her. She would have started a fight, to help cool herself but she was wearing her good tunic and last pair of clean breeches and wished not to soil them before she had a chance to speak with the king. She did however earn a coin or two arm wrestling some unsuspecting young men. Never hurt, neither to teach them a lesson nor to have an extra coin in one's pocket.

When evening came and the stars just started to show Fae made her way to the stable where her gelding Stupid was being cared for. She greeted him and borrowed his brush to neat her hair, making certain he was well before she made her way up to the steps of Meduseld.

There she found herself again stymied. Beadumód had told the guards of her and informed them they were not to allow her entrance to the hall. She fumed and cursed and did all she could short of fighting them physically and that she only refrained from because she wished not to punch someone whom one day might be under her command. (Never once considering things being the other way around.)

It took a long time for her to exhaust every option of which she could think, with the door warden finally threatening to have her thrown in the dungeon if she did not leave. "Go home." they told her, "It is where a girl belongs."

And she left... storming down the way muttering to herself, quite loudly how no one could tell her what to do like that. In truth she had been close to tears. Not that she would ever have admitted it not to her dying day, that in her frustration tears had threatened her. That was the most shaming thing she could think of, short of being made to wear a dress.

So down she went on the main road ready now for a good few more drinks and a fight. If she did not awake the next morning with a hang over and at least a black eye Faemne would not be satisfied.

((thanks to Eveligh for Bead and his sister... enjoyed aggravating the heck out of him ))

[Edited on 2/1/2005 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
Insane Insomniac
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 06, 2005 03:45
Levi rode ahead through the large gates of Edoras, while Raen walked behind, still leading the lame horse and still wondering how he had ended up walking the whole way. He eagerly looked forward to making himself at home in the nearest inn and had no intentions of leaving it until he had had his fill of concoctions (which by that point he would have most likely passed out anyway). Sighing happily at the thought of the easy time he had ahead, he caught up with his brother who was dismounting outside the stables.

Levi caught sight of the delighted grin on Raen’s face and spoke sternly, “Do not think for one instant that I’m going to just let you trot off to the pub and inhabit it for the whole time we are here. You are not on a vacation and I do not need to waste my time running after you and dealing with whatever mess you get us involved in!” Levi sighed grouchily, cursing the fact that they were identical. He had lost count of the times that he had had unexpected run-ins with whatever thugs Raen had got entangled with, thinking that he was his wretched brother. He knew that Raen always relied on the fact that they were twins to get out of trouble and have his debts paid if he could not fight his way out of them, aggravating far more than he could kill.

“I won’t be ‘trotting’ off anywhere, I am not a horse!” Raen protested, but his grin broadened as he knew what Levi was referring to when he spoke of getting them into trouble. However as far as he was concerned he was doing Levi a favour by keeping his skills sharp when he got attacked.

“It would make my life a lot easier if you were,” Levi muttered in response as he turned to hand the reins of his horse to Raen. “Now do you think that you can manage to bring these horses into the stables while I find our lodgings? I will see you back here presently and please just this once, don’t wander off. The sooner we can get started the better; I don’t want to have to waste my time searching for you.” Turning around he strode off in the direction of the shabbier and darker district of the city. Sighing heavily he glanced back to see his brother still standing there as if his instructions had not yet registered into his head. Knowing Raen they probably hadn’t.


Raen remained unmoved and watched his brother walk away out of the corner of his eye. He grinned as he saw his brother glance back and shake his head, for he knew that Levi thought he was standing there stupidly as if not realising what he was supposed to do. However he was cleverer than that, far more clever. Ever since meeting his twin brother for the first time in his life not too long ago, Raen had watched him closely and had him pretty well worked out. However as much as Levi thought he knew him, he really was off the track.

As soon as he saw Levi disappear around the corner, Raen led both horses in the direction of the stables before tossing the reins over their necks and giving them both a slap on the hindquarters. He checked to make sure that they both went in before walking away and strolling down the nearest street. They didn’t need the horses anymore so as far as he was concerned he didn’t need to bother looking after them. One of the stable hands was bound to catch them there since they were all horse mad in Rohan and wouldn’t leave any horses abandoned. If they needed some horses again they could just pick some new ones. Anyway he doubted that the horses wanted to spend much more time with them either so technically he was facilitating them too.

Satisfied that he was doing everybody a favour, he decided it was time to relax and have a drink or two after all his hard work. He walked down the street and quickly began to search for the nearest pub where a delightful concoction was only a door away. His eyes fell upon a nice looking establishment and he didn’t waste anytime in bursting through the door and quickly advancing up to the bar. Smiling persuasively at the barmaid he winked at her and asked warmly, “May I please have everything you’ve got with a dash of cream in it?” He looked at her as if it was a completely normal thing to request that every single drink be mixed together and quickly added, “Oh and make sure it’s warm.” Sighing happily he settled down and eagerly awaited his drink.


Levi made his way right to the dilapidated and gloomy part of the city. He was looking for somewhere inconspicuous and discreet where they could stay without being discovered and where they could easily keep his hostage. His dark eyes glinted dangerously as he kept a sharp eye on the shadows and dark alleys that he past. Growing up in such areas prepared you for what waited around every corner, yet Levi was perfectly at home and was not bothered in the slightest.

As he turned down a small alley, a broken window at ground level caught his eye. It was dark inside and there was a thick layer of dust and dirt on the broken window, indicating that there had not been any form of activity passing through it for sometime. He walked a little further until he came to a rotten wooden door and thrust it open. The door protested loudly at such a rough command and nearly came off its hinges. As soon as he had stepped in the door, there was a drop of steps that led below to where the window was. He silently went down the steps and glanced around him.

The room was dark and dank, the small window being the only form of light. He walked around as his eyes adjusted to the gloom and suddenly whacked his head off a wooden beam. Cursing loudly he stepped back only to crash into something else and suddenly there was a rumble as he set some barrels rolling towards him. Jumping out of the way and put a hand to where he had cut his head and waited until the barrels had stopped moving. He had obviously discovered what appeared to be an old cellar, judging by the barrels and the smell of old wine. He was surprised that some local ruffian hadn’t inhabited it, yet he wasn’t going to complain. It was perfect.

He swiftly walked back up to the street and closed the door behind him again. Now that he had found where they were going to stay he needed to go back to Raen so they could set to work and establish what the plan of action was. He found his way back with ease and walked into the stables. Striding down the aisles he found no sign of Raen, yet he held out a small hope that he was somewhere near the end, chatting up a maiden or something along those lines.

Of course he wasn’t there. He should have known better. With an angry sigh he turned on his heel and stormed out to the streets. He instantly began to search for the nearest inn where he knew he would find his insufferable brother.

Catching sight of an inn at the end of the street, Levi strode over and kicked the door open with a bang. A few glances of confusion that were shot his direction before looking to the top of the room confirmed the fact that his brother was in there somewhere. Sure enough, he caught sight of him with a large tankard in hand as he chatted to the barmaid. He crossed the room in a few paces and grabbed Raen’s drink out of his grasp. His brother glanced at his hand for a few moments in delayed surprise before glancing up at Levi.

“Well hello there brother how nice of you to join me!” Raen exclaimed with a wide grin, however he didn’t take his eyes off his drink, which he decided that he wanted back now. “Levi that is my drink, you’ll have to ask this lovely…” He turned back to the barmaid, “What was your name again? Fealu?”

“That’s more likely to be what’s in your drink than her name!” Levi cut in. He glared at his brother in disgust. He could smell his drink off him and Raen purposely blew the smoke from his pipe directly into his face. Levi threw the vile drink he was holding all over Raen and slammed the tankard back on the bar. “Get up now we’re leaving! You couldn’t have waited for just a few moments could you?!”

Raen looked down, now realising that he was soaking, “Now look what you’ve done! You just wasted a perfectly good drink!” He turned back to the barmaid ignoring his brother, “Fill it up again please.”

Levi turned and snarled at her, “You’ll do no such thing!” He grabbed the tankard and flung it across the room.

Raen watched the tankard crash into the wall and roll around on the floor before staring at his brother, “What’s wrong with you?” He laughed when he saw the cut on Levi’s forehead, “Clearly you weren’t looking where you were going. Come sit with me and have a drink.” He turned back to the barmaid, “He’ll have the same as me, though he might need it a little stronger.”

Levi clenched his fists, resisting the urge to punch his brother who was always happy to hand out his lethal concoctions. Grabbing him by the collar he hauled him off the seat and dragged him outside before Raen had even realised he had left the bar. Turning around he gave him a square punch in the jaw and pushed him into a water trough.

Raen shouted angrily at his brother and swung wildly to return the punch but found himself hurtling in the air and landing with a splash into some icy water. Coughing he sat up and opened his mouth to yell at his brother, yet he was then dragged out of the water and pushed against the wall.

It was easy enough to knock some sense into Raen when he was like this since he didn’t realise what was happening until a few moments later so Levi took that advantage to release some of his anger on his usually equally matched brother. Holding him against the wall he growled, “Now, you’ve had your fun for tonight so it’s about time you did something useful for a change!”

Raen wiped the small trickle of blood from his mouth and stared back at his brother blankly. He was always the one to spoil the fun every time. He didn’t like being soaked and his jaw was killing him. Grumbling, knowing that the best thing to do right now was to oblige Levi until he could take his revenge, he answered, “What do you want?”

Levi smiled slightly, knowing that he had got his own way for now and replied, “I want you to go and find Lady Ryda’s rooms. Tell me whether she is there or not and return here at once. Understood? You are not to be seen and you are to go straight there and back here again, no stopping in between!” He released his brother and stood back, figuring that this was a simple enough task for Raen to perform in any condition, he was not going to send him to find her or only the gods knew what he would do.

Raen sighed heavily and began to walk away from his brother, “Yes fine!” He snapped, “I’m leaving. Happy now?” He disappeared down the dark street staggering slightly while he muttered and cursed to himself, “Bloody slave driver… I’ll teach him a thing or two by the end of this…”
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 11, 2005 12:33
"Lady Ryda?" Bearund asked quietly after a soft knock on her door. There was no answer. He called her name again, with the same result. The man stood for a while, thinking, then turned on his heel and returned to one of the halls where the very cream of Rohan society could be found. He stood in front of a large man which was eyeing him expectantly.


"I am sorry, my Lord, but Lady Ryda does not feel well and has excused her for sleep," Bearund lied shamelessly. Of course, she wasn't sleeping! If he knew her just a little, she must be walking the dark streets of Edoras the exact time... Bearund only wished the girl would have enough sense to take him with her. Not that he would try to stop her, no. She was his Mistress, after all, but to ensure he safety. But the young lady was stubborn enough to refuse his presence.
The bodyguard's face showed nothing of the thoughts that were running in his mind. The large man nodded at the news and sighed:

"Eomer King will at least know that she is all right," he turned to leave.

Bearund stood for a moment watching him leave, then cursed inaudibly under his breath. If only Lady Ryda hadn't ordered him to see that she isn't bothered!

Bearund strode outside the palace and looked up at his Lady's window. There it was, the rope. Well, what was left for him to do? The man turned to the gate and went past the sentries who obviously considered him suspicious for such often visits of the city during nights. He didn't have to ask wherther they had seen a girl passing by, he knew they had. Beorund's feet found the way to the Meara's Foal themselves. He was almost sure that was the place he would find her. And what then? Bearund sighed. Nothing, he would just stand and watch.

The man scratched his neck. There was a strange tickling, and he could not think of one reason to worry for Lary Ryda. But worry he did. Bearund's pace hastened. Who knows what could the trouble be the Lady will get herself into!
We still remember, we who dwell In this far land, beneath the trees The starlight on the Western seas...
In the Realm of Ulmo
Insane Insomniac
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 11, 2005 04:38
[size=1]((Huge thanks to Tasar for Fae, poor Raen still hasn't recovered ))[/size]

Raen continued to curse and think of vindictive plans against his brother as he made his way through the streets so that by the time he had thought of something malicious and sly that he could do, he had already reached his destination. Looking up he silently began to move closer to the side of the building so he could take a closer look for the Lady Ryda.

He walked down to where he knew the chambers to be located and began his search. No sooner did he begin though that he already found his answer for just ahead of him was a rope coming out of one of the windows. Heading straight towards it, he climbed up and looked in the window. The room was empty and Raen was positive that it belonged to Lady Ryda.

A few moments later he heard a knock on the door and someone call her name. He smiled and retreated once more. That was all the confirmation he needed on the matter. Turning to leave he made his way back down to the street and went on his way again. He caught sight of a group of maids just across from where he was and he drew closer to hear what they were saying. His eyes shone in delighted as the words floated towards his ears.

“…Lady Ryda is always to be found in The Mearas' Foal…”

That was all he needed to hear. Turning away he swiftly retraced his steps until he found his way back to Levi who was sitting exactly where he had left him. His brother looked up with expectant eyes and Raen though tempted to tease him with the information was desperate for some kind of action and so quickly relayed his report. “Lady Ryda is not in her chambers I found a rope out of her window. Also I have reason to believe that she is a regular visitor in an inn called The Mearas’ Foal.”

Levi rose before hastily turning and walking down the street at a brisk pace once he had heard Raen's information. His black eyes scanned the streets from side to side, searching for the particular inn. He heard Raen walking behind him and he muttered, "She better be here Raen." However no sooner had the words left his mouth when he caught sight of the inn. A wicked grin spread across his face and engulfed his eyes, knowing that the fun was about to begin. He paused at the corner of the street before the inn and waited in the shadows, surveying the scene before he made any moves.

Faemne took no note of the darkening sky, all her thought was bent upon getting to the inn and getting herself drunk. It was probably not the brightest thought she had ever had and she knew it solved none of her troubles but it would feel good for awhile. The girl was still mumbling her herself about not being one to take orders and that she would do whatever it was she wanted. Even in her current huff however she did stop and give a friendly stray a pat, leaning down and giving the cur's ears a good scratch before heading again on her way.

Raen stood beside Levi, his eyes shining with excitement. Finally a bit of action! He had temporarily forgotten his anger against his brother for the earlier incident and eagerly awaited for something to do, although another concoction wouldn't go amiss either. Turning the opposite direction he glanced down the street for any sign of life before looking back at Levi, "Shall I go and check the inn?

Levi rolled his eyes and remembered exactly why he preferred to work alone, "No," he replied irritably, "If you go in there then you shall never come out again! Wait here and watch the streets surrounding here while _I_ go and check."

Raen grumbled in disappointment yet knew it was pointless to argue. Slumping against the wall he took out his pipe and watched the area around him lazily as he was left on his own.

As Fae approached the pub her eyes caught a man smoking a pipe. She could not really see him all that well, mostly just the red gleam from the fire in his pipe. What she _did_ see however was that the wall he was leaning on was part of a lean-to full of straw and hay, "You must have rocks in your head if you think it is wise to be lighting a pipe near a hay stack." the girl's voice was loud and direct and full of disdain for what she considered overt stupidity.

Raen watched the figure approaching and realised that it was a maiden as she drew closer. Taking a closer look, he smiled as he noticed she was a noble maiden. He watched her walking and was quite surprised when she addressed him. He instantly picked up the haughty tone in her voice and gave a wry smile. He took the pipe out of his mouth at glanced behind him to see that he was indeed standing against a haystack. Glancing back at the girl again he studied her closely before replying. He could see that she was young and did not belong out on the streets. She looked as if she was at court here and shouldn't be out in the city alone at night.

Suddenly it clicked and his grin broadened. This must be the Lady Ryda. He decided that he had best keep her talking until his cantankerous brother decided to reappear. "Why whoever said I thought it wise?" He answered. He looked at the hay again and grinned. She had just given him an excellent idea, for he loved nothing better than setting things on fire.

"If you _know_ it not to be a thing of wisdom why then do it?" Faemne stopped, her fists settling on her hips, "You are far more of an imbecile then first suspected if you know it to be foolhardy and yet still would do it."

"Why not do it?" He replied with a grin, “Do you not find it so very tiresome being wise all the time? Wisdom settles better with the old does it not?" He paused and flicked his pipe purposely at the lean-to, just out of reach from causing a fire before continuing, "Or maybe I would still do it because I prefer to be a reckless idiot."

Fae stood straight and immediately marched forward stomping and crushing anything the idiotic (self admitted) man's pipe. She let out a number of very unladylike curses in Rohirric and then marched over to stand in front of him. "Be it your wish not to grow old then take and be rid of yourself where no horses stand chance of being roasted for you carelessness." She said looking up at him fearlessly.

Raen laughed when he heard her cursing, quite surprised to be hearing anything of the sort coming from the tongue of a lady. "I shall go where I please and have no intentions of moving from where I am." He raised and eyebrow, "Since when did a _noble woman_ take it upon herself to sort out all of the ruffians on the street? You want to be careful who you're talking to on a dark street like this…"

The noble woman comment made no sense to Faemne so as she often did with things of no sense she ignored it completely, "It is any good citizen and servant of the king's duty to sort out any unsavoury sorts, whether it be day or night." She said standing straight as she could and even though she was shorter than the man by a good deal she actually managed to seem to be looking down her nose at him. "And if you have no intentions of taking your reckless manner away from where it could harm others on your own then I might be forced to make such a move necessary."

Raen tried not to laugh but at this final comment he could not help himself. His deep laughter rumbled in his throat and soon it echoed across the street. "Am I to believe that you are a servant of the king then?" He asked between convulsions of laughter, "I'd like to see you try and _try_ and move me since I have no intentions of moving!"

Levi opened the door of the inn and slipped inside. He took a quick scan around the room, however no one that looked like they might be the Lady Ryda sprang from their seats and so he decided to take a closer look in the corners of the room. He walked casually towards the fire and watched everybody he passed closely in the corner of his eye. Standing there for a few moments, he pretended to warm himself at the fire while he listened to the drone of voices, picking up individual conversations at a time, however no one was speaking of anything significant to him. Sighing he walked to the other side of the room but it was obvious she was not there. He frowned, wondering if his brother had even remembered the correct name of the damned place. Turning on his heel he strode out onto the street once again and looked for Raen. He heard him before he saw him and suddenly he noticed he was talking to a maiden, a noble one at that too. He waited for a few moments and concentrated on the maiden very closely. Moving closer in the shadows, he silently approached them both behind her so that Raen could see him but she could not.

"I will do more than _try_." Faemne replied haughtily. She was always confident in her abilities and this man was not bigger than any of her brothers. "But being of a noble spirit I will give you one last chance to move yourself under your own power before I leave you to walk to where ever you call home limping."

Raen snorted at this remark, wondering how it was that a _lady_ thought herself able to match him in strength if not surpass him. Just then he caught sight of a shadow beyond her and grinned. It was Levi. He made a gesture with his hand by turning his pipe upside down so it appeared he was emptying it when he was actually pointing at her. Ensuring she was still distracted he answered, "Well now you have got me shaking in my boots at a thought such as that!" He smiled mockingly, "However, how would you manage that if I split myself into two?"

The girl had just cocked her fist, ready to bring a sharp blow to the insolent man's gut when he said something about splitting himself in two which completely perplexed her, "What by Bema do you speak of? What kind of an idiot exactly are you. " Fae looked utterly perplexed, as of course she was trying to figure out now if he was mad, drunk, or really thought he could split himself.... which would of course have meant he was either mad or drunk.

Levi grinned, for once Raen's stupidity and fooling around was becoming useful. Catching Raen's eye he gave a nod and spoke in a clear voice, "A very clever idiot."

Faemne turned with a start. So intent had she been on the man before her she had not noticed the other sneak up from behind. She squared her stance certain that she could still handle this until in a flash of moon she saw first one and then the other's face clearly. She blinked and after the last thing he had claimed, that he could split himself fae actually found herself for a moment at a loss. It was a short moment however and she squared up her stance, "Matter's not... if ye can 'split' yourself thus then half as strong must be each of you." it seemed a logical conclusion.

Raen was delighted that Levi played along with his trick and watched with amusement when a puzzled look passed briefly across the lady's face. He still could not believe that a lady of the noble court was behaving in such a manner and trying to take on two tall men, no to mention skilled fighters. "Not at all I have a gift in being able to double my strength, so perhaps you should back down now while you have the chance."

Levi watched the ongoing banter and shook his head. This was a noblewoman? Holding up her fists for a fight? He gave a nod to Raen indicating he was to distract her. That way hopefully he could abduct Lady Ryda without too much trouble.

"I will never back down. I am going to be a knight of the realm and we do not relent not until death takes us." Fae replied determinedly, not quite sure at this point what she had gotten herself caught up in. But fists always spoke better than words so she struck out at the more talkative of the split ruffians.

Raen stopped for a few moments and raised his eyebrows, "A knight of the realm? You?" He laughed again and glanced at Levi, "A woman in the ranks of men, now that is news to me!" Suddenly he caught sight of her fist flying towards him and he dodged back just in time, barely missing the blow. He grabbed onto the lean-to to steady himself from falling and succeeded in breaking the flimsy wood causing him to go crashing to the ground.

Levi laughed at the sight of his brother, "You want to be careful there, it looks like you may have met your match!" He kept his eye on the lady in front of him, not about to make the same mistake as his brother.

"I wasn't paying attention that's all!" Raen growled and quickly scrambled to his feet, determined that this woman would not make a fool of him.

As the one man was getting up it was then Fae made her next move. She came forward quickly making as though she was going to strike out at him with her left fist, instead she brought her booted foot up and brought her heel down atop his. Her ears were open to try hopefully and keep herself out of the other man's reach. As soon as her heel came down she changed the angle of her right arm to deliver a solid uppercut to the man's stomach.

Raen caught sight of her left fist and prepared to counter it when suddenly he felt something crushing his foot and before he had realised what had happen he received a blow to his stomach. He let out an angry cry of surprise and clutched his stomach briefly. He could not believe the force from the punch she had delivered. He had never been beaten up by a woman before, yet she was certainly proving her strength and suddenly Raen didn't find it funny anymore. Instead he sprang to his feet and his face changed to one of concentration when in a fight. He raised his fists in response and aimed for her jaw. At the same time he brought his foot up and quickly kicked her away from him, however instead of following through with a series of punches he hesitated. It did not feel right to be hitting a woman, even one who certainly showed him no mercy.

Levi burst out laughing at the sight of Raen receiving a good beating. He had no intentions of helping his brother out; as far as he was concerned it was what he deserved. Yet even he had his eyebrows raised in surprise at the feisty female before them. He watched them both and waited patiently for the right moment, enjoying himself too much at the sight of them fighting to even think of trying to finish things. "Gone soft have we Raen?" He taunted as he noticed Raen hesitate.

"Well she is only a woman," He snapped back, though he was beginning to wonder whether he was going mad. Surely a young noble woman couldn't be this strong or have any skill in fighting.

If Faemne heard nothing else she definitely heard that, 'she is only a woman'. Her brow furrowed as she recovered from the kick she had received. It had set her well of balance because she had been trying to avoid the full force of his punch to her jaw. But that statement just made her angry. Her brother's taunted her with that from time to time and it infuriated her.

She leapt forward, intending to turn this fist fight into wrestling. At this point unfortunately she had forgotten about the other man.

Faemne let her momentum and full weight of her body come against the man she was fighting, aiming just below his centre of gravity to knocking him to the ground.

Raen found himself flying to the ground _again_ and groaned as his back collided with the hard ground. He began to feel the heat rushing through his veins to fight back. He cursed for his hesitation, yet he just did not feel right attacking a woman. Swiftly he brought his arms up and grabbed her by the wrists to prevent her from attacking him any further and he pulled her off him. His eyes flashed angrily as he heard Levi's laughter behind him. This was just becoming embarrassing now and he almost instinctively began to reach for one of his knives.

Levi could not wipe the huge grin off his face at the sight of the hilarious scene before him. He drew closer as Raen was knocked to the ground and stood behind them. This was the ideal opportunity now that Raen had successfully distracted the girl. He bent down and quickly rammed the heel of his hand into the base of her skull before swiftly putting his hand around her neck and apply pressure to the arteries on either side until he felt her begin to weaken.

Faemne was thoroughly engrossed in getting her wrists out of the man's hands. She had no idea anyone was behind her until she was struck. A wave of pain and lightheadedness came over her but she had no time to recover. Her nails which though short and practical she had just managed to turn so she could dig them into her attackers skin but her grip loosened quickly. "No..." she whimpered defiantly as she lost consciousness because she just _knew_ she could have won that fight.

Levi smiled in satisfaction as he watched her slump and fall unconscious. With a sigh he looked down at Raen, "Honestly do I have to do _everything_ for you? You are not even capable of fighting a _woman_!" He laughed and turned to walk down the street. "Carry her and follow me," he ordered before walking off.

Raen felt the girl pass out as she slumped on top of him. He glared up at his brother before pushing her limp body off him. Standing up he spat at his brother's back before turning back once more and looking at the fierce female's now almost lifeless body. Shaking his head he scooped her up and carried her over his shoulder. He was still in disbelief that she even knew how to fight. Levi would never let this slide and Raen was determined to seek his revenge on this. No one got the better of him, especially Levi. As for women, they did not even come into consideration on the matter. That was just a stroke of luck that came her way, next time he wouldn't be so hesitant to return the punch.

They walked through for city for what seemed like ages to Raen. It really was not his night and so far all of it had been Levi’s fault. He could still be merrily sitting in a pub right now not carrying insolent and crazy maidens across the city. She wasn’t even _his_ captive. Finally they came to a halt outside a battered old door and Levi pushed it open. It was pitch black inside and Raen turned to shut the door behind them before spinning around to follow Levi. Unlike his brother who already knew what to expect having been there before, Raen was not aware of the sudden drop of steps and went crashing down them. He fell straight into Levi and sent him flying also. They landed in a heap at the bottom and Raen moaned loudly, his back not used to such abuse in so short a time.

Levi somehow managed to find a torch in the dark and lit it before hooking it against the wall. He walked over to his captive’s body and looked her over to ensure she hadn’t been badly injured. She seemed a bit bruised but there was no significant damage done seeing as Raen took most of the knocks on the way down. He turned and kicked Raen in the ribs, “Stop moaning will you?! Now you had better bring her into the small room in here,” He grabbed the torch again and lit up the entrance to a small windowless room.

“Do it yourself she’s your captive!” He retorted. Sitting up he glancing around the dimly lit room and discovered it was a cellar and he brightened up a little. Where there was a cellar there was wine and he’d find it, no matter how little was left. He got up and left Lady Ryda’s body lying on the ground, but paused briefly to look down at her. “You had better tie her up before she regains consciousness.”

Levi snorted, “I don’t think we need to tie her up I’m sure we can handle her.”

“_You_ can handle her…” Raen muttered to himself, “I have _no_ intentions of helping you after this!”

Levi ignored his brother’s complaining and decided that he would tie her up for now anyway, that way he wouldn’t have to watch her constantly. Taking some strong rope he pulled her hands behind her back and tied them together tightly. He found some dirty ripped cloth and shoved in her mouth for a gag. Finally he brought her into the little room and put her down in the corner, tying her ankles together also. Slamming the door behind him he sat against it so he could hear when to came round. He noticed that Raen had already found the wine and he rolled his eyes. That was the last thing he needed.
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 12, 2005 08:30
Ryda was laughing with a group of young girls from town when the dark-haired, dark-eyed stranger walked in. One of the girls (a maid at Meduseld) noticed him first and pointed him out.

"Oh, look, Ryddie!" she sighed. "How handsome." Ryda looked over at the man warming himself by the fire and shrugged.

"I suppose he is." she conceeded. "But personally, I think he looks a bit cruel." She was met with a chorus of disagreement, and she laughed and waved her hands in defeat. "Alright, I surrender! He is quite handsome. Just don't get any ideas."

"It's too late anyway." one of them said. "He's leaving already." Ryda watched the man as he left, his eyes sweeping the room one last time, as if he were looking for someone - his eyes met Ryda's briefly, but he quickly let his glance pass over her. Ryda shivered, suddenly glad that he wasn't interested in any of the people here, and gave a small sigh of relief when the door shut behind him.

Unfortunately, she only had a few moments to calm herself down before the door opened again and someone Ryda knew all too well walked in.

"Blast it, Bearund!" she exclaimed under her breath and attempted to blend in with the crowd.
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 14, 2005 01:03
Approaching to the inn, Bearund noticed a young couple standing at the heaps of hay and arguing. Why do they always have to argue? he wondered. This perhaps was one of the reasons he had always avoided any relationship. They always turned out to be a disappiontment for at least one of the involved persons.

A stream of light rushed in the yard. Somebody was exiting the inn. For a brief moment Bearund watched the dark silhouette of the man. His expert eyes measured the stranger's building and his mind calculated his possible strength. By the way the stranger moved, Bearund could tell that he was a good fighter, one that preferred not to demontrate is full potencies before the right time. A worthy opponent, Bearund concluded. It would be interesting to face him... but then - there was no need to. The bodyguard stepped back in the shadow out of the man's way, then proceeded to the inn. At the very door he cast a look back over his shoulder. The man had joined the arguing couple. Bearund thought he heard a deep laughter. Youngsters....

He opened the door and strode in.

The inn was full. Men were drinking, armwrestling and laughing loudly, while maids served them or just enjoyed their company. In a second, Bearund noticed a slim body of nearly perfect curves even the simple clothing could not hide disappearing in the thickest croud of people watching the armwrestlers. A slight smile touched the very corners of his lips. There she was.
Keeping his Lady in the corner of his eye, Bearund sat down by one of the tables in the corner and ordered an ale. He prepared to a long watch. For a moment he wondered whether the Lady would eventually come to talk to him or not, but then the ale arrived and Bearund leaned back against the wall, pretending to be watching a dancing barmaid with maximum attention.
We still remember, we who dwell In this far land, beneath the trees The starlight on the Western seas...
In the Realm of Ulmo
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: February 15, 2005 02:26
Beadumód went to the stables, the night had fallen and he was called to scout. As he geared his stallion, Beadumód saw the he was hasty and shifted about ready to be out on the open fields. A younger knight stood beside him with Beadumód’s helm and spear in hand as Beadumód checked the saddle.

Rielwyn had come from the Hall, the celebrations nothing but a reason for the Nobles of Rohan to lose themselves in ale. Marching to the stables Rielwyn knew that soon Beadumód would be taking his leave to scout. Upon entering Rielwyn saw that the stable hands tented to a pair of worn horses, one turned lame by some act. With a shake of her head and a sigh of disgust Rielwyn marched on.
“Beadumód.” She said coming to him, briefly she looked of the young solider before taking her brother’s spear to hold it in waiting. Beadumód gave a last check of the saddle before he mounted and when he did so he looked to his sister, there was something there in her eyes that spoke clearly to him.
“Look at me not like that Rielwyn,” but his sister made no change to her eyes and she leant upon his spear.
“You must speak with her.” Reilwyn said as the younger knight gave Beadumód his helm, Rielwyn watched her brother as he put his helm in place. “You cannot leave things as are.” Beadumód’s shoulders sighed as he looked down to Rielwyn, her brow furrowed, inward Beadumód curse Faemne for having such talks with his sister. As his eyes softened Rielwyn know he would do what she asked of him and when she saw him almost give to a sigh she handed to him his spear.
“Speak with her I shall, but not til my duty is done.” With a smile Rielwyn stepped away and watched as Beadumód made from the stables. Fastfoot went with all haste stirring the sleeping horses as he passed them by in sprinkling of earth. Rielwyn’s smile increased and she turned away from where Beadumód had left her to see to her own mare. Rielwyn found that Browndomain had a new neighbour; it was the lame horse that she had seen being tented too. The creature had been poorly cared for and Rielwyn inspected the horse with a tilt of her head and a sigh.

Beadumód went threw the streets toward the gate with all speed, his hasty stallion did not slow till they reached the bluff before Edoras. The night was still and a crisp wind blew, even as Fastfoot stood he shifted, bitting the piece in his mouth and ready to move on. As he looked about in the deepening night Beadumód stroked his steed’s side before moving on.

Beadumód soon made his way back toward Edoras, as it was a quiet night. The streets were almost silent till he came closer toward the inns. There was a rustling and a he heard laughter among other things but none the less he knew it to be banter of some kind. Most likely one that involved a few throws of the fists. He moved his stallion toward the sound of the commotion when another, younger guard appeared.
“You’d best not worry about this banter my Lord,” he said with a laugh and an overly confident look to himself, “Worry for your turn on the plains.”
“My duty for the plains is over for this night.” Beadumód said ready to go where the laughter and strikes were sounding more frequently,
“Worry not Lord, go to rest and I shall deal with this.” Beadumód kept his proud posture and nodded his head knowing that the younger would only return in a different colour of shading. Beadumód moved Fastfoot away back up toward the stables when he heard the banter increase and the definite sounds of a beating. Beadumód was glad then that his duty called him to a far better place, one that was made of sleep.

(not the best but it'll do! )

[Edited on 16/2/2005 by Eveligh]
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: March 09, 2005 10:03
Nunig whined the entire time the couple made their way through the back streets. Eyes turned to look at them and noses sniffed as the couple passed people by, but then people would quickly turn away as they saw the state the man and woman were in.

“Oh will you stop already?” Namian said, stopping suddenly to look at his wife. In so doing she bumped into his muscular back and fell backwards. Tears breaking out fresh and running down her already muddy face.

“Owie!” she wailed as the thorns in her backside pressed into her flesh even deeper.

“You poor dears.” a voice said.

Turning back around Namian and Nunig saw an elderly woman looking at them piteously. “Here take this.” with that she stuffed a fistful of coins into Namian’s hand and then wandered away. Speechless the man looked after her, but the midday crowd had swallowed her small frame immediately.

“I guess you get a hot bath after all my dear.” Namian said smiling down on the fallen form of Nunig.

“Ooooooooooo” the woman squealed and in one motion got up from the ground and flung herself at her husband.

“Ouf…” the man grunted as their bodies met, then winced in pain as she drove the thorns into his chest deeper. “You’re going to be the death of me.” he breathed out as he pushed her off him.

The couple headed to the nearest inn, everyone seemed to be already drunk or at least well on their way to being drunk, so no one really took notice of the two when they entered the room. Going to the bar Namian inquired for a room for him and Nunig. A man appeared behind the counter and grimaced as their pungent odor wafted to his nose. Quickly he took their money and practically threw the key to the room at them. While Namian was dealing with the room, Nunig took the time to look around them. Her eyes instantly attracted to a man who was obviously sweet talking the buxom maid behind the bar.

Nunig bit her lip, oh gods was he good looking. Tucking a lock of mud and manure encrusted hair behind her ear, she was about to put on her most seductive ‘come-hither” look when she saw her muddy hand and was reminded of the horrible state she was in. Her lower lip stuck out in a huge pout and she was about to whine to Namian to make sure the room had its own private bath when she saw a man come up to the one she had been ogling. An exact copy! Her eyes bugged out as she looked at two devastatingly handsome men. Just then Namian grabbed her by the arm and led her away.

It took them the rest of the afternoon and several baths to get cleaned up and as many of the thorns removed as possible. Cleaned and dressed in fresh clothes the two made their way out into the evening. Walking down the winding streets, they soon came upon an inn, the sign above the door read, The Mearas' Foal.

“Come on Namian, let’s go in, I’m sure there are several pockets we can pick in there.” Nunig said as she pointed to the door.

But her husband wasn’t listening to her as his eyes were glued to a man and a woman who were fighting off to the side. The woman appeared to be of noble lines while the man seemed to be a ruffian. Namian watched as the man grabbed her by the wrists and held on tightly as the woman struggled. Hm… Namian thought to himself, he wondered if she would reward him or punch him, if he were to interfere in this fight. All too soon though another man appeared behind the woman and knocked her unconscious. Then the first man swung her limp body over his shoulder and the two men made off into the dark night.

“Come on.” Namian hissed, he pulled Nunig behind him and followed the men down the street. Namian knew a kidnapping when he saw one, so either he could try and rescue the damsel and collect the reward money or… he could steal her away from the two men and ransom her himself. Being named a hero brought about to much recognition for a thief so it would have to be the latter.

Nunig looked to where her husband was leading them off to, a smile broke out across her face as in the dim light she could just make out the faces of the men she had been eyeing up earlier. “Why are we following them?” she asked none to quietly.

“Will you be quiet?” Namian hissed and hid behind a building as one of the men looked over his shoulder.

“Namian I…” Nunig started to say but was suddenly cut off as she fell backwards through the rotting boards of the wall they were standing against and fell into a horse trough. Standing up Nunig was dripping wet, she opened her mouth to cry when Namian slapped his hand over it.

“Shhhhhh we are going to lose them.” he hissed. “Come on.”

Insane Insomniac
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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: May 09, 2005 02:12
Raen was happily engrossed in sorting his way through the barrels and casks of wine, like a dog searching for a bone, trying to salvage any wine he could find. Just then he came across a barrel that still had some wine in the bottom. He grinned and his eyes lit up in delight. The wine would fill many glasses; all he needed was one to drink it from. He caught sight of a dusty tankard lying on the ground with a dent in the side. He eagerly picked it up, only to find a mouse scurrying out, squeaking in terror as its secret hiding place was discovered. Taking hardly any notice to the mouse, Raen prised the barrel open and dipped his tankard in, mouse infested or not, it didn’t matter.

Taking a large swig he closed his eyes in satisfaction, knowing there was plenty more of this fine wine to go. However, within seconds his eyes shot open and he spat the wine across the room, dropping the tankard on the floor with a bang. "It's turned into damn vinegar!" He swore, extremely upset that his plans of relaxing with a barrel of wine to himself were destroyed.

Levi brought a hand up and wiped off Raen’s spit from his face, glaring at his brother in disgust. "Serves you right," he answered distastefully, "Maybe now it means you won't be drunk for the entire time we are here!"

Raen opened his mouth to protest, but Levi was already on his feet, he had heard enough of his twin's wailings and had no desire to hear anymore. Making his way towards the steps he began to climb them and reached to open the door, pulling it open by only a tiny slit so that he could see outside, but no one would notice the door was open.

Feeling very disgruntled and annoyed that his brother was ignoring him, Raen shouted up to Levi, "Where are you going?" He frowned when Levi obviously paid him about as much attention as the spider spinning a web on the windowsill. Glancing around he picked up the now empty tankard and flung it towards Levi. "Answer me! You are not going anywhere and thinking I am staying here to look after your captive!"

Levi spun around at the last moment and caught the hurtling tankard, his reflexes sharp and fast. He looked down at it for a few moments before tossing it aside and glowering at Raen. “I will do whatever pleases me!” He snapped. “If you really must know,” he continued, his irritable mood returning, “I am doing something useful, by getting word to the palace that Lady Ryda has been kidnapped!”

Raen did not look impressed, “Oh and what do you plan to do? Send someone along to just announce this?” He laughed, “The court are not fools, well… they are, but they won’t believe word of mouth like that without any ransom note or writ, or whatever you like to call it.”

Levi rolled his eyes and pulled out a parchment from his boot, “What do you think this is Raen? A love poem?” He gave him a warning look, that clearly stated he wasn’t looking for a smart reply to that before finishing, “Who is the kidnapper here? You or me? I think I know what I’m doing without your help.”

He turned away from Raen and watched the door again for quite sometime before he made a move. The street was quiet and deserted, citizens rarely seemed to travel down it and Levi was looking for the perfect person to whom he could get to deliver his ransom. After what seemed like an age, a young boy in torn rags walking around barefoot had turned down the corner.

Quick as a flash Levi opened the door and slipped into the shadow of the streets. He followed the boy onto the next street before reaching out and grabbing the boy by the shoulder, pinning him against the wall. The boy struggled initially but it soon became apparent that he did not have the strength to get rid of his attacker who had him painfully shoved against the wall.

Once Levi was sure the boy had calmed down he released him and took out three pieces of gold from his pocket. “I have an very important letter I want delivered to Meduseld at once,” he jingled the coins around in his hand to attract the boy’s attention to them. “If you deliver this for me, not only will I pay you with these coins but I will double it upon your return.” He paused to think of anything he needed to say and glanced down at the parchment, the blood red wax seal placed perfectly in the centre of the folded document. It contained all the information that the court officials would need to know, how much the ransom was and
how long they had; he didn’t want to have to say more than was necessary to the boy for the less he knew the better. He had purposely intercepted the boy away from where they were hiding on a different street so he wouldn’t have known where Levi had come from.

“This seal is to be broken by none other along the way understand? I shall meet you at the stables where I will pay you extra and you can report back to me. Do not answer any questions they ask you and leave immediately. If you do not do as I have told you, it is not the jail I would be worrying about, where the court will throw you, but I who will slit your throat. I can track you down no matter where you hide in this city,” he smiled nastily, satisfied that the young boy was terrified enough to do just as he was told. Levi could feel the fear dripping off him.

With that he released the boy, handed him the three gold coins and watched him scamper off. Once he was out of sight, Levi returned to their cellar only to find that Raen had after all, come across some wine that was still fit for drinking. He sighed heavily before going to check on his captive, however she had not yet regained consciousness. Picking up his cloak from the ground, he threw it over his shoulders and prepared to leave again. He turned to Raen and began to speak quickly to avoid the interrogation he was about to receive from his slightly tipsy twin, “I am going out to wait for a report back on the ransom. I am leaving you in charge of Lady Ryda, so you can save your drink for later and concentrate on what you are doing. He fumbled for his pipe weed, knowing Raen would have smoked all his already. Finding it he tossed it to him, “Here smoke this instead and stay here out of trouble!”

He turned around and shook his head as he left again, feeling like he was scolding a child and setting down a few rules while he went away. Raen came into his mind and he realised, he was indeed scolding a child; just a dangerous one who had a pastime of killing people for money. He pulled his cloak tighter around his tall frame and walked through the city towards the stables.

He stood outside them, regretting giving his pipe weed away as he waited. However he did have too long to wait for he heard the patter of footsteps and glanced up to see the boy running speedily towards him. When the boy reached him, Levi held his hand out expectantly and smiled in satisfaction as the boy placed a piece of paper in his hand. Opening the paper he found the Royal seal imprinted on the paper, a proof that they had received the ransom. He smiled in satisfaction and crushed the paper in his hand before stuffing it into his pocket. He took a wary glance around him for any guards who may have followed the boy before reaching into his pocket and pulling out six more gold coins. He shoved them roughly into the boy’s hand before whispering, “Now get out of here and don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”

In truth the boy knew nothing of the content of his ransom anyway, but he did not want any guards from the palace coming down and taking him for questioning as they often did. For if the boy described Levi’s appearance, it would become apparent to the city that Levi (or Raen depending on who they remembered better) had returned to the city. He wanted to lie low for as long as possible.
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of Denethor

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Post RE: Rush for the Rohir
on: June 14, 2005 04:11
The last thing Faemne remembered was being atop one half of that strange man who 'split' himself and ready to pummel him into the ground where he landed. And then someone had done something completely wrong and dishonorable. Someone she guessed the other half had snuck upon her and given her a blow to the head.

"Uhhh..." Fae groaned, yes she remembered that _very_ well. Her head pounded and felt like whatever might be inside was trying to burst out her forehead. She groaned again and started to open her eyes.

Wherever she was had a dank and fetid smell to it. Rotten things perfumed the air and such coming to her since she had been knocked unconscious outside in the clear night air as soon as it registered in her mind she was no longer outside the girl leaped to her feet.

Immediately her stomach churned and it felt the blood dropped out of her head. "Ohhh.... Bema...." she said softly grasping onto the first thing that came to her hand to steady herself upon. She blinked and shook her head trying to bring her senses back but it was slow coming. Being hit upon the head was never what she would consider fun.

Raen was happily indulging himself with the wine he had found, any instructions from Levi long gone out of his head. However none the less he did not forget about the pipe weed he had been given and so taking out his pipe, the dark room was soon filled with smoke; as if the air wasn’t thick and stifling as it was.

Just then he heard some noises in the small room where Levi had left lady Ryda. His eyes lit up in excitement as he realised she must have regained consciousness by now. He was growing steadily bored sitting by himself and so standing up (although somewhat unsteadily) he made his way over and opened the door of the dark windowless room.

He caught sight of Ryda, looking slightly dazed, though that was expected after the knock Levi had given her. With a grin he pushed the door open further and greeted her, "Welcome back, Lady Ryda! How are feeling now?" He smiled mischievously at her and blew a smoke ring in her direction.

Faemne frowned her eyebrows pushing together and creating a furrow between them. Had she not felt she would fall over still she would have jumped straight at him. As it was she did straighten herself, standing tall as she could and hiding any ill effects the earlier blow might have had on her, "Had you not received help you would be the one waking up with a head ache not me." as she spoke her eyes soaked up the light coming in from the other room and flicked about also to see where the other half was. For the time being her mind did not even catch that he had called her a name not her own.

Raen laughed, “Help? I did not receive any help! As I said before, I split myself in two,” he paused to take another swig from his empty tankard. Frowning, he threw it over his shoulder in annoyance and turned back to continuing speaking. He liked to keep up the ingenious plan he had come up with, although it was long past from being clever at this stage.

Taking another step forward he grinned and added, “Come now, I hope we don’t have any hard feelings,” he hesitated once again as he tried to remember what he was saying. Giving up he decided he had come up with something even better to say, “Would you like a drink?” He looked at her eagerly and continued, “Did you know that wine comes in many different flavours? Come with me and I’ll show you.”

Faemne's frowned deepened if that seemed at all possible. This behavior struck her as bizarre. The girl looked around herself, "No. I think I have had more than enough of your company. I will be leaving now."

She stood away from the wall and tugged her tunic straight. Then she walked straight towards the man quite obviously ready to continue the earlier altercation if that was necessary.

Raen was quite put out that she obviously did not have as great an interest in wine as he did, however intoxicated (though only slightly) as he was, he was not stupid enough to let her go. Blocking the door he shook his head. "I don't think you'll be going anywhere right now," he answered.

"Step aside." Fae said in as authoritative a voice as a young girl could muster and perhaps surprisingly she did a good job of it. Having as many brothers as she had both younger and older was good for developing a sort of voice that people took note of and listened to.

"I will not be kept here by you. This place stinks of decay. And you stink of drink. And _I_ will be leaving whether you step aside or I have to go through you." that said she raised her fists and gave no further warning throwing a fist straight for his face.

Raen was slightly taken aback at the tone of her voice and for a moment he did not respond. He put out his pipe and dropped it on the ground, thinking that perhaps he would have to push her back inside and leave her there until Levi came back.

However instead he got quite a surprise as he felt her fist colliding into his face. Caught off guard and not in the best state for fighting, Raen quickly grabbed the door frame to steady himself so as not to fall over from the blow. Narrowing his eyes he glared at her, "That was hardly ladylike behaviour and most certainly uncalled for!"

He shook his head in attempt to sober up slightly and pushed her back roughly. "As I already said, _m'lady_, you are not leaving this room. So I suggest you make yourself comfortable, you won't get past me."

That was beginning to irk her, being called lady. Especially since shoving and pushing had always been a thing to kindle her ire. It was the sort of thing a witless bully did, pushing people. The proper way to fight was to punch not shove, it was disrespectful if anything was.

"I am no lady you churlish oaf." she said as she recovered from stumbling backwards. "Out of my way!" Faemne yelled at him, practically shouted.

It as of yet did not occur to her _why_ she might be here or anything of the sort. The only thing that came to her mind at all was that she wanted to leave. There was no way she would have chosen to come to a place like this and certainly not with the company.

"You will regret sorely trying to stand in my way." she assured him, seemingly completely unaware that the man she spoke to was a good deal taller and any 'normal' person might have found him to be intimidating.

Highly unimpressed at being called a 'churlish oaf', he winced slightly as she yelled at him, his hearing seemingly magnified. He shook his head in disbelief that this maiden was creating such trouble. Why wasn't she crying or cowering in a corner in fear as mos of them did?

It wasn't that he didn't like a challenge or a lady who was a little fiery, but he was supposed to be on a relaxing break, while Levi did all the hard work, yet here his was taking _Levi's_ punches!

Raen was not one for losing his temper very often, in fact sometimes it was hard to believe he had one, yet he was certainly growing irritated at this point at the thought of Levi sauntering around the city. He looked down at their captive, using his tall frame as an intimidation, "It is you who will regret messing with me," he replied slowly, a sharp glint in his eyes.

Though even at this point Faemne's resolve did not flounder she took a slight pause. She had under estimated this man before and she did not want to do so again. The girl took a step back and glanced around.

Faemne took notice of a chair broken and on its side. She lifted the chair, easily wresting one of the rotted legs from the rest and while she kept that to use as a weapon the rest of the chair she lobbed with a grunt at the man who stood between herself and the way out.

Raen jumped aside to avoid the chair and leaned against the wall to recover his balance. He quickly blocked the doorway again however as he was not about to let her run past him.

Catching sight of the chair leg in her hand, he instinctively pulled out one of his daggers from his belt and held it loosely in his hand. He had no intentions of injuring her, not only was she a female, but he knew the code of keeping someone a hostage well enough and to injure them seriously, either man or woman, was a serious offence if you were waiting for a ransom.

Turning the dagger in his hand it flashed in the light. Watching her closely, he waited for her next move. She didn't know whether he would really use his dagger or not.

Faemne's brown eyes darkened as she took sight of the dagger, like a small cat when string is dangled before them, her pupils gone wide. She was not taken aback really as she had been the first to take up a weapon. Her only wish was that she had something... a blanket or other piece of material to use to try and toss and capture the blade.

"You had best know real well how to use that." she said shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Her heart was pounding but as much as it might have been from any trepidation it was also excitement. A _real_ fight with a real man who had no reason (far as she knew) to hold back at all.

That warning given the girl thought that further speech would be completely useless. She came at the man between herself and freedom wielding the chair leg as she might otherwise a nice short broad sword.

"I like to think I do," he responded with a quick grin. He remained unmoved as she charged towards him, keeping a relaxed and offhand air about him. He took a stance as if poised to defend himself, dagger at the ready.

Just as she was almost on top of him, he swiftly leaped to the side, barely moving in time and stuck his leg out in front her.

Fae did a short hop none too graceful for its abruptness but effective, to avoid tripping over his leg as it was thrust before her. Turning her wrist she then took a thwack at the limb and she turned. She was not untrained and was if not terribly bright or witty intently focused.

At that point even if exit was near or clear it did not even matter. She would not back down until she had either won or was brought down herself. She paused not, immediately moving to engage him again.

Raen was impressed at her sharp reflexes and concentration, not that he would admit it. He wondered where she had learnt to fight, as it was rare to find even a female rogue who knew how to fight with a fair amount of skill. He could see just from watching her that she certainly knew how to fight properly and would not be easily deceived.

As she came towards him again, he decided it was time to make a move. Driving his dagger down low and aiming for her stomach, he waited for her to defend the thrust while quickly bringing his other fist up towards her jaw.

Of course the sharp object being thrust towards her caught her attention quickly and she easily moved to block and counter the blatant move when she saw the fist coming at her. Her eyes went just a little wide and then closed as she took the blow to her jaw.

She let out a muffled cry and fell back. She scrambled to keep her feet but in the process lost the chair leg from her grip. Faemne raised her wrist to the side of her mouth wiping the corner of her mouth of the blood and bit of saliva that was there.

She was displeased with herself for having dropped her weapon but she kept her fighting stance, even though her jaw throbbed and no matter what would likely swell. She had been injured before and this was not the worse she had suffered by a long shot. So Faemne stood still at the ready.

Raen quickly kicked her weapon far out of her reach to ensure she couldn't pick it up again and gave a toothy grin, sure that he dealt with her. Much to his surprise however, he found her standing, ready to fight him still. He raised his eyebrows and closed in slightly, his dagger aimed at her abdomen. He planned to inconspicuously back her against a wall and corner her, so he lunged forward slightly to force her to back up.

Meanwhile, Levi stepped out of a nearby inn, for once in good spirits. He was pleased at the way events were taking place and had decided that he could afford to celebrate a little. However, unlike his brother who felt the need to celebrate everything, he would wait until things were finished until he truly relaxed and so he did not stay in the inn long.

Walking down the torch-lit street, he smiled at two passing maidens and gave a wink before continuing on, their giggles following him around the corner. He was not far from where he had left Raen with left Lady Ryda and although he had not been gone long, he would not trust his brother for _too_ long with his captive. When at loss for something to do, his brother was a master of destruction and grew restless very easily; therefore Levi would not leave him with his captive alone for longer than necessary especially since they were located in a wine cellar.

As he came down the dark street where he had left them, he hesitated briefly to scan down the street for their door. There were few torches in this part of the city for light and so it was difficult to see.

It did not take him long however, although before he opened the door he could already hear a commotion below. Rolling his eyes, he went through and slammed the door firmly shut behind him, finding a dusty plank of wood to put across to secure it safely from anyone breaking in.

His eyes adjusted to the gloom and as he went down the stairs, the scene that greeted him threatened to throw him back into a black mood. “Raen what is going on?!” He growled.

Faemne did pause then and was distracted. She scowled up at the newcomer, "Going to cheat again?" she said to the two of them.

"I will not be so easily tricked this time." and her eyes flicked from one to the other. Her hands clenched and unclenched aching for a sword or spear... that would help to even the odds she was certain.

Levi felt a wave of heated anger pass through him and he glared at his brother. Tossing his cloak aside he came over to them, "Can I not leave you alone even for a short while without you causing a problem?!" He spat at Raen. He glanced between them both and surveyed the fight before turning to address his captive.

"As for you Lady Ryda, I suggest you cease your vain attempts to escape unless you want to revisit wherever you went after the last time you received a blow to the head. For I have no problems in sending you there."

Raen ignored his brother, his eyes shooting daggers at Levi's back when he turned to speak to his captive. He did not like his brother scolding him as if he was some child. It wasn't _his_ fault that his captive had decided she wanted to fight.

Now it caught her attention, her stance did not relax if anything it stiffened, "Why do you call me Lady Ryda? It is one of your tricks..." she nodded to herself that seemed to make sense to her. They called her this name to perplex her.

"I demand to know why I am here. What interest could you have in doing anything but leaving me where you had first snuck up on me like a cowardly dog and struck me from behind?" Faemne asked taking a good step back from them and though her attention was never taken completely from them she let herself survey her surroundings, trying to get the lay of the place.

Levi frowned before sighing deeply. Was she mad? He certainly wasn't informed of this by Asgar, however it mattered not. As long as he received his ransom he cared not if she thought she was a tree.

"Why that is your name m'lady," he answered, "Have you forgotten? I didn't hit you _that_ hard..." He kept a sharp eye on her as she backed away and advanced slowly, as usual he was going to have to finish things off, while Raen stood, staring into space and offering no further help.

He felt his temper rising slightly at her insult however he pretended not to notice it and instead asked, "Why do you think you are here Lady Ryda?" He stressed her name and gave a cold smile.

"Call me that again and I will bite you." she hissed vehemently, her lips pulling back from her teeth a little in preparation for just that.

"How am I to know why you would want me here. If you seek information about the riders or anything of the sort I will not breathe a word to you. I will do nothing that would betray those I will one day fight beside." she frowned up at him and took a warning swing at him, hooking her fist fiercely at the air to show him how close he could stand to her and be yet safe.

Levi laughed, "Ah so the mighty King of Rohan is recruiting women now? Is he running out of men?" He glanced at Raen, "You must be killing too many of them brother."

They both laughed at this and Levi raised an eyebrow at her flying fist, she was certainly too stubborn to admit defeat. Catching Raen's eye, he moved slightly to the right, while his brother came from the left.

"I have no desire to learn what your animal loving men are running around after," he continued, "War between any race doesn't bother me, nor does it include me... unless of course there's treason involved."

He took another step forward and watched her fists, "I really begin to wonder at the citizens of Rohan," he wrinkled his nose, "Clearly you are so devoted to your animals it is causing you to act like them," he finished, referring to her bared teeth.

"If men behave as the two of you I would prefer the company of animals to that." Faemne stated coldly managing to give the impression of looking down at the one speaking even though she was quite short in comparison.

"Tell me why I am here." she said again and it could be seen her confidence was fading a little but only because she was growing more confused. It made no sense to her to be here and the name they were calling her was not her own.

"Because you are my captive," Levi answered simply, "And I am hiding you here for now, while I demand my ransom."

They both moved in much closer now, and he continued to speak, "So now that we have established that you aren't leaving us yet, why don't we stop wasting time and energy and sit down... or shall I have to lock you in that room again? The choice is yours Lady Ryda."

"My name is Faemne daughter of Beorht, not this Lady Ryda." she said frustration coloring her cheeks. "And I will be worth no ransom my father has nine children and to lose one especially just a girl would be more help to him than hindrance."

Besides that she did not think her father would give into such bullying or she hoped he would not. Better she die by some brigand's dagger than to be used in such a despicable manner. "You are both stupid to hold me at all."

Levi frowned, although he did not look troubled. This was not the first time he had come across a captive that pretended to be someone else in hopes that he would free them thinking he had made a mistake. "I am not the fool you think I am," he replied before shrugging, "Well if I don't receive my ransom, your father shall receive your head."

"You may as well start cutting now." Faemne said with great certainty. "But I warn you if I know my end is coming all the more fiercely I will fight you."

Why would anyone want _her_ for ransom. Although since her mind worked in things other than handling a horse or a sword a bit more slowly than most she did not even think it was because they had made some mistake and grabbed the wrong girl. "My father will never pay any ransom, it would be dishonorable to associate even that much with the likes of you as to pay such."

"I for one won't complain then," Raen commented, "For not only does your father receive your head, but once he has done so, I get to kill him." His eyes glittered at the thought of something to do.

Levi grinned, "Well we shall see, nothing can be done yet. Does your father really have so little love for you?" He questioned, "We really are quite a likable pair you know, you'd be surprised by just how many nobles have been 'dishonourable' by associating with us to rescue the ones they love."

"Honor is more important than love." And that was what Faemne believed unwaveringly, "I know that my father has love for me as he does all his children but that would not stop him from giving me up to maintain himself."

"I have nothing to fear in death. I will go to the halls of my forefathers and be greeted well. I doubt you can say the same." Faemne shook her head disbelieving entirely that either of this pair was at all likable.

"Oh I can really see the strong love you have there," Levi replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "He would easily sacrifice his own blood and kin, for the worth of his name, and only so much that he can die in honour by my brother's hand."

He sighed in disbelief, the ridiculous morals that the upper class lived by and believed were nothing short of absurd. In the real world of rogues and beggars, you would hardly find someone who even knew what the word honour meant.

"I think I can agree with you there," he answered, "However why would I want to be greeted by those who left me for dead at birth?"

Faemne shrugged she hardly cared to answer that. What did it matter to her? Except something else caught her attention, "Why would you kill my father?" that seemed excessive. "If he gives you not money you would kill him, but why? Is he aware this 'ransom' is not only for my life but his own?"

That did concern her that anything should befall her father or any of her family, even her step mother because of something she had gotten herself into. "I do not understand why you would do that."

Raen decided to answer this, being the assassin of the two, "It really isn't that difficult to understand. Although I have learnt that you nobles are quite ignorant as to how the world really works. You certainly wouldn't last a day on the streets. Why else do you all hire the skills of our kind to do your dirty work?" Levi glared at him and he realised he was getting off the point,

"Anyway," he changed his tone, "That threat always goes with the ransom, as usually most of your fellow nobles value their own life too much, even if they do not value the one of whoever is our captive, therefore they are usually more than happy to pay the ransom. If not..." he drifted off, "Well then they learn from their mistake and by then the family will either offer us money or they themselves are left to wolves."

"You have wolves?" Faemne asked not seeing any evidence of such in this broken down cellar they were holed up in.

As long as they were not here that seemed little concern to her at the moment, "My father is a soldier and fine for the Mark but he is no noble." she must have looked perplexed by now. She was wracking her brain to try and figure out why _she_ would be targeted for something like this. The more she thought of it however only the more frustrated did she become until she could no longer contain herself and she lashed out with her leg kicking at the last one who had spoken. "You think you can levy such threats against my father to get me to be a good little prisoner. You will be sorely," and she meant that literally, "mistaken."

Raen cursed and took a step back, glaring at her. If she wasn't a captive or a female he would have lunged for her throat. However seeing as she was neither, he directed his energy towards his curses instead.

Levi rolled his eyes at his brother's behaviour and switfly moved in and grabbed her hair from behind, pulling her head back at a painful angle. "Do you want me to repeat our earlier encounter or are you going settle down?" He hissed, "You are lucky that it is only your father I am making threats against."

Faemne's hand came up and grasped at her captor's but it just held there placed over his as he held to her hair. It was not the threat to herself that made her take a breath and force herself calm but rather the idea that threats could be made and more importantly carried out... She had a lot of family to be threatened.

"I will settle... for now." she said though it was a great struggle with herself to get her hand to let go and for her posture to relax at all.

"How long will this take?" she grumbled discontentedly.

Satisfied that she wasn't about to lash out, Levi released her and motioned for her to sit down. Raen had already decided he had had enough for now and had gone to get himself more wine and retrieve his pipe.

"It will take as long as necessary," he replied vaguely, having no desire to talk about his plans at length.

"And what until then?" Fae asked as she did take up a seat. IT was not as if she was a girl who cared much about dirt but there was a difference between honest dirt and plain filth.

"Must we stay here? I have a room at an inn. This place smells like one large rat's nest." she said as she folded her arms under her chest. Besides that she was not much of a thinker and as such needed things to do physically or she would soon grow stir crazy.

"Until then.... we wait," he answered with a smile. "So make yourself comfortable, join Raen for a drink if you wish or sleep. I'm sure you can amuse yourself." He sat down and leant against the wall.

"No we are not moving from here, I have to keep you hidden and this place is perfect." He glanced around him with a shrug, "I'm sure there are a few rats around but they'll be a source of company for you, so I wouldn't insult them. Besides," he grinned wickedly, "should I forget to provide food, you could always catch a few of them."

Faemne frowned... scowled more likely not liking this being a captive thing at all. The thought of joining one of them for a drink of what was likely more vinegar from the smell that wine was not one she wished to entertain and she was far from tired in a sense that required sleep.

And so she simply sat their stewing silently, looking up quite frequently to the exit from the room they were in. She wondered if there was any chance she could out run the two of them and find a way to warn her father. However they both had longer legs than she and while she was a strong sprinter long distances of any sort were not her strong suit.

Levi watched her for a few moments with amusement before glancing about the room himself. He had no desire to drink the wine Raen was quite happily hoarding and so, for at loss of nothing better to do, he began to take out some of his daggers. He had a very large collection, not only on his belt but hidden too, no two were the same, each hailing from somewhere different that he had collected from his many travels. He also fished out a special stone and began to sharpen each one to pass the time.

That attracted her attention, Fae leaned a little to catch a better glance at the daggers. She watched for a good long time observing as the man carefully ground away any burrs on the blades. they were well cared for weapons and that was something she could appreciate if nothing else.

After a while she could not keep herself from asking, "That one..." she made a vague motion with one hand towards the one she meant, "I have not seen the like of that before. Where have you got that from?" her tone was not what one would call pleasant but it was most certainly interested.

Levi glanced up at her in surprise when she spoke to him. His gaze flitted to the dagger she was speaking of and he picked it up. The hilt was unusually made of stone, crafted by a fine hand, the back of it lined with steel which came up and connected the blade. The blade too was an unusual shape and had a primitive etching along the side.

"That is a dagger made by the Drúedain, or you might know them as the Woses."

Faemne nodded, "Is it balanced? Made from such as it is It makes me wonder. Or is it a simple weapon?" she leaned yet closer her eyes picking up a little more of the detail of the weapon.

"No.... care was taken in its construction, is it suited for throwing?" she asked and then she had immediately another question, "How can you maintain your accuracy carrying such a variety? Or do you place them always in the same place and know surely which one your hand grabs for and how best to hold and use it? It seems unnecessary... would not it be simpler and therefore more reliable to have weapons of relative same heft and shape?" Reliability in a battle situation was a thing that concerned the girl's mind greatly.

His lips curled into a smile as he was bombarded by questions, trying to keep track of them all. It was clear that she had a great interest and experience too, in weapons. Flipping it over in his hands he began to reply,

"The Drúedain favour poisoned arrows mostly although they are also very skilled in stonework. They use daggers like these when hunting, usually after their arrows in close proximity to finish off the kill. It is surprisingly well balanced, the stone is surprisingly light, what stone it is I know not."

He was about to hand it to her so she could examine it herself, however he hesitated, remembering she was his captive and he was not about to provide her with a weapon.

"As for my variety, I do indeed keep them all in individual places so I know instinctively what one I want without having to search for it. The reason for this is because I have a certain few daggers which I need to know exactly where I keep them, as they hold secrets of their own and are needed in certain circumstances." He shifted his position slightly, "I prefer to have a variety, I fight a variety of people and different ones are suited to different people." He nodded to Raen, "He is the same and between us we have quite a large collection."

Faemne listened carefully as she needed to do when taking in any new information, "Secrets?" she asked and her interest was not at all feigned. Her eyes searched the weapons and she wondered aloud, "Do you mean by that they carry magic of some sort or that their characteristics and best uses are not easily determined?"

He nodded, "Yes exactly," pausing he lifted his shirt and pulled out another he had not taken out. It was wrapped in cloth and he held it very carefully. "And some have other secrets," he continued, unwrapping the dagger, with extreme care.

He left it lying on the cloth in his palms so she could see it. The blade was black and look as if it had been burnt. "This one for example looks as if it has been scorched. However it is not fire that has turned this blade black. It is tainted with a deadly poison that will kill someone on instant contact."

Fae wrinkled her nose a little, "Poison is I expect a good tool for someone who is an assassin such as yourself and as much as I would respect that weapon in your hands I prefer more forward weapons. When I strike a foe I wish them to know it is me who has done that and I want it to be my wound that fells them not the effects of some potion or other."

However that said she could not deny that she found this very interesting, "Do you have any others like that?" she asked and as innocent as any interest in weapons can possibly be she also took note of where their secret places upon the man seemed to be. Of course little good would that do it she mixed them up.

It made her uncomfortable that the two looked so completely alike. Yes even she could tell their personalities were different but she was not much for subtly and she could not until much time was spent with them (a thing she did not wish to do) she would not be able to tell with certainly which was which.

He nodded, what she was saying was very true and he usually felt much the same, "Indeed I would agree with you, this one I do not use for any normal fight. A lot of my weapons have specific purposes."

He wrapped it up again and put it back around his waist. "Yes I do, although my brother has another of greater interest which he will not part with for any amount of gold." He glanced over to Raen who was listening to their conversation with mild interest.

Faemne looked to the other her brown eyes wide now with curiosity, "Could I see?" she asked him with the enthusiasm one might expect most girls to give the prospect of seeing some fine jewel.

For now it was not in her mind any resentment either... or whichever of them she had struck, might have towards her. She had no choice at the time and she had to admit they were opponents that deserved respect or at the least wariness.

Raen listened to their conversation silently, smoking his pipe. He had given up on the wine for now as it was quite acidic and made him feel slightly ill. As the conversation was directed towards him, he did not respond for several moments but stared back at them. Finally with a deep sigh he clamped his pipe in between his teeth and pulled out a well hidden dagger from behind his back. The hilt was black and marked with ugly inscriptions. The blade too had an ancient tongue scrawled along the edge. It did not look extremely unusual apart from the inscriptions however, one could almost feel the evil from it.

"It is from the East," he stated through his clenched teeth which held his pipe, knowing she would most likely want to know its origin.

Faemne looked at the weapon her brow furrowing greatly as though she could not put her finger upon why the dagger made her uncomfortable. "Is it a poisoned blade as well?" after the briefest of pauses as she moved back away from Raen holding it a little she added, "It feels poisonous."

She recrossed her arms over her chest protectively. As she sat back in the chair one of the back legs slipped into a crack between stones on the floor and started falling backwards. The girl was quickly up as soon as her body detected the loss of balance and she turned to from at the chair.

She cleared her throat and reset the chair before sitting again in it, "It is a very interesting dagger but not one I think I would wish to take in my own hand."

Raen's eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched her quickly rise from her chair again. Taking his pipe out of his mouth he set it down at his side so he could speak properly.

"It contains a poison I have never come across before, though where the poison actually comes from you cannot tell as the blade is clean. The inscription," he ran a finger very lightly across the words and recoiled it quickly once again as if burnt, "Is very early Black Speech. The dagger is cursed, almost grasping it could be enough to kill someone however when I received it, I learnt to master it." He paused to look down at it, "It is not a dagger many people would want despite its power, although the curse attracts the weak to pick it up I believe. When used, the reaction from your victim is enough to prove it is evil." With that, he gave a grim smile and hid the dagger from view once more.

Faemne watched carefully as the man handled the blade and was herself quite glad when it was put away. What an odd pair these two were she thought. So many interesting things they held in their possession and they seemed professional... as one could consider ruffians to be yet they had taken _her_? It kept popping up in the girl's mind as not making sense.

"What do you speak of this 'reaction'?" if not for her simple curiosity it was a good idea to know the capabilities of the weapons that might at some point be used against you.

"When stabbed with such a blade, the victim's flesh around the wound burns as if on fire. You can see the intense agony on their faces, more than you would ever see from mere battle wounds. Not only that but," he paused and wrinkled his noise, "a black liquid pours from their mouth and some have even screamed what is inscribed on the very blade."

He gave a lopsided smile and finished, "Not exactly the type of dagger you want to come against in a fight."

Fae shook her head in agreement with that, "If you do kill me can I ask you not use that blade to do it?" it was not what she would consider a good death to be leaking some ichor and speaking foul words.

Changing the subject as that particular subject did bother the girl (not her death but the dagger) she asked then, "Have you names to tell you apart? Or am I to always tell you apart by which one I have recently given some wound?"

Raen laughed, "I will grant you that much yes; if it comes to such events I will even let you pick the dagger."

Levi interrupted him then, "I am Levi, your captor and he is Raen. To tell us apart is fairly easy, he is nearly always drunk and is a pyromaniac, whereas I am not."

Raen glared at him, "Indeed, whereas he is the supercilious, bad tempered and arrogant one."

Fae just looked at them blankly a good deal of the words they had just used far beyond her understanding. Then with a shrug she picked up what she could understand and pointed to Levi looking closely at him, her stepmother had triplets two of which were identical perhaps she could find a way to tell them apart easily, "Levi, bad tempered..." she turned her finger to point at the other, "Raen, drunk." she nodded pleased enough, "If I cannot see you I should at the least be able to smell one of you and know which is which."

They both laughed at this. Raen rolled his eyes and responded, "Aye, well I won't deny it at any rate, unless I was working too that is. Although you have yet to try a concoction of mine m'lady..."

At this Levi groaned loudly. "Keep well away from anything of the kind!" He warned.

Raen threw his empty tankard at him and Levi ducked, the tankard making a loud clang as it hit the wall. "So you see... we are quite a likable pair after all," he finished.

Actually they did remind her of a couple of her brothers... many of them fought upon occasion but a couple of them taunted each other mercilessly. However Faemne lifted her chin, "I reserve judgement on that for the time being." Truth be known it confused her entirely that people of evil intent, which obviously they were, could be at all likable.

To her mind good was good and bad was bad there was no middle ground at least not the she could bring herself to understand. And that translated to her to everything. You could not be of good personality and 'likable' if you were bad it just did not wash in her mind. And beside any of that how could one _like_ someone who held them captive in such a manner?

"Understandable," Levi replied, "Although you might make the time pass quicker if you do get along with us. I can be a nice captor, but I can also be very nasty. Though I have to admit you are certainly one of the most intriguing captives I've had for a long time. It is very rare to find a maiden who has such an interest and experience in weapons and fighting."

"My father is a soldier and all of us," and she listed out her brothers' names... all of them, "intend to follow in his path. I am no exception to that. My reason for coming here is to become a knight. I am capable as any man in knowledge and I am strong." she said her chest puffing and her back straightening as she spoke of herself.

"I will be a warrior and earn my place as a worthy daughter."

"You certainly have _a lot_ of family. I didn't think I had any until I most unfortunately ran into my brother in Minas Tirith," Levi replied, amazed at the size of her family.

"Well..." he continued slowly, unsure of what to say, "I know that Rohan is noted for its shield maidens, but, have you spoken to the King about this desire? I am not so sure you will get very far with this pursuit of yours..."

Now _that_ was a sore point, "No I have not spoken to the king _yet_." She frowned fiercely her ire at being held bubbling to the surface again along with her remaining irritation over her earlier talk with Beadumod. She let loose a good solid curse to release a little of it and then continued, "And I am unlikely to be able to as long as I am here. I do not care what it takes I _will_ be a rider and carry my spear and sword in service of the king. There is not a thing short of death that will dissuade me from my path."

Levi could feel her aggravation rising once again and so he decided not to say anymore on the matter, "Well we certainly wish you the best of luck with that then," he finished.

"If you don't have any success there, we could always introduce you to someone who would greatly value your skills," Raen cut in, "To find a noble in our line of business is extremely rare, a female one is virtually unheard of. There would be plenty of opportunities for you."

Levi glared at him with a look that told him to keep quiet. Taking up his pipe again, Raen stuck his tongue out at his brother before filling it up once more.

"You really think I am a noble?" the girl asked. Fae looked down at herself in her fine and yet very un-noble breeches and boots and tunic. "What sort of nobles do they have where you are from that would cause you to think such of me?"

The sticking out of a tongue one from the other actually elicited a roll of her eyes. If that was not a girlish thing for a man to do she did not know what might be. She did not even acknowledge Raen's comment about their line of business and she joining in such activities. To her mind there would be no turning her down and even if she was (which she would not be) she would not turn to such an application of her skills as this.

"A person can dress as they like but that still does not change who they are," Levi answered, "I know enough about you to know that you are a noble."

She arched a dark blonde eyebrow and shrugged, "You know then more about me than I do."

(hehe p.s. Levi and Raen the 'likable' duo played by Wren as ever. Gotta love live RP )

[Edited on 6/14/2005 by Tasar_Took_Nualda]
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