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Grandpa Moderator
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Post QOTW, Jan 24/06; 2.IV. The History of Galadriel and Celeborn
on: January 24, 2006 09:34
let's get this forum moving again

Galadriel was the greatest of all the Noldor, except Fëanor maybe, though she was wiser than he, and her wisdom increased with the long years

For Fëanor beheld the hair of Galadriel with wonder and delight. he begged three times for a tress, but Galadriel would not give him even one hair.

In him she perceived a darkness that she hated and feared , though she did not perceive that the shadow of the same evil had fallen upon the minds of all the Noldor , and upon her own

Tall, Blonde, Wise, Strong, absolutely Beautiful, great Judge of People; thank goodness that she had one character flaw in that she couldn't see into her own heart, at least not for around 7000 years.
Something I like to speculate on; Galadriel, of of the Best of the Noldor, improved with age and became even better.
Would Fëanor, the Worst of the Noldor, have gotten better or worse with time, if he has survived a bit longer? Would the darkness in his soul have consumed him no matter how long he lived?
Perhaps their differences could be simply summarized by saying that he was an artist, and she was a leader.

[Edited on 24/1/2006 by PotbellyHairyfoot]
Lady of Ithilien
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Post RE: QOTW, Jan 24/06; 2.IV. The History of Galadriel and Celeborn
on: January 24, 2006 01:35
Galadriel's hair seems to be rather important to Tolkien! There seems to be an interesting link between her refusal of Fëanor's request and later willingly granting Gimli three hairs - is that a reflection of how she's changed too? Or is it symbolic of something - her blessing?

As to how Fëanor might have changed... that's an interesting thought to ponder on. I tend to think that rather than becoming either worse or better he might have simply fizzled out eventually and become something like Gollum - a shadow of his former self. I think I prefer that he did none of those things - he's such a vivid character.
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Post RE: QOTW, Jan 24/06; 2.IV. The History of Galadriel and Celeborn
on: January 25, 2006 12:41
I find it interesting that Galadriel as a female should be so important, that so much of the Professor's writings shows a remarkable gender power balance. Interesting, when you consider he spent most of his lifetime in a country where a woman only becomes monarch when there is no male to bestow the crown on.

In an earlier chapter it was mentioned how a king of Numenor changed the succession laws from male primogeniture to simple primogeniture in favour of his daughter, now here is Galadriel, fairest and wisest of the Elder race, among the first to perceive Feanor's overweening pride and reject him for it. She's not perfect, but she comes quite close.

As for Feanor getting better or worse with time, I'd like to paraphrase a favourite maxim of mine...elves are like wine, age improves the good ones, it only sours the bad. IMO, I don't think Feanor would've gotten any better over time. Time didn't change Sauron, it didn't help Saruman. Once a being is convinced of his own superiority to the degree he feels he should dominate others (whether of his own kind or lesser), this kind of pride will not recede with time, only increase.
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Post RE: QOTW, Jan 24/06; 2.IV. The History of Galadriel and Celeborn
on: January 28, 2006 05:15
When are we supposed to have the History of Galadriel and Celeborn read?
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