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Posts: 53
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Post Sindarin DH and TH
on: March 29, 2005 02:32
Ok, so I do understand the differences in sound presented by the DH and TH. In my simple experamintations in Neo-Sindarin word formation, I came across a rather interesting problem. I may have done something horrably wrong, but I am unsure. In the word created a DH and TH appear next to each other as such DHTH. This presents me with a rather complicated problem of pronounciation....as the two sound very similar. Thusly my question is as such...can a Dh and Th be in such a position? If not is it possable in word formation just to eliminate one or the other. Thanks!
Enethdan Edhellen
Posts: 50
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Post RE: Sindarin DH and TH
on: March 29, 2005 05:03
I don't think it's possible for the dh and th combinations to be next to eachother in a word. Can you tell us the word you were trying to create and how you made it? That might help to determine which to use...

Elvish Scribe
Posts: 380
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Post RE: Sindarin DH and TH
on: March 30, 2005 03:27
In compound words, final -dh disappeared before fricatives. There is an attested example with the sounds you asked about: galadh + thilion > Galathilion.
Elvellon ar Pethdan
Posts: 296
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Post RE: Sindarin DH and TH
on: March 30, 2005 04:39
Interesting that it is the voiced sound which is replaced by the unvoiced.
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