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Post Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: March 30, 2005 04:13
Alright,here is the backround.Allysian ( you can find her listed in the Characters File) has left the house of the only family she has ever known.The one she calls "Father" is an Elven ranger who has raised her from infancy.She is now setting off to find out where she belongs.It is a long journey south,so there is alot of story making to be done.She has followed a road that took her to Bree.The tale starts at The Prancing Pony.

Allysian slipped nearly unnoticed into the warmth of the inn.Finding a relatively quiet corner table she sat,head bowed,a furrow creasing her brow as she examined the few bits if coin that her Father had given her for the journey.She wondered how much it would take for a meal here.She had been traveling for days and the food she had taken with her was getting low.At least her friend Foundling was getting a well deserved rest in the inns stable.She would never have attempted this journey without the patient stallion.
She lifted her head to catch the eye of one of the serving girls and plucked a withered leaf out of her dark brown hair,the carefull plaiting beginning to loosen as stray wisps framed her thin face.She brushed self-conciously at the dust on her dress and gave it up as an impossible task.Nothing short of a washtub would make her presentable now.
She began to look around at the others in the crowded inn.The sheer number of humans was frightening,but she determined not to let fear chase her back into the forest,after all,she reminded herself,these were her people.

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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: March 30, 2005 06:14
Ooc - Hope you don't mind if I join! My charrie's in the database.

Ic - It was just one of many old stomping grounds that kept Háthien returning year-after-year. The food was good, the ale even better, and Barliman was a soft-hearted, jolly soul. The Prancing Pony was a respectable inn, always had been and probably always would be. At least, if the Noldo had anything to say about it.

The cozy feel of the inn's common room was only added to by the succulent aroma of just-baked muffins and the mouth-watering smell of the hearty stew that had become the Pony's most well-known dish. A blazing fire was in the large hearth, and it created enough warmth to smother the cold that had been creeping into the nights as of late. Laughter mingled with the lulling chatter of various voices, only a few actually recognizable to the sensitive ears of the snugly-cloaked she-Elf.

"'Evening, stranger," Háthien called from her own table, just a few feet away. She smiled pleasantly as she asked, "Care for some company?"

The aquatic blue eyes that seemed to flame with the intensity of sun-kissed sapphires matched the young face and blazing auburn hair of the Noldorin maid. She did not have the majestic stature of her people, but she was slim and lanky and carried herself with as much poise to match. Her clothes, of elven make, were clearly travel worn, having tatters here and there that Háthien had not even attempted to mend.

Despite her youthful appearance, Háthien was well over a millenia old, and she had an amazing empathic ability that could, if she let it, pierce the minds and emotions of others. Was she right in worrying over the young human? Of course, she was. A quick glance could tell one many things, and she had been studying her since the chanced moment she slipped in the door.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 05, 2005 12:07
((Space for another? Tamil's in the database.))

Tamil glanced round as he heard someone shout, but they weren't talking to him. He looked from the woman that had shouted to the one she was shouting to, wondering what was happening. The mortal girl who sat alone looked lonely, and as if she had beenout on the road. He was tempted to also go and talk to her, and wondered if she'd feel threatened at the approach of a strange man. Considering it, he fiddled with the carving on his staff, it spelt his name - Tamil son of Elethern - and served him well. He decided to comprimise, moving casually over to be nearer the fire, where his hound dozed quietly. If she wanted to talk to him, then he'd be glad, but she didn't have to.
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 05, 2005 01:04
An imposing figure was walking down the streets of Bree. He was clad in black and had a broadsword strapped to his back. He wore a dark, long jacket made out of leather and he strode through the dark town. Finally, seeing the inn he opened the door and walked in. He seated himself in a corner and let his hood down. He had a ruggedly handsome face with a five o'clock shadow and long dark brown hair that went down a few inches below his ear. Several more people entered the bar but only a few caught his gaze. One was an Elven girl who seemed quite out of place and hungry. Another, whom the Elven girl sat with also caught his gaze. It seemed he was not the only one who had been watching people. Another male had moved closer to them. Samen went up to the bar and wispered in the barmaids ear. He went back to his corner and sat back down as if nothing had happened.

When the barmaid came over with several plates of food and three tankards of ale the trio was stunned.
:Thank you," the first Elven women said. "But we can't possibly pay for all of this."
"Oh you don't have to," she said. "He payed for it." Indicating Samen there in the corner. He lifted his own tankard and they waved him over...
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 07, 2005 10:23
Tamil looked up in surprise as the barmaid came over with food for him as well as for the two women.
"Thank you," said one of them, "But we can't possibly pay for all this."
Tamil nodded agreement. The smell made his mouth water, but he had very little money and could never afford more than a frugal meal.
"Oh, you don't have to," said the barmaid. "He paid for it." She indicated a man in the corner, who lifted his tankard to them. One of the women waved him over and he strode calmly across the room.
"To whom to we owe this?" asked Tamil, standing up from where he was still crouched by the fire.
"Oh, my name's Samen."
"Tamil." And the two men shook hands.

((If that bothers you, Legolas2, tell me and I'll edit!))
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 07, 2005 01:09
((Hope you don't mind if I join. Oh and sorry for the rather short post. Just figured I'd jump in and uh..'gather some moss' or something.))

"Torlith! I swear, the next time I catch you munching on leftovers you'll be on your hind-end again wandering this forsaken land!" The bartender was obviously angered, which most could tell right away. Torlith came slouching out, tossing his apron aside and taking a seat. With a sigh he tossed a coin to one of the barmaids and recieved a frosty mug. It was time to drown his cares.

His youthful, but worn, appearance stared back at him grimly from the last dregs of his mug. Torlith looked around, seeing an interesting group. One was evidently an elf, but he could be mistaken. He had seen many faces throughout Bree. His life of battle and bloodshed was over. Too much of it. After awhile, it wears a man down.

Torlith rose from his seat, dragging his chair over to the table with the new faces. Seating himself next to him he set down his mug and greeted them all with a somewhat warm smile, as much as he could muster. "Hows it going? Talking to some strangers seems about satisfying right about now."
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 09, 2005 04:01
Allysian nearly jumped out of her chair when someone sat beside her.Turning,she was relieved to see that it was an elf maid seated at the table.She returned the girls smile,blushing with embarassment.
"Sulaid.",she said politely.Using the familiar word made Allysian feel more at ease.
"Allysian i eneth nin.My name is Allysian."She spoke the language of men carefully,pronouncing each sound with distinction.
Just then a serving girl brought plates of food to them both.Surely there was some mistake.She looked on helplessly,unable to grasp what should be done.She knew that she would be expected to pay for anything she ate here,but would it be considered rude to refuse the food? She turned to Hathien.
"This food is ours?" she asked.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 09, 2005 04:54
Samen sat down with the rest. The Elven girl seemed a bit nervous about taking some.
"Don't worry," said Samen smiling, something rare for him. "I didn't have it poisoned or anything."
"I don't have any money though," she said. "And I..." Samen cut her off.
"It's on me," he said. The people seemed a bit suprised at his generosity and to be honest so was Samen. Looking at his past no one would've suspected this of him. A year ago he was pillagin villages, sluaghtering innocent women and children and beating peopel into lifeless lumps. He had been a vicious murderer and a member of a gang of Easterlings and Haradrim Too many things had happened in the past months. He had fallen in love but then had to watch the women he loved die because of what he did. He had had an ephiany after that and decided to try and atone for his crimes. He had been working as a vigilante for several weeks but was taking a small rest.
"So," said the Elven girl. "Why did you buy all this food for us?"
"You looked hungry," said Samen. "I wanted to help."
"Do this often?" she asked playfully.
"Not exactly like this," he said. "I help people and you looked like you could use some."

[Edited on 4/10/2005 by Legolas2]
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 10, 2005 03:01
(OOC: May I join?)

The streets of Bree were dark and smelled of discarded waste. Candles flickered in windows but not lamp light the street. The only noise was the muffled laughter coming from the town's inn that told of drunken men and the creeking of inn's wooden sign.

A dejected maiden made her way down the street towards the inn. Her long tattered woolen skirt dragged in the mud which was also slopping around inside her low cut slippers. Her once white overtunic was no stained with a meriad of different shades of brown and green from grass.

The maiden's name was Sídheth. She had traveled down to Bree from the North from whence she had been banished by her father. She had been studying to be a healer and studying herb-carft at her village's physician. Her mother had been ill to the point of being unable to even feed herself she had cried constantly and wished for death. One night when Sídheth had come home, her mother grabbed her arm and drew her close.

Sídheth closed her eyes, remembering that night.


"Sídheth, love," her mother whispered. "Mommy needs something from you."

Tears collected in Sídheth's eyes, "What is it mother?"

"I need you to make me a fatal potion. You have seen how I have been unable to rise lately. my soul longs for death, Sídheth. Please help me," her mother begged.

Sídheth had known that was what her mother was going to ask. She had been asking the same thing for days and Sídheth had seriously considered her plea. With tears pouring down her cheks, Sídheth nodded and began to prepare the poison. When it was finished she helped her mother to drink it. Her mother thanked her as she sat back to weep. Not another word was said between them.

*end flashback*

She now made her way to the Prancing Pny Inn, to get a room for the night. She had been traveling in the wild for weeks and her food had run out days ago. Weak with hunger, she was barely able to open the inn's door. She let the warmth of the fire wash over her as she leaned back against the wall next to the door.

[Edited on 4/11/05 by LarienLindorenan]
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 11, 2005 07:02
Tamil looked up from quiet conversation with the two newcomers as he heard the door open and close. His eyes searched the shadows and he saw a girl standing there, leaning on the wall. Her eyes were closed and Tamil could tell at a glance that she was cold and desperately weak with hunger. He sprang up and went over to her, taking her arm as she almost fell. She looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled.
"It's all right. Come and get warm." He led her over to the place where he had been sitting and made her sit down, near the fire so she could warm herself.

[Edited on 12/4/2005 by Galenfea]
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 11, 2005 09:14
Sídheth jumped in surprise when she felt someone touch her arm. Her foot slipped on the muddy wooden floor but the man caught her arm. She shook with fear rather than cold and looked up at him with wide eyes. She didn't know what he wanted and weeks in the wild had made her skiddish and untrusting. All that mattered to her was survival.

All he did however was smile and say, "It's all right. Come and get warm."

She let him lead her over to sit close to the fire. She was grateful for the warmth but she began to breath hard when she realized she was so close to a group oof people. Her palms sweated as she swept her eyes over them, assessing them. Besides the man that had led her to the fire there were two other mortals and one woman who she could tell was of Noldorin descent. She looked back at the man trying to finbd her voice but she didn't smile.

Her voice was small and shaky, "Th...thank you."

[Edited on 4/11/05 by LarienLindorenan]
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 12, 2005 10:41
"Th... thank you." she whispered, stammering a little as she continued to shiver. Tamil knew now that she shuddered with fear as much as cold. Her breathing was fast and ragged, and her eyes were still wide with fear. And she didn't smile.
"That's all right. Hush. There's no need to be frightened. What has happened to you?"
Here eyes grew wider and tears shimmered at the corners. Tamil bit his lip.
"Do not tell me if the tale is too painful to recall, but what is your name? Will you tell me that?"
He gave her a little of the bread that was on the table, hoping that the gesture would encourage her to trust him, and that the food would give her the strength to speak to him.
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 12, 2005 12:44
Sídheth took the bread and looked up at the man. He would not be so kind if he knew what she had done. It was a mystery why he was being kind anyway. All others that she had met on the road had shooved her aside like she was nothing more than garbage. To tell the truth, she didn't blame them for that was how she felt.

Not waisting another moment on thought, she gobbled down the bread hungrily. Some of it stuck in her dry throat but she managed to swallow hard without complaining. She turned back to the man, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness," she said softly and hoarsely. She looked down at her hands, "Aye, sir, it is painful to recall but I can tell you my name. It's Sídheth. I'm from a Dunedain village in the North. Forgive for my rudeness, I am wary of strangers after having travelled a long way. May I ask your name, sir?"
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 15, 2005 01:56
"Forgive for my rudeness, I am wary of strangers after having travelled a long way. May I ask your name, sir?"
"I'm Tamil. I'm a healer from Gondor, so I may have come further than you, but with less hardship." He softened his words with a smile, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "You weren't rude at all."
She looked at him again, but still didn't meet his eyes. He sighed a little. He could understand her distrustfulness, but he didn't like to see anyone so sad and afraid.
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: April 17, 2005 04:00
Allysian watched the girl who was led to a seat close by.Taking in the girls torn and travel stained robe and the fear that filled her eyes she thought with a bit of a shock that this was how she herself must appear to strangers.She glanced around the room.Many other eyes were watching the spectacle of a hungry,frightened girl.
Allysian felt compassion overcoming her own reticence.Slowly she stood and walked over to the table where the man was talking in the low voice that would be used with a frightened horse.Quietly,she slid the remains of her bowl of stew over in front of the stranger and gave her a reassuring smile.
"Here,you are hungry."
She spoke softly and with care lest she make a jumble of the human speach.
Suddenly,she felt the stares of others and warmth rushed to her face.She sat down rather quickly in one of the chairs that ringed the table,trying to make herself as small as she could.
Aren't we a [i]pair[/i[i]]? She thought ruefully.

[Edited on 17/4/2005 by Allysian]
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: May 05, 2005 05:12
Tamil looked up in surprise when someone else joined their table. It was a mortal girl, but for a moment he thought she was of elven blood. She was dressed in their style and her hair was braided like one of them. She slid what remained of her own bowl of stew over to Sidheth, and smiled.
"Here, you are hungry."
Then she sat down quickly, blushing a little as she felt the stares of the table's occupants. Tamil smiled a little, half to himself and half to her. It had been a kind deed. He glanced again at her braided hair and smiled again.
"Do many mortals spend their youth among the firstborn?" he murmured to himself, remembering his own training as a healer. His father had been an elf-friend, and he had trained among the Sindar, learning their tongue and their ways even as he learned this new art.
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: May 19, 2005 03:52
Allysian realised that the young man seated at the table had spoken but she didn't know if the words had been for her ears.She settled for giving him a questioning look and found herself blushing again.
She quickly turned to the girl Sidheth.
"My name is Allysian."
Those words were the easiest.They had been the first human words she had learned although she still thought the words in her childhood tongue,Allysian i eneth nin.
She didn't realise that she she had spoken the Elvish words aloud but both the man and the girl had turned and were staring at her.She hastily excused herself and began to push away from the table.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: May 19, 2005 10:24
Sidheth felt a bit of a excitement brew in her when she heard Allysian introduce herself in elvish. She realized a moment after that the girl had been embarassed or something because she quickly rose to leave the table. Sidheth held out her hand.

"Daro, iesten! Hannon le. Mae govannen, Allysian. Sidheth i eneth nin. Im Dunedain," she said, hoping the girl would stay. After all she had been so kind and given her her soup.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: May 25, 2005 04:41
"Dunadain?",she made the word a question."Man le carel si?"
She knew her words sounded rude and yet she was overcome with curiosity.If the girl was from the region of Gondor perhaps she might tell of the best way to Rohan.Allysian did hope that Sidheth would not take offense at the abruptness of her questions.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: June 15, 2005 01:46
[/i]Allysian[i] reached back to brush a stray lock of hair out of her face.It was a nervous habit but her hair did tend to slip out of it's bindings and go straying.
Not unlike me,she thought.And now,for perhaps the last time,I am setting out to go where only the wind knows.
She looked around her a bit wistfully wondering which of these people had a place that was their own.And then at the two seated at the table with her.Here were people like her,people who,for one reason or another,had left the place they had known as home.If only we could find where we belong as friends together,somehow.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: June 30, 2005 02:29
"Yes " Sidheth replied in Elvish. "I'm from a village in the North. I have no specific business here, I'm a wanderer, but I hoped to at least get warm and have something to eat. Hannon le, for the soup. ," Sidheth's eyes filled. "I don't have supplies or money to buy them. I'm all alone."

She switched again to Common Tongue, her voice quaking with unsaid grief and unspilled tears, "Where are y...you from?"
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: August 09, 2005 03:34
"There",Allysian gestured to the dark line of forest in the distance."That is where I am from.However,I go to Rohan in search of my history.Do you know the way?"
She smiled at the girl hoping that she would agree to travel as her guide through the unfamiliar territory that lay ahead.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: August 18, 2005 09:58
Tamil's head turned so fast that he cricked his neck. Rubbing it, he stared at the strange girl as if he'd never seen her before.
"Man? You are heading to Rohan?" he asked. She was looking at him a little oddly, as if wondering why it interested him. "Well, my village was on the border with Gondor. If Sidheth does not wish to go south, I would be happy to guide you."
He didn't really expect her to take the offer. He wouldn't have done, in her place, but thought that the truth was the best way of explaining. Then he turned to Sidheth, who looked on the point of tears, and said softly, "Avo 'osto, hiril nin. You shall not always be alone."
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: August 27, 2005 04:01
Allysian was unsure of what to do.It seemed her questions had brought distress to the girl Sidheth. Looking to undo some of the pain she had apparently caused, she placed her hand on the girl's shoulder in a quiet gesture of suppot and friendship.
Someone spoke behind her and,turning around,she saw the youth who had been seated at table with Sidheth,the boy who had watched her in silence broken only by a few murmered words.
"you are heading to Rohan?",he asked,and offered to accompany her on her journey.
Allysian looked at him as if for the first time.She saw a young man dressed much as she was,herself,in the traveling cloak of the elven people,and yet she new that he was no more of the eldar race then she.
Suddenly realising that she had been staring,she felt her face flush.Lowering her gaze she managed a reply.
" If you know the way,then please,I would be be honored by your presence,Friend of The People."
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: August 29, 2005 04:38
" Hannon le, hir nin, but I am no lady, at least not any more. I wish to travel as far away from here as possible. I have never been to Gondor or Rohan, but I have studied maps in my home," Sidheth replied in elvish, easily and without even realizing it she switched to common. "I would travel to Rohan with you and lend what help I may, though it may not be much."

Sidheth suddenly realized her slip and blushed as the tears began to fall from her eyes again. She had begun to learn Sindarin at the same time as common...her mother had taught her the language. She often would slip between the languages when she was upset, confused or thinking. It had been a habit that had gotten her teased and funny looks from the villagers she lived with but her mother had loved it.

"Goheno nin," she sobbed. "Naneth nin taught me edhellen. She is dead... and I beg... goheno nin, Eru! I am sorry!"

She looked at Allysian through her tears. The girl looked sad and upset. She thought she had been the cause of Sidheth's anguish.

"Hiril nin, you are not the cause of my sorrow. Aniron mellon lin. I wish to have friends again but I am tainted."

[Edited on 8/30/05 by LarienLindorenan]
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: September 17, 2005 03:36
Allysian was taken back by the outpouring of grief.She realised that Sidheth had been hurt.Someone had wounded her through thoughtless words or actions of malice.She felt drawn to this girl who was adrift in the world as she was,herself.
"Gil sila erin lu e-govaded vin,mellon nin.",she spoke softly,as if her words were addressed to a wild creature of the forest.
"We have need of each other,I think.Will you come with me?"
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: September 19, 2005 11:58
((Do you mind if I join? Ashka's in the DB.))

Outside it was raining. Ashka slid off her horse and handed him to one of the stableboys to take care of. As she entered the Prancing Pony, she shook her long auburn hair out of its hood and gave the inn a sweeping glance. She was searching for a familiar face.

Disappointed, Ashka leant over the counter and ordered a warm drink. It was a cold night, and even the elvish part of her wouldn't keep the chill out. As she sipped, her eyes swept the inn once more, this time more carefully, displaying a casual interest to her surroundings. She noticed a small group a few feet away from her, their faces were grave and their appearances weary. Ashka watched them for a while, guardingly, deciding whether to mingle or not.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: September 22, 2005 12:07
Upset himself by Sidheth's sadness, Tamil reached out and took both of her hands in his.
"Sidheth, hiril nin, sedho... sedho..." As Allysian had done, he spoke as if calming a frightened creature, for she seemed little more as she gazed at him with wild eyes filled with fear and sadness. "Sidheth," he continued, still speaking Sindarin as it seemed easier for her, "You are not tainted so badly that none would be prepared to help you. There are few that deserve such censure, and I do not think you among them. Be at peace. Even if you will not tell us what your grief is, we will not turn you away."
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone looking at them with a small amount of interest. 'We must make a funny-looking group,' he thought, 'some in elvish garb, some not, some speaking their tongue, some not.' He knew that his fari hair covered his ears and partly concealed his face from the stranger, and for a moment wondered what she thought they were. Perhaps she'd come over. It might be interesting to find out.
For the meantime, though, he kept his gentle hold on Sidheth's chill hands, rubbing a little warmth back into them and humming softly, partly to her, partly to himself.
--- All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: September 22, 2005 09:30
After a few minutes, Ashka's dinner arrived on a steaming tray. Her stomach yearned for it, and she did not impede its need. Leaning over, Ashka dug into her meal, still watching to group through sidelong glances.

Two of them were comforting the other, and it was not the common tongue that they were speaking. For a second, Ashka felt saddened, for though she was half elvish, she had not learned the language. She had grown up on the west coast of Gondor, raised by an old hermit wizard.

A sudden commotion drew her attention away for a second. A fight had broken out in the opposite end of the parlour. There was a huge scuffle as mugs, glasses and fists started flying wildly around. Ashka watched with interest for a moment before ducking to avoid a stray glass. It flew over her head and smashed against the wall.

The fight had moved closer to her. Not wanting to get involved, Ashka moved her tray to a table further away. When she sat down, she found she was seated next to the group that had earlier caught her interest. Deciding it would be rude not to, Ashka introduced herself.
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: October 15, 2005 05:44
Allysian was startled by the violence that had broken out at the far side of the room.All of her fears came rushing back.When someone sat down at a table quite close by she cried out.She felt foolish when she realised the stranger was not a drunken man but a girl who,it seemed,had not been there long.Her clothes still smelled of the cold night and were slightly dampened with dew.She spoke introducing herself.Her voice was pleasant enough,although she spoke in the harsh,strange speach that Allysian had spent her last year trying to master.With gravity,to mask her still wildly beating heart, Allysian offered her hand and her own introduction.Carefully she repeater the phrase that had been her first lesson in the common tongue.
"My name is Allysian."

[Edited on 16/10/2005 by Allysian]
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Post RE: Starting Life Anew-Open to all
on: October 20, 2005 02:10
Sidheth felt herself calm at the elf's touch. Her mouth fell open in suprise for a moment but she quickly shut it. She gazed into the elf's eyes trying to analyze him.

If only he knew what she'd done without her having to tell him. Some sorrow would be lifted from her chest. No one in the world knew or understood her. Yet maybe that was how it was supposed to be. You show half yourself to the world and hide the deeper part from them.

She withdrew her hands from his. How she loved to be touched and talked to in such a friendly and gentle manor. Yet she couldn't accept it. She had to shut herself from it to keep from feeling pain. Yet the greatest ain was that barrier.

She jumped when she heard a mug crash to the ground. She looked a moment up at the new woman who had introduced herself as Ashka, then back into the elf's eyes. Shly but not taking her eyes from his, she said:

"Please, I am not a lady, not now. I am a simple woman or yet, not that even."
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